GSS Meeting Minutes and Resolutions

Meeting Minutes and Resolutions are carefully kept and maintained by the executive officers of the Graduate Student Senate. Please email for questions regarding a meeting or resolution. 

2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 2/20/24

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
General Body Meeting Minutes
Feb 20, 2024
7:00 PM, Irvine 199

The meetings are held in-person, if you are an online student or do not live in Athens or have excusable
absence, please contact Vice President Kelsey Kayton (

I. Presentation: Paul Castelino, PhD; Director of Counseling and Psychological Services
President Thapa introduces Dr. Castelino.
Dr. Castelino greets the Graduate Student Senate body and talks about his experiences as a
graduate student in Chicago where he received his master’s degree in 1996, later earning his PhD
at Loyola in 2004.
Dr. Castelino talks about his history. He applied for a lot of jobs back in 2003, then finally landed
a job in Texas. After one year, he got his second job at Ohio University. After spending ten years
in Chicago, he planned on only spending one-to-two years here and then wanted to return to
Chicago. He never ended up leaving, and says he loves it here despite many ties to Chicago. Ohio
University is his home.
Dr. Castelino explains that he is a psychologist. In Chicago, he worked in hospitals. His first job at
OU, working with college students, really grew on him. He felt strongly about it and did not want
to leave. Over time he has grown to love his job even more and said that even after 15-16 years, he
still finds working with students to be satisfying.
Dr. Castelino explains that he will begin by talking about the mental health side of things, and then
what they do at OU’s Counseling and Psychological Services.
The current mental health climate at college shows that >60% of students meet criteria for a mental
health problem. In the last decade, mental health symptoms in college students have at least
doubled. In 2004 when Dr. Castelino came to OU, there were six psychologists. Now, we have 22
psychologists and counting, including doctoral interns. 52% of students feel lonely, 21%
experience serious psychological distress, 28% screened positive on a suicide risk screening tool,
and 2.5% made a suicide attempt. That’s 900 students out of 33,774 (ACHA National College
Health Assessment, Fall 2022). 900 students attempting suicide is a lot!
Nationally, there have been lasting impacts of Covid-19 such as loss of life/families/jobs, health
impacts, measures to manage, financial concerns, disparate impact on marginalized identities, as
well returning to and adjusting to the new normal. Additionally, we saw persecution of minoritized
and marginalized communities, reflected by current movements – BLM and others. We also saw
political strife, domestic and foreign – Gaza, Ukraine, and many other countries that are not as
publicized. Students come from these places. The impact of all of these takes its toll on mental
Graduate students are especially likely to experience problems with impostor syndrome, time
management, financial stress, sense of belonging/lack of support. Graduate Students juggle so
many things all the time – classes, teaching, research, etc. Financial stress is real as Graduate
Students are underpaid, some of with families, and may come from backgrounds that do not offer
as much support as others. Graduate Students may rely on our cohorts, which is different from
one’s community, family, etc. International students experience all of these, but also cultural
adjustment, language barriers, and challenges with methods of instruction. Things here may not be
how international students were taught previously. They may experience different
instruction/learning styles, etc., which require significant adjustment. Dr. Castelino asks if any
students have similar experiences that they would like to share.
Chief of Staff Williamson states that while she is not an international student, she is a first-generation student from a low-socioeconomic status background. Because of this, she often experiences a lack of belonging even now in her fifth year, because her life experiences are so
different from most of her peers.
Commissioner Everett seconds Chief of Staff Williamson’s points and discusses his own similar
experiences with impostor syndrome.
Dr. Castelino expresses familiarity with those sentiments and talks about the commonalities of
experiences in grad students with impostor syndrome.
Dr. Castelino goes on to discuss the impacts of racism on mental health via: disconnection,
depression/anxiety, lack of hope, second-guessing, trauma, existential questioning, being in
survival mode, decreased trust, panic, worry, and feelings of powerlessness.
Some warning signs of general distress are: feeling sad/withdrawn for 2+ weeks, seriously trying
to harm/kill oneself or making plans, out of control/risk-taking behaviors, sudden overwhelming
fear with no trigger, not eating/over eating, purging, harmful weight loss methods, severe mood
swings impacting relationships and functioning, repeated use of alcohol/drugs, extreme difficulty
concentrating, intense worries/fears impacting functioning, drastic changes in behavior. Dr.
Castelino says paying attention to these signs is very important. It’s important to be aware of them
so we can identify when we are not doing well. You may be able to identify these in others if they
don’t recognize it in themselves or are afraid to address them.
Some warning signs for suicide and mental health crises fall under the following tiers. Tier I:
threatening to hurt/kill themselves, looking for methods, talking/writing about death and dying.
Tier II: Hopelessness, rage/anger/seeking revenge, acting reckless/engaging in risks, feeling
trapped, increased drug/alcohol use, withdrawing from others, or being anxious/irritated.
For Tier I, emergency/immediate action is required if they have a weapon and are threatening to
use it, any threat of immediate harm to self or others, or if they have engaged in a behavior that has
caused harm.
For tier II, express care or concern. These are not eminent/urgent signs. Refer to mental health
professionals such as counseling and psychological services or the survivor advocacy program.
You may also refer concerns to the dean of students and the CARE team.
Dr. Castelino provides the contact information for counseling and psychological services, located
in the same place as Campus Care where you might have gotten an immunization or a shot. They
are open from 8-5 on the 3
rd floor of Hudson Health. He says most of the time people are available.
There is a designated counselor for walk-ins from 9:45 to 3:15 so you can be seen if you need it.
For emergencies, they are open until 5.
Counseling and Psychological Services provides confidential services free with the guaranteed
tuition plan or wellbeing fee, they can be in-person and/or telehealth. They have a staff of
psychologists, social workers, and psychiatric nurse practitioners.
Dr. Castelino says you can access services at these other locations as well. He highlights the
Living Learning Center as a good option; they are open from 5pm to 10pm for walk in counseling.
This is a good option if you can’t make Counseling and Psychological Services’ walk in hours.
The core services of Counseling and Psychological Services are: individual counseling, group
counseling (one is specifically for graduate student and non-traditional support – conflict with
advisors is a common topic), coping café, crisis services, let’s talk, support spaces, care
management, psychiatric consultation, consultation and outreach. Unless there is threat of harm
(suicide/homicide/assault), services are confidential.
Dr. Castelino invites all of us to reach out to him or anyone if they have questions.

