Scholarships + Financial Aid
From loans to scholarships to employment opportunities, the Russ College is committed to helping you find ways to make your education affordable. We prioritize investing in students, so we offer scholarships, development funds, and research stipends, and we publicize outside funding sources all year long.
All new students are automatically considered for scholarship awards (see below). The transformational $124 million estate gift in 2008 from our namesakes, Fritz, B.S.E.E. ’42, H.O.N. ’75, and Dolores Russ, created several unique opportunities, including the Russ Vision Scholarship, which is available to select students.
Special endowment funds also were established to help students develop into meta-engineers – highly skilled but well-rounded professionals with leadership and professional attributes that equip them to go out into the world and make a difference. As a Russ College student, we invite you to apply for these Russ Vision Funds (see below), allotted for student organizations and leadership, competition teams, undergraduate research experiences, and international study.
Once you're in Athens, the Russ College Office of Professional Experiences can help you find a co-op or internship to provide supplemental income and experience while you earn academic credit, and connect you to campus work-study opportunities (opens in a new window).
Scholarship Awards
All new students are automatically considered for scholarship awards. Your application for admission is also your application for scholarships. Russ College has a substantial program of renewable scholarships awarded to incoming first-year students based on their high school GPA and ACT or SAT score.
In addition to scholarships awarded by Ohio University, Russ College makes over $1,300,000 of scholarship awards to its students each year. Scholarship amounts vary from $2000 to full tuition and beyond.
Cutler Scholarships are awarded to a very select group of extraordinarily capable and committed students.
Continuing students who wish to be considered for scholarships based upon their accomplishments as students at Ohio University should apply online each winter starting at the university Financial Aid & Scholarships website (opens in a new window). The deadline for continuing student scholarship application is February 1. This single application enables your consideration for all scholarships administered by Ohio University.
Scholarships for Incoming Students
Scholarships for Continuing Students
Russ Vision Funds
The Russ College goes beyond technical education to produce meta-engineers and -technologists who are poised for leadership and aware of their influence on the world around them. Unique to the Russ College, Russ Vision Funds are available to support students as they pursue activities beyond the classroom that will develop their meta-engineering and technology skills.
To apply for funds, complete a proposal and send the appropriate form below to Assistant Dean for Student Services at 740.593.1573 (opens in a new window).