Functions FAQ

What is the Faculty Senate?

The Faculty Senate is an elected representative body that acts on behalf of all faculty on matters related to university planning, governance, and resource allocation. The Senate has primary control over curriculum and academic policies. It is an advocate for faculty views on all other University policies and practices. As a key partner in University governance, the Senate provides representatives to all relevant University committees, boards, and task forces. The Faculty Senate provides a forum for the Ohio University faculty to participate in discussion about their concerns.

What are the primary functions of the Faculty Senate?

The Faculty Senate has a number of functions. As stated in Article 3 of the Constitution of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate does the following:

  1. Initiates policies related to University-wide academic matters, recommending their approval by the President through the Provost;
  2. Acts upon all faculty grievance matters according to policies and procedures of the Faculty Handbook;
  3. Initiates policies relating to the rights and responsibilities of faculty members incident to their employment by the University, recommending their approval by the President through the Provost;
  4. Receives, acts upon, and transmits to the President through the Provost the views of the Senate with respect to proposals initiated by the President, the Provost, or other individuals or groups regarding policies relating to University-wide academic matters, changes and additions to the Faculty Handbook, and policies relating to the rights and responsibilities of faculty members incident to their employment by the University;
  5. Initiates changes and additions to the Faculty Handbook recommending their approval by the President through the Provost; and
  6. Acts as official channel of faculty opinion on all matters that have a bearing on academic excellence.
What are the standing committees of the Faculty Senate?
  1. Executive. The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate consists of the elected officers of the Faculty Senate: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. The Executive Committee also includes two appointed at-large senators.
  2. Educational Policy and Student Affairs (EPSA). The Educational Policies and Student Affairs Committee is a standing committee of Faculty Senate. It considers issues related to the curriculum, educational policies (including catalog language), and broader issues concerning students. The committee also forms the primary link between the University Curriculum Council and Faculty Senate.
  3. Finance and Facilities (F&F). The Finance and Facilities Committee is a standing committee of Faculty Senate. It considers issues related to resource allocation and facilities. The Chair of F&F serves as one of the Faculty Senate representatives to the Budget Planning Council.
  4. Professional Relations (PRC). The Professional Relations Committee is a standing committee of Faculty Senate and oversees grievances not related to Promotion and Tenure. The Professional Relations Committee also considers a broad range of issues related to faculty.
  5. Promotion and Tenure (P&T). The Promotion and Tenure Committee is a standing committee of Faculty Senate, and oversees appeals related to promotion and tenure. The committee also considers a broad range of issues related to promotion and tenure policies and procedures.
What is a resolution?

The resolution process is the method most often used by the Faculty Senate in carrying out the functions specified in Article 3 of the Constitution of the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate’s standing committees formulate resolutions from broad-based discussion, seeking input from Senators, constituents, and other interested parties. Faculty Senate resolutions may fall into three categories: resolutions of position (i.e., Sense of the Senate), resolutions of handbook policy, and resolutions of non-handbook policy.

Are resolutions introduced and approved at the same meeting?

NO. According to the bylaws of the Faculty Senate of Ohio University, no final action on a main motion or resolution introduced at a regular or special meeting may be taken at that same meeting. However, this rule may be suspended by a two-thirds majority of those voting at any regular or special meeting.

Can faculty members who are not senators introduce proposals?

YES. Any ten (10) faculty eligible to vote in Senate elections may present any matter they wish to the Senate at a regular meeting. The matter will be discussed and scheduled for a vote at the next regular Senate meeting or, if the Senate wishes, at a special meeting called for the purpose of considering the petition or other matters.

Where can I find information about the work of the senate?

Information about the work of the faculty senate can be found on the Senate website. Meeting materials including meeting agendas, meeting summaries, meeting minutes, pending resolutions, and final resolutions are available to the public.