Student Resources & Materials
Recital Scheduling for Spring 2024
View dates and times for scheduling your recitals.
Large Instrumental Ensemble Auditions
Auditions for large instrumental ensembles for the semester are usually held Sunday - Wednesday of the first week of the semester. For more information, please visit the following links:
Fall Semesters
Spring Semesters
Choral Ensemble Hearings
Choral Hearings for the Spring 2025 semester will be held Thursday, December 5-Friday, December 13 by appointment with Dr. Peter Haley (Glidden Hall 446). For more information and to sign up for a hearing time, please visit the Choral Hearings page:
Collaborative Piano Services
The Ohio University School of Music and the College of Fine Arts believe that it is educationally and artistically important to foster collaborative partnerships among students. Successful musical partnerships are built on common goals, mutual respect, and a high degree of professionalism.
Student Soloist Competition
The Ohio University School of Music Student Soloist Competition is an opportunity for outstanding students to earn the privilege of performing as soloists with the Ohio University Symphony Orchestra or Wind Symphony.
Please carefully review the rules and regulations before completing the application form.
The entry deadline is November 15, 2024. Each division (brass, percussion, strings, woodwinds, keyboard, and voice) will hold individual preliminaries and will submit results to by December 2, 2024. Selected finalists will compete in person on December 8, 2024. For questions, contact Dr. Nathan Southwick:
Guidelines for Finals:
- Finalists must supply a link to a digital copy of the score for judges use by December 5, 2024 or supply three hard copies at the time of the competition.
- One three-member judging panel will judge all selected performers for the final phase of the competition. The performing order will be determined by a random draw.
- The panel will hear each performance in its entirety without stopping.
- Performances running longer than 25 minutes will be stopped at the maximum time unless an exemption has been requested in advance.
Student Soloist Competition Guidelines
Student Soloist Competition Form
Undergraduate Handbook
The School of Music Undergraduate Handbook is an important reference for students and faculty as it contains the policies, curricular requirements, and administrative practices established by the faculty of the School.
View the School of Music Undergraduate Handbook (opens in a new window)
Graduate Handbook
The graduate handbook is an important document for students and faculty as it contains information regarding curriculum, policies, regulations and procedures in the School of Music.
View the Graduate Handbook (opens in a new window)
Performance Honors Initiative
(undergraduate non-performance majors only)
Student Research and Funding Opportunities
Student Research & Creative Activity
Internal Awards
Health and Safety Resources:
Vocal Wellness Program - The Vocal Wellness Program operates in Glidden Hall, and provides baseline voice examinations as well as acute and post-acute examinations free of charge for students in the College of Fine Arts enrolled or participating in voice, choral or acting coursework in the college.
Ohio University Hearing, Speech & Language Clinic -Located in Grover Center, W174, Phone: (740)593-1404
Science and Health in Artistic Performance (SHAPe) Program - Located in 304 Putnam Hall. The Clinic for Science and Health in Artistic Performance (SHAPe Clinic), injured performing artists at Ohio University can be evaluated, treated and receive health and wellness advice from licensed athletic trainers who have the specialized equipment and knowledge to care for them.
Counseling and Psychological services is available in Hudson Health Center 3rd Floor. Please call 740-593-1616 or drop-in between 10 and 4pm to speak with a counselor or to schedule an appointment. More information is available at this site: