Finance and Administration News

Employee of the Month Program

Facilities Management and Safety has started an employee of the month program. Please use the following link to see last months winners.

Payroll issues guidance on end of fiscal year reconciliation of leave usage

As the end of FY19 approaches, faculty and staff are reminded to record all planned and/or confirmed absences through June 30 in the appropriate system to ensure that leave balances are appropriately reflected and carried over into FY20.

Ohio University in People for Bikes City Ratings Top 25

As we take a look at our City Ratings top-25, there are clearly some lessons that we can learn from college towns about supporting infrastructure. 

Deposit Reminders

All funds must be deposited with the Office of the Bursar by 3:30 pm on Friday, June 28, 2019, to be recorded as FY19 revenue. 

Key Dates for Fiscal Year-End Close

Fiscal year-end is fast approaching. Below are the key dates for submitting finance forms and payments for processing in the 2019 fiscal year. These dates, and more, are also available in the Finance Calendar.

Tax Exemption on University Travel

As a public university in the state of Ohio, Ohio University is exempt from most types of taxation.  The University is exempt from both sales tax and lodging tax within Ohio.  Once travel occurs outside the state of Ohio, however, each state is different and each state will have different requirements for exemption.

OBI Dashboard Updates

The following OBI Dashboard updates have been completed during spring term:

Time and Effort Reporting

Ohio University is required to document procedures and maintain supporting documentation for the distribution of an individual’s effort to sponsored agreements in accordance with federal regulations as defined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).  Uniform Guidance, paragraph 200.430 i), provides that records must reasonably reflect 100% of the activities for which an employee is compensated by the University.

Grants Accounts and Internal Awards Overspent Balances and Timely Award Close Out

Sponsored awards, Internal awards and Cost Share awards are maintained in the Grants Accounting module and are not permitted to have overspent balances.