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Radiation Safety Handbook

Emergency Phone Numbers [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Radiation Safety Handbook

Interactive Radiation Safety Handbook

List of Appendicies [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Radiation Safety Handbook: Appendicies

Appendix 1: Obtaining a Copy of Ohio University Broad Scope License & Certificate of Registration [DOC]

Appendix 2: Application for Permission to Obtain and Use Radioactive Isotopes [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 3: A Guide for Completing Project Applications for Radioactive Material [DOC]

Appendix 4: Common Radionuclides, Energies and Half-Lifes [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 5: Dose Rate/Shielding and Maximum Permissible Concentration In Air [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 6: Glossary [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 7: Facility Selection Criteria [DOC]

Appendix 8: Radiation Safety Training - Individuals Working in Restricted Areas [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 9: Training/Experience Requirements to Obtain and Use Radioactive Isotopes [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 10: Accelerator Schematic [PDF]

Appendix 11:

Appendix 12:

Appendix 13:

Appendix 14: Laboratory Decommissioning [DOC]

Appendix 15: Radioactive Waste Disposal [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 16: Ohio Administrative Code – Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulations [DOC] (opens in a new window)

  • ODH: 3701-39, 3701:1-38, 3701:1-40, 3701:1-50, 3701:-1-52, 3701:1-54, 3701:1-68
  • NRC: 10 CFR Parts 19, 20, 30, 31, 71
  • DOT: 49 CFR Parts 171-178

Appendix 17:

Appendix 18:

Appendix 19: Duties of Radiation Safety Office [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 20: Transfer Forms

Appendix 21: Training Recording Form [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 22: Radiation Exposure History Form [DOC]

Appendix 23: Radioactive Waste Disposal Request & Link

Appendix 24: Rules and Procedures for Operation of the Tritium Gas Cell [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 25: Release of Decayed (non-radioactive) Solid Waste to Ordinary Refuse form and Instructions [XLS] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 26: Film Badge/Bioassay (addition or deletion) Request Form [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 27: Use, Transfer, Waste Log and Survey Record for Radioactive Materials (RAM) [XLS]

Appendix 28: Faculty and Parental Responsibility for Minors Under the Age of 18 in Ohio University Laboratories [PDF]

Appendix 29:

Appendix 30: Safety Evaluation of Proposed Uses/Users [DOC] (opens in a new window)

Appendix 31: Radiation Safety Committee Members [DOC] (opens in a new window)