University Curriculum Council

The University Curriculum Council is the final recommending voice in curricular matters.  
Its recommendations go through the Provost to the President for final approval. 

Course Approval Process

Ocean 3.0 Approval LevelsEstimated Timeframes
A course originates at the department with a contact person entering all information into Ocean 3.0.Time frame dependent on contact person, DSCC, DCSD, and CCC.
Course moves to Department/School Curriculum Committee (DSCC; optional) for approval.Time frame dependent on contact person, DSCC, DCSD, and CCC.
Course moves to Department Chair/School Director (DCSD) for approval.Time frame dependent on contact person, DSCC, DCSD, and CCC.
Course moves to College Curriculum Committee (CCC) for approval.Time frame dependent on contact person, DSCC, DCSD, and CCC.
Course moves to College Dean/Designee (CDEAN) for approval.
In the case of an expedited review, the course moves from CDEAN directly to Registrar (with assistance of ICC Chair).
Approved course must be sent to ICC at least 18 days prior to UCC meeting.
Course moves to Individual Course Committee (ICC) for approval. 
General Education courses are also reviewed by the General Education Committee at this time.
Reviews course 7 days prior to UCC meeting.
Course moves to University Curriculum Council (UCC) for approval.Upon approval, sent to Registrar for updates.

Program Approval Process

Ocean 1.9 Approval LevelsEstimated Timeframes
A program originates at the department with a contact person submitting all information into Ocean 1.9.Time frame dependent on contact person, DSCC, DCSD, and CCC.
Program moves to Department/School Curriculum Committee (DSCC; optional) for approval.Time frame dependent on contact person, DSCC, DCSD, and CCC.
Program moves to Department Chair/School Director (DCSD) for approval.Time frame dependent on contact person, DSCC, DCSD, and CCC.
Program moves to College Curriculum Committee (CCC) for approval.Time frame dependent on contact person, DSCC, DCSD, and CCC.
Program moves to College Dean/Designee (CDEAN) for approval.Approved Program must be sent to PC at least 7 days prior to established meeting date.
Program moves to Programs Committee (PC) for approval.
The Graduate Council (via Bridge Committee) consults on graduate programs at this time.
Reviews program 7 days prior to UCC meeting.
Program moves to University Curriculum Council (UCC) for first reading.Can move into second reading at this time. 
Expedited requests are presented as notification items and do not go on for further review/approval; Registrar is notified.
Program moves to University Curriculum Council (UCC) for second reading. 
Program moves to the Provost for approval. 
Program moves to the President for approval.
Program changes not needing Board of Trustee/ODHE/HLC approval stop here. Registrar is notified.
Program moves to the Board of Trustees for approval.Meets 4 times per year. (October, January, March, June). If not moving onto ODHE/HLC, registrar is notified.
Program moves to ODHE and/or HLC for approval.Necessary for new programs and some program changes; can take up to 9 months. Registrar is notified.

Approvals for Program Related Curricular Actions

  • Bold and Italics indicate final stage of approval.
  • New programs or program changes can only be implemented, advertised, and offered after final stages are complete.
  • Time frame depends on specifics of whether approval or notification is required at various stages, the timing of the quarterly BOT meetings if Board approval is required, and the preparation and delivery of additional required materials (e.g., CVs of course instructors for new programs to be submitted to the states).
  • Delays in submissions are often attributed to missing information or discrepancies within the submitted materials. Submissions may be returned due to any of these issues. To avoid delays, double-check your submissions for completeness and consistency.
  • Key to decision level required in various stages
    • App. - Approval
    • Admin. App. - Administrative Approval
    • Exp. App. - Expedited Approval
  • Key to State/Federal actors
    • CCGS - Chancellor's Council on Graduate Studies
    • ODHE - Ohio Department of Higher Education
    • HLC - Higher Learning Commission

