The Russ College’s 100,000-square-foot Academic & Research Center (ARC) and historic Stocker Center are the heart of our academic life. Pull up a chair in the ARC, designed to support the way modern students work, study and live. Completed in 2010 in partnership with the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, the ARC is an open-design building offering learning studios, project team rooms, and research labs that encourage collaboration and community.
About the Russ College
About the Russ College
At the Russ College of Engineering and Technology our students, faculty and staff work together applying our talents and knowledge to improve the human condition and make a sustainable mark on the world.
The Classroom and Beyond
The Russ College leads world-class studies in avionics engineering as well as in three strategic research areas: air and ground transportation infrastructure, energy and the environment, and bioengineering. And we make sure our students learn beyond the classroom by offering meaningful research opportunities in our ongoing projects.
Research Facilities
Research in air and ground transportation infrastructure, energy and the environment, and biomedical engineering take place in labs across campus and town. Each facility, from the Francis J. Fuller Aviation Training Center, to the 30-foot mobile Civil Infrastructure Lab, to the towering Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology with its inclinable flow loop, is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to help us – and you – make an impact that lasts forever.
Cultivating Excellence
The faculty, staff, and students of Russ College strive to cultivate excellence in themselves and others.
Robe Leadership InstituteLeadership is the hallmark of a Russ College graduate. In the T. Richard and Eleanora K. Robe Leadership Institute, students learn how they can guide the future of engineering and technology -- and of society as a whole.
Faculty ProminenceOur faculty members are forever creating by innovating practical applications of their extensive research and educating the next generation of engineers and technologists. Our world-class researchers are leading our classrooms, cultivating a culture of student collaboration and academic excellence.
Engineering AmbassadorsThe Engineering Ambassadors program offers students an opportunity to develop networking skills and to serve the college. Selected by their programs and other Ambassadors, these students represent our programs to future students, alumni, and industry partners.
A Lasting Impact
Russ College is the namesake of Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ, who were committed to supporting the profession of engineering because of their belief in its ability to improve the human condition. The Russes left a legacy that benefits our students and our college in countless ways.
Russ Endowment
After he graduated from Ohio University with a bachelor’s in electrical engineering in 1942, Fritz Russ, and his wife, Dolores, founded one of the nation's leading electronic and automation corporations, Systems Research Laboratories. Making their first gift to OHIO in 1963 with $25, the Russes left a transformational $124 million estate gift in 2008 to the Russ College. With unparalleled resources to educate future generations of engineers and technologists, the Russ College holds the largest endowment of any college at Ohio University.
Russ Prize
Awarded biennially by the National Academy of Engineering (opens in a new window) and Ohio University, the Russ Prize recognizes a bioengineering achievement in widespread use that improves the human condition. Established in 1999, the $500,000 Russ Prize encourages collaboration between the engineering, medical and biological disciplines and professions. For example, in 2013, three visionary researchers were honored for developing laser ablative photodecomposition, the technology behind LASIK and PRK surgeries. These researchers have helped millions of people to see more clearly and lead a better quality of life.
Russ Vision Scholarships
Made possible with the transformational $124 million Russ estate gift of 2008, Russ Vision Scholarships were created to encourage students to join in our commitment to make a lasting impact. They’re awarded to students who will benefit from these unique resources and who will contribute to the Russ College environment and community by sharing their talents and skills. Recipients could be high-achieving students or those in multicultural or underrepresented populations, as well as students who have shown leadership potential in school, community, personal, or athletic activities.