Finance and Administration News

Kiplinger Fellowship in Climate Change Reporting

The Kiplinger Fellowship in Climate Change Reporting is proud to announce its list of professional speakers who represent some of the top leaders in journalism and climate sciences.

This year’s fellowship will feature 15 trainers who will give presentations to 19 environmental journalism fellows while on Ohio University’s Athens campus, April 18-22.

Payment Card Training Module

Finance has released a new Payment Card Training Module.

Employees invited to self-disclose race/ethnicity, disability status and veteran status

You have an opportunity to help the University become a national leader for diversity and inclusion by self-disclosing your race/ethnicity, disability status, and veteran status.

Athens Beautification Month offers wide range of ways to get involved

Ohio University and the City of Athens welcome the campus and community to participate in Athens Beautification projects occurring throughout April.

An annual spring tradition, Athens Beautification Month gives volunteers numerous opportunities to help clean up and beautify the community.

Benefits Open Enrollment Scheduled to Start the week of April 11, 2022

This years’ Benefits Open Enrollment is currently scheduled for April 11, 2022 through May 4, 2022.

Sustainable Administration Hub Seminar April 11

Sustainable Administration Hub Coordinator Dr. Ryan Fogt will lead a Sustainability Seminar on Human Resources at 5 p.m.  on Monday, April 11, in Grover W115.  The seminar will also be available on Teams.

IT Governance approves third group of Information Security Standards

The third group of University-wide Information Security Standards that were approved by the Information Security Standing Committee in February of 2022 are now available.

OHIO again honored with Tree Campus Higher Education recognition

Ohio University was honored by the Arbor Day Foundation for the sixth consecutive year with the 2021 Tree Campus Higher Education recognition for the University’s commitment to campus forest management.

Account Validation Tool - Look and Feel Changes

An updated version of Account Validation Tool (AVT) will be implemented on March 30, 2022.  Website functionality will remain the same, but there will be minor look and feel changes to end-users.  The main change is with the layout.  Instead of a side-by-side layout with file validation on the left and single account validation on the right, it is now a tabbed form with separate tabs for single account validation and file validation. 

OU ranked No. 1 in the Campus Race to Zero Waste Challenge

Grace Mealey | March 24, 2022

ATHENS — After week 4 of the 8-week Campus Race to Zero Waste challenge, Ohio University takes first place in the MAC division.