Employer Resources
Russ College students are more than just good at math and science. They are future engineers and technologists studying with experts in their fields, acquiring leadership and communication skills within a liberal arts university that exposes them to different disciplines, ways of thinking, and cultures. Our students arrive at the workplace ready to contribute and primed to become leaders.
Contact Brenda Sinclair to find the right match for your business. We handle internships, co-ops and full-time employment at the college, and collaborate with the university-wide Career Network(opens in a new window).
For more information in a particular discipline, contact department and research center leadership.
Access Handshake (formerly Bobcat CareerLink)
Career Fair Registration
You may contact Brenda Sinclair to join our invite list for future career fairs.
What do students expect?
- Degree-related and paid work experience
- Supportive supervisors who understand the co-op and internship concept
- Performance evaluation and feedback
- Please note that students are not required to accept a co-op or internship offer.
What do I get?
- Students with a minimum 2.5 engineering and overall GPA
- Students who have earned a minimum of 24 credit hours at the time of placement
- Students who have completed the required half-semester Career Orientation course
- A good-faith agreement to work the minimum number of required rotations
- A friendly staff who send résumés in a timely manner, coordinate on-campus interviews and/or information sessions, assist you with the Handshake system (formerly Bobcat CareerLink), and connect you with appropriate Ohio University resources.
When do students work?
Ohio University is on a semester system with 15-week sessions. The four-week break between fall and spring semesters, however, allows for a longer work rotation. The four-week break alone does not count as a co-op or intern work period. Because students receive academic credit for each work assignment, the work period must be at least 15 weeks. Students may work in any combination of term(s) that they coordinate with you.
How do I participate?
- Set-up a Handshake account(opens in a new window) (formerly Bobcat CareerLink), and a Career Network staff member will approve your system access
- Post co-op or full-time positions in Handshake, search for students and view their résumés, or our staff can send résumés (contact our office with candidate requirements)
- Attend career fairs. The Russ College offers an engineering and technology event each semester; the Career Network sponsors fall and spring all-university career fairs
- Visit campus and host an evening Information Session. Our staff will help you organize and publicize the event
- Speak with student organizations in the Russ College.
How much should I pay my co-ops or interns?
Co-op and intern students earn more than summer part-time help. Pay is determined by many factors—company, major, number of work rotations, academic rank—but the average hourly pay is about $18. Some employers may assist with housing, transportation, or travel expenses. You determine your co-op and internship salaries, which are typically two-thirds of what a beginning bachelor’s degree graduate would earn.
What are my responsibilities?
- Guarantee a degree-related experience
- Employ the student at least one semester
- Provide an orientation for the student on policies, procedures, and responsibilities related to the position
- Provide a supportive supervisor. Set goals and make a plan for the work experience
- Provide feedback. Complete the evaluation form provided by the Office of Professional Relationships and conduct a performance evaluation meeting with the student before the rotation ends
- Contact Brenda Sinclair if problems arise
- Assist the Office of Professional Relationships in ensuring that students are registered with the university during each work term.
List of Employers
Top 20 Employers in Alphabetical Order
(hired the most students for internships, and/or full-time employment):
- Ariel
- Chemours
- Dominion
- DuPont
- General Electric
- General Mills
- Honda
- JP Morgan & Chase
- Kokosing
- KTH Parts
- Nationwide
- NetJets
- Parker Hannifin
- RoviSys
- Solvay
- Stanley Electric
- Strand Associates
- U.S. Army
Other Notable Employers:
- 84.51
- American Electric Power
- Anheuser-Busch
- Babcock & Wilcox
- Bi-Con Engineering
- DHL Supply Chain
- Easi
- Elford
- Evoqua Water Technologies
- First Energy
- Flour-BWXT Portsmouth
- Frito-Lay (PepsiCo)
- GKN Sinter Metals
- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co
- Hyland Software
- Intelligrated
- Kenworth
- Kraton Polymers
- Lauren International
- Messer Construction
- Miba
- MPW Industrial Services
- Rogue Fitness
- Scott's Miracle-Gro
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Toledo Molding & Die
- Turner Construction
- U.S. Air Force
- U.S. Navy