Mechanical Engineering Research Sponsors

Developing relationships with research partners in alternative energy, manufacturing and biomedical development means we have the opportunity to see how our findings affect the world. There are many ways to get involved with and sponsor the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Ohio University’s Russ College of Engineering and Technology. 


Research partners for the Center for Advanced Materials Processing and the Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment include:

  • Edison Material Technology Center
  • National Science Foundation
  • Ohio Coal Development Office
  • United States Air Force Research Laboratory
  • United States Department of Energy
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency 
  • Become a Sponsor

    To learn more about the Russ College of Engineering and Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering or to partner with us, contact the department by emailing or calling 740.593.1553 

Our Research Units


    Center For Advanced Materials Processing

    The Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP) accounts for more than $2 million in annual expenditures. Through partnerships with industry, external research labs and funding agencies, CAMP engineers succeed in transferring products of research to industry.


    Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment

    The Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment (ISEE) has a long history of collaboration with partners in industry, academia and government. Through partnerships, ISEE students, faculty and staff develop viable solutions to address global concerns related to energy and the environment.