II. Call to Order
President Thapa calls the meeting to order at 7:33

III. Roll Call at 7:30
Chief of Staff Williamson does roll call.
Amrit Thapa
Kelsey Kayton
Nisha Singh
Bridhika Senchury
Abigail Bartlett
Hannah Bachert
Nicholas Whitticar
Aaron Batke
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Edward Asante
Malik Jibram Ahmad Khan
Allen Casto
David Odei
Shatakshi Semwall
Sahaj Vohra
Justice Kwabena Bentil
Felix Asare
Gerard Chukwu
Abbey Cicero
Godfred Ahenkroa Kesse
Michael Nicholson Pierce
Ali Abbas
Kalia Schlenker
Nida Ajmal
Catherine Nikoi
Kristodea Boadum
Grace Karis Chundama
Emmanuel Agyei-Poku
FNU Palwasha
John Akoeda
Carolina Herrera Cespedes
Rose Williamson
Brian Lee Everett
Peter Owosu
Maddie Hendrick

IV. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
President Thapa asks for any concerns regarding the previous meeting’s minutes.
Commissioner Everett motions to approve with unanimous consent.
Representative Asare seconds.

V. Amendments to the Agenda
President Thapa seeks amendments to the agenda.
Hearing none, the agenda moves forward.
VI. Speak Out: Center for Community Engagement (CCE)
Mary Nally: Director, Center for Community Engagement
President Thapa introduces Mary Nally.
Ms. Nally thanks us for inviting her and describes the mission of the CCE – to connect the
university with external partners. She says these partnerships help us generate innovations in our
work anywhere that Bobcats are – locally and internationally. She says they want to create and
sustain positive change – social, environmental, or wherever our areas of expertise and specialties
can help build bridges. Doing so influences positive change in those communities and helps inform
the work in our institutions, underscoring why higher education is valuable for society and our
She says their office finds ways to develop communication, engagement, partnerships in curricular
settings, community-engaged research, supporting students/faculty doing this kind of work,
volunteer opportunity matching/internships, civic engagement, and civil dialogue. A lot of their
work is providing resources to help equip others to help them do this work in the way that is most
impactful for them. She says they also want to celebrate and recognize this kind of work.
Ms. Nally says they have six principles of best practice to make sure their work is ethical: mutual
benefit and reciprocity should be equitable among all partners (students, community, business),
making sure communities’ priorities are leading the partnership – a community is any identifiable
group of people who are a common interest, concern, or identity – they’re experts on themselves –
respect their expertise and let them lead, leading from an asset-based lens – seeing our own
communities from a new light, integrating justice and equity in their work. Ms. Nally’s
background is in nonprofit management/clinical social work and so she is well-aware of food
insecurity so she has often worked to staff food pantries, but says we need to think about why
people are hungry. She asks what we can do long term to address these challenges.
Finally, she says they want to make sure partnerships are grounded in sustainability. Share data,
share findings with the community, see if it is resonating and can they apply it. Community
partners have a lot of benefits such as opportunities for enrichment and growth for organizations
and communities, social justice, and intercultural education.
For students this can fill a class requirement as well as expand their perspective and critical
thinking, help them put theory into practice in the real world, develop helpful dispositions
personally/professionally, expand their network, create compassion, and gain new skills and
knowledge. For higher education, this can support research priorities, create applied learning
experiences for students, integrating us with the broader community, and garner greater public
support as well as understanding of the great work that bobcats do.
As a former grad student, Ms. Nally says she understands how important data is. She encourages
us to use GivePulse for opportunity matching between the university and community partners –
opportunities, internships, events, participate in/host fundraisers, drives, etc. This produces data for
us: who OU students are and what we are doing. It allows verification of what students are doing
