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Detail of the Aethelred Mural

Æthelred Eldridge Celebration

Celebrating Æthelred Eldridge (1930–2018)

The School of Art + Design and the College of Fine Arts celebrates the life and work of Professor Emeritus Æthelred Eldridge (1930–2018) with an exhibition, performances, alumni and community event, and exhibitions in Athens and beyond, beginning with Æthelred Eldridge Exhibition of Work, opening September 24 in the Trisolini Gallery, Baker Center.

The former Ohio University associate professor of art and influential avant-garde artist, Eldridge taught in the School of Art + Design from 1958 to 2014 at OHIO, developing his own unique curriculum influenced by his personal style of art which did not fit neatly into prescribed categories. Many of his classes, as alumni may recall, functioned as performance pieces unto themselves, often surprising, shocking, and always memorable. 

Aethelred Eldridge event Postcard 2019

News from Golgonooza: Æthelred Eldridge
and Instructions for Imaginative Living
Opening Reception: Sept. 21 • 6-9 p.m.
Exhibition: Sept. 19 – Nov. 24
Closing Reception: Nov. 15 • 6-9 p.m.
Columbus Printed Arts Center, Columbus
2000 S High St, Columbus, Ohio

Æthelred Eldridge Memories and Reflections + (opens in a new window)
Alexandra Eldridge: One Must Pass Inward (opens in a new window)
Exhibition: Sept. 27–Oct. 20 
Opening Reception: September 27, 6-9 p.m.
Artist Reception: Oct. 4, 6-9 p.m.
(With artist Alexandra Eldridge in person)
The Majestic Galleries
20 Public Square, Nelsonville, Ohio

2019 Alexandra Eldridge Majestic Galleries Graphic
One Must Pass Inward: Alexandra Eldridge at the Majestic Galleries

 Ohio Paint | Print | Photo Exhibition
Featuring work by Æthelred Eldridge
Reception: Oct. 4 • 5-7 p.m.
Exhibition: Oct. 5 – Nov. 30
Dairy Barn Art Center, Athens

Æthelred Eldridge: Memories & Reflections Exhibition

We are collecting memories of Æthelred Eldridge, and we need your help!

Ohio University School of Art + Design is organizing an exhibition of archived memories and stories about the artist and educator Æthelred Eldridge, paired with an exhibition of works on paper by Alexandra Eldridge to be presented at the Majestic Galleries, 20 Public Square, Nelsonville, from Sept. 24 – Oct. 24.

Alumni, former faculty, and community friends who wish to share personal recollections and experiences about Æthelred Eldridge are encouraged to send writings for inclusion in the Æthelred Eldridge Memories and Reflections Exhibition.

Please submit your memories as follows: 2-20 written sentences, typed, emailed to:

Please include this information:

  • When you knew Aethelred Eldridge, and/or what context
  • Specific memory/memories/comments
  • (Optional) Information about yourself or your current career and/or location 

New Swag 

Featuring Æthelred Eldridge Art

Proceeds benefit undergrad student research in the School of Art + Design

Æ T-Shirts

Aethelred Eldridge T-shirt banner 2019
Aethelred Eldridge Art T-shirts

The School of Art + Design and the College of Fine Arts celebrate the life and work of Professor Emeritus Æthelred Eldridge (1930–2018).

  • Next Level brand
  • 100% combined ringspun cotton fine jersey
  • Available in XS-2XL , unisex

Purchase in person at any of the events listed above.

Æ Notecards 

Æthelred Eldridge Notecards 2019

12-pack of notecards: Set of four designs / Blank on the inside
Featuring selections from the collection of Æthelred Eldridge

The School of Art + Design and the College of Fine Arts celebrate the life and work of Professor Emeritus Æthelred Eldridge (1930–2018).

Purchase in person at any of the events listed above.