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Ohio Valley Center for Collaborate Arts

Ohio Valley Center for Collaborative Arts

CoArts connects Ohio University’s creative and cultural resources with community development efforts, while supporting applied research and learning opportunities for faculty and students.

We work with faculty, students, and community partners to:

  • Develop collaborative projects, from brainstorming through implementation and evaluation
  • Connect with university-wide research and teaching initiatives and resources
  • Create experiential and place-based learning opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students
  • Identify and apply for project funding and support

What are Collaborative Arts?

  • Locational: site-specific practices rooted in the culture, history, environment, and economy of place
  • Relational: mutually beneficial partnerships recognizing the experiences and expertise of all stakeholders
  • Transformational: hybrid forms of knowledge developed through creative action that is applied directly to social needs

Explore Our Projects

Our Team

Angela Sprunger

Angela Sprunger
Director, co-Founder

Angela Sprunger is a Lecturer in Foundations in the School of Art + Design. She holds an MFA in Printmaking and a Graduate Certificate of Gerontology from Ohio University and a BA in Studio Art and English from Saint Olaf College. Angela has worked for more than a decade in arts and higher education administration, including positions at the University of Minnesota and Wormfarm Institute.