Darin Ridgway

Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Associate Professor
Stocker Center 167A
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Dr. Ridgway joined Ohio University after five years of teaching at Florida State University. He is the faculty advisor for the student chapter of the American Institute for Chemical Engineers, and a faculty leader for Ohio University's teams competing in the Waste-Management Environmental Research Consortium Design Competition.
Research Interests: Bioreactor Design, Multiphase Mixing, Mass Transfer
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Chemical Egnineering, Florida State University, 1990 -- MS, Chemical Engineering, Louisiana Tech University, 1985 -- BS, Chemical Egnineering, Rose-Hulman, 1983
Journal Article, Academic Journal (3)
- Wang, L., Ridgway, D., Gu, T., Moo-Young, M. (2009). Kinetic Modeling of Cell Growth and Product Formation in Submerged Culture of Recombinant Aspergillus niger. Chemical Engineering Communications; 196: 481-490.
- Wang, L., Ridgway, D., Gu, T., Moo-Young, M. (2005). Bioprocess Strategies to Improve Heterologous Protein Production in Filamentous Fungi. Biotechnology Advances; 23: 115-129.
- Huang, H., Ridgway, D., Gu, T., Moo-Young, M. (2004). Enhanced Amylase Production By Bacillus subtilis Using A Dual Exponential Feeding Strategy. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering; 27: 63-69.
Conference Proceeding (7)
- Prudich, M., Ridgway, D., Sampson, K., Young, V. (2007). Curriculum and Course Assessment at Ohio University. Salt Lake City, UT: 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Chemical Engineers.
- Young, V., Ridgway, D., Prudich, M. (2006). “Tracks” for Specialization within a ChE Education”. San Francisco, CA: American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Fall Meeting.
- Ridgway, D., Young, V., Sampson, K. (2005). Applying a Writing-to-Learn Strategy in a Traditional Material Science and Engineering Course. Portland, Oregon: 2006 American Society of Engineering Education National Meeting.
- Prudich, M., Ridgway, D., Young, V. (2003). Integration of Statistics Throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum: Use of the Senior Chemical Engineering Unit Operations Laboratory as an End-of-Program Statistics Assessment Course. Nashville, TN: 2003 ASEE Annual Conference.
- Young, V., Ridgway, D., Prudich, M., Goetz, D., Stuart, B. (2001). Criterion-Based Grading for Learing and Assessment in Unit Operations Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM: 2001 ASEE Annual Conference.
- Young, V., Ridgway, D., Prudich, M., Goetz, D., Stuart, B. (2001). Criterion-Based Grading for Learning and Assessment in Unit Operations Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM: Session 3213, American Society for Engineering Education 2001 National Meeting.
- Ridgway, D., Young, V., Prudich, M. (2001). The Inclusion of Design Content in the Unit Operations Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM: 2001 ASEE Annual Conference.
Cited Research (1)
- Ridgway, D., Sampson, K. (2007). Determining the Kinetics of Parallel Reactions Through Simulated Lab Experiments. Pullman, WA: ASEE - Chemical Engineering Summer School.