New Programs

Program ActionsUCCOHIO BOTODHE/CCGS (After BOT if needed)HLCEst. time after UCC approval*
New undergraduate academic degree program / New major in existing degree  App.App.App.Not. or App.BOT 1-4 months ODHE 4-6 months HLC 1-3 months
New Graduate Degree Program / New major in existing degreeApp.App.App.Not. or App.BOT 1-4 month ODHE/CCGS 4-8 months HLC 1-3 months
New program track or concentration in existing degree name or major (at least 50% of same total hours taken in common with existing program otherwise it's a new programApp.NoNot.Not. or App.ODHE/CCGS 1 month HLC 1-3 months
New MinorApp.NoNoNo 
New technical stand-alone certificate (ODHE definition)App.June Not.App.Not. or App.ODHE and HLC 1-3 months
New technical stand-alone certificate (ODHE definition)App. + exemptionJune Not.App.Not. or App.HLC 1-3 months
All other certificates of 20 or fewer credit hourse (stand-alone and embedded)App.June Not.NoNot. or AppDepends on type of program
New prep programs leading to OH Edu Licensure/EndorsementApp.App. or June Not.App.App. 
New Accelerated Graduate PathwayNot.NoGC must report on these annually to CCGS.No 


Program Changes: Naming

Program ActionsUCCOHIO BOTODHE/CCGS (After BOT If Needed)HLCEst. Time After Approval
UG Program name change or title change only (degree name or major name with no other changes)App.App.App.Not. or App.BOT 1-4 month ODHE 2-6 months HLC 1-3 months
Grad Program name change or title change only (degree name or major name with no other changes)App.App.App.Not. or App.BOT 1-4 month ODHE/CCGS 4-8 months HLC 1-3 months
Change in concentration/track name (not in degree or major)App.NoNot.Not. or App.ODHE/CCGS 1 month HLC 1-3 months

Program Changes: Location and Modality

Program ActionsUCCOHIO BOTODHE/CCGS (After BOT If Needed)HLCEst. Time After UCC Approval*
Designating a new off-campus location--delivering 50% or more of existing program requirements in approved degree at a new proposed off-campus locationApp. or Exp. App.App.Admin App.Not.ODHE/CCGS & HLC 1-3 months
Offering an approved program at another designated off-campus location --delivering 50% or more of existing program requirements in another existing off-campus locationApp. or Exp. App.App.Admin App.NoODHE/CCGS & HLC 1-3 months
Offering more than 50% or more of reqs for existing program requirements in online or blended formatsApp. or Exp. App.NoAdmin App.Not.ODHE/CCGS & HLC 1-3 months

Program Changes: Content

Program ActionsUCCOHIO BOTODHE/CCGS (After BOT If Needed)HLCEst. Time After UCC Approval*
Ay changes in minorsApp.NoNoNo 
Substantive change is defined as a modification of 50% or more of the requirements for major, degree program, tech cert or educator licensure endorsement program. Program encompasses all requirements including those outside the program.App.NoAdmin App. or Not.Not. or App.ODHE/CCGS & HLC 1-3 months
Cumulative changes of 25% or more in program credit hours -- the program encompases all program requirements in the major or program, including general education, college requirements, ad any hours of restricted electives.App.NoNo if under 50% changeApp.HLC 1-3 months
Cumulative changes of 25% or more in program content -- the program encompasses all program requirements in the major or program and those outside the major or program, including general education, college requirements, and any hours of restricted electivesApp.NoNo if under 50% changeNot.HLC 1-3 months
Content changes that do not meet the 50% substantive change or the cumulative 25% changes above. Note that all UG major changes through Summer 2025 will fall in this category.App. or exp. App.NoNoNo 


Other Program Changes

Program ActionsUCCOHIO BOTODHE/CCGS (After BOT If Needed)HLCEst. Time After UCC Approval*
Changes or new clinical experiences, new or changed customized pathways (abbreviated courses or programs), consortia or contractual arrangementsSee UCC guidance on specific courses and confer with VPUG, GC and ALO for other required processes.    
New program codes for special student populations?Exp. App.NoNoNo 
Changes to admissions standardsExp. App.NoNoNo 

Inactivate Program

Program ActionUCCOHIO BOTODHE/CCGS (After BOT If Needed)HLCEst. Time After UCC Approval*
Includes suspending admissions to program (requires teach out plan for any students in program).Not.App.Admin App.Not.ODHE/CCGS * HLC

Key to OHIO Actors and Contact Information

InitialsOfficeContact PersonContact Email
POProvost's Office (Director of Operations)Bose
VPUGVice Provost for Undergraduate EducationSarah
GCAssociate Dean of Graduate College Greg
ALOAccreditation Liaison OfficerLoralyn
PCOEPatton College of Education Director of Assessment and Academic ImprovementZach
REGRegistrar OfficeKathleen

University Curriculum Council Contacts

Angie Brock, Administrative Associate
Todd Eisworth, UCC Chair