U.S. News & World Report ranked Ohio University the #1 Best Value Public University in Ohio (opens in a new window) and 30th in the nation. We're continuously striving to make college more affordable and accessible, while maintaining the high quality and value of an OHIO education.
Aviation Flight Degree
As an aviation flight student at the Russ College, you will begin aviation coursework during your first year of study to work toward earning a pilot certification via the department's FAA-approved Part 141 flight program. Required flight courses include the private pilot certificate through the certified flight instructor certificate, as well as business management, management information systems and meteorology.
Courses and Curriculum
The aviation flight program is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved FAR 141 program (opens in a new window) that meets the federal regulations for pilot training schools. Specifically, the flight program educates and prepares students for a variety of pilot-related positions, including professional flight instructor, commercial pilot, airline pilot, and corporate pilot positions. Flight training is completed in university-owned aircraft.
Beginning with fundamental science and mathematics courses, our undergraduate aviation programs incorporate flight training and industry-focused courses to create an enriching learning experience.
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Our Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships provides services to students and parents both in-person and remotely. You can visit our office on the ground floor of Chubb Hall or reach us at financial.aid@ohio.edu or 740.593.4141.
Equipment & Facilities
Ohio University has its own airport, as well as a fleet of 15 aircraft from manufacturers including Cessna and Piper. We also utilize multiple simulators to provide our students with immersive, hands-on experiences that enhance their retention of learning in a positive manner.
Certified Flight Instructors
Meet our talented and highly qualified flight instructors. Our instructors ensure that our students receive the highest quality of flight training available.