OHIO Experts Directory
The Ohio University Experts Directory is a searchable listing of faculty members who are knowledgeable in specific topical areas. These experts have provided their contact information and this directory serves to provide a way to learn about the broad range of expertise at Ohio University and also to connect with an expert about any particular topic of interest.
All OHIO Experts
Edmond Y. Chang
- Associate Professor of English
- Affiliate Faculty of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)
- Affiliate Faculty of the Rhetoric and Composition Program in English
J. Michael Geringer
- Tenured full professor
- O’Bleness Professor of International Strategy
- Coordinator for International Business
- Coordinator for Strategic Management
- Presidential Research Scholar
Greg Kessler
- Professor, Innovative Learning Design & Technology
- Department Chair, Educational Studies
Mark Shatz
- Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Paul Shovlin
- Assistant Professor, English
- CTLA AI Faculty Fellow
- Provost Teacher (2023-2025)
- 1804 Scholars Faculty Fellow
Tony M. Vinci
- Associate Professor of English, College of Arts and Sciences
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries