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Ayden Smith

Ayden Smith
2024-2025 Engineering Ambassador in Chemical and Biomolecular
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Ayden Smith is a senior chemical engineering major that grew up in Louisville, OH which is a small town in Northeast Ohio about 15min from the Football Hall of Fame. He was drawn to Ohio University by the beauty of the campus and all the opportunities the Bobcat Community has to offer.

During his collegiate experience, Ayden Smith became very involved in multiple organizations in the Russ College of Engineering. Ayden Smith serves as the Vice President of Tau Beta Pi: Honors Engineering Fraternity, Treasurer of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), Treasurer of Theta Tau: Professional Co-Ed Engineering Fraternity, and the former President of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES).

During Ayden’s summers, he strengthened his commitment to chemical engineering by gaining hands-on experience through research and two internships. Ayden’s research at Ohio University focused on models for circulating tumor cells. He interned at ATI Specialty Rolled Products in Pittsburgh, PA as a Product/Process Engineer and at Delrin® USA, LLC as Chemical Engineer in Parkersburg, WV.

Some of Ayden’s hobbies is spending time with family and friends, bettering himself through exercise whether it be running, swimming, or lifting, and his new hobby…SCUBA Diving which he learned at Ohio University!