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Karli Nadsady

Karli Nadsady
2024-2025 Engineering Ambassador in Electrical Engineering
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Karli Nadsady is a junior in Electrical Engineering on the Computer Engineering track. She is from Hudson, Ohio. Her decision to go to Ohio University was mostly influenced by the beautiful campus and welcoming atmosphere, but her family full of Bobcats was certainly supportive.

As well as being an Engineering Ambassador, she is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Bobcat Baja. She was recently elected to a position on the executive board for 4 Paws for Ability. Last semester she studied abroad in Ireland at the beautiful University of Galway. Looking to the future of her career at Ohio University, she hopes to take part in a research project before graduation. After obtaining her Bachelor’s, she aspires to pursue some form of graduate degree. Her dream career is in video game development or software engineering.

In Karli’s free time she loves singing and reading. Back home, she works for a local independent bookstore in Hudson called The Learned Owl Book Shop. She also misses taking her puppy, Piper, for walks and would love to show her OU’s beautiful campus. Ultimately, her favorite way to wind down is by puppy snuggles.