and if we are doing it. This same data is critical for community partners who also want to tell
stories of what students are doing in relation with them – useful for grant writing as a coordination
tool beyond just Qualtrics forms.
Mary opens the floor for questions, mentions discussion she has heard for group opportunities.
Representative Chukwu asks if ideas always come from her office, or if she is open to students
approaching with their own ideas for collaboration.
Ms. Nally says yes, their work is often very collaborative and involves guidance on how to put
ideas into practice.
Ms. Nally makes a final plug for her office and says they coordinate with a lot of community
partners in April for Athens Beautification month – check GivePulse. Every October is Make a
Difference Month – there are many different opportunities to get involved with the community.
There are opportunities all the time, but those are the two biggest months for them.
Ms. Nally adds that their offices do provide recognition – there is professional development
training. They have one-page flyers with best practices, community engagement, how to get
involved, and community engagement research. They identify students doing these, then they are
judged and there are awards to recognize their work. With division of student affairs, they
coordinate recognition and awards for Kennedy community service awards which are available for
undergraduate students, graduate students, and student organizations. They also coordinate several
other awards.
President Thapa thanks community service committee for inviting Ms. Nally.

Tara Griffitts – Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility Committee
Tara begins by saying she used to be a graduate student senator and department representative and
says hello to familiar faces.
She says that she wants to share information about the University Hearing Board (UHB) and will
bring in Representative Casto for commentary. She assumes, correctly after a show of hands, that
none of us know what this is. She explains that the UHB is a major part of our due process rights
as students, it is part of the process when we are accused of violations of the code of conduct. They
make decisions about high-level cases involving suspension or expulsion of students. At every
turn, students are invited to provide their perspective and disagree. If a student has been found in
violation and sentenced to a suspension or expulsion and chooses to disagree and request a
hearing, it goes to UHB who decides if the incident occurred and what the appropriate sanctions
are. It is an opportunity for the whole student body to be involved. She says that as a social worker,
this allowed her to be actively engaged.
Ms. Griffitts invites us to scan a QR code if we want to be involved in the UHB. We would meet
with her, then be interviewed (what is your definition of integrity, etc.). If selected, there is lengthy
training to deepen critical thinking skills/ability to assess credibility by asking good questions, as
well as learn how to make decisions that reach evidentiary standards. She says graduate students
are underrepresented on this board and she wants to invite us to take part, as well as recommend
undergrads who are critical thinkers.
Representative Casto emphasizes the quality of the training. He says often there are cases that pull
your heartstrings and clearly indicate a person needs help, others that are less so; there are a range
of experiences.
Ms. Griffitts ends by saying that if you are graduating in May, it is too late, and thanks the
graduate student senate body for their time.
VII. Reports and Announcements from Advisors
Dr. Newton says there are not much in the way of announcements, but the finals of Three Minute
Thesis are tomorrow night. He encourages us to come on out and support our colleagues for the
final eight.

VIII. Old Business

IX. New Business
a. Resolution 2324-14: Appointment of New Members
President Thapa invites Vice President Kayton to present the resolution. Vice President
Kayton says that as we approach the middle of the semester, these will likely be the last
positions that we fill for the year. She says she is excited to welcome our new members.
President Thapa and Treasurer Singh have nothing to add. President Thapa seeks
Hearing none, Senator Whitticar motions to approve with unanimous consent.
Representative Kesse seconds. No opposition or abstention, resolution approved.
b. Oath ceremony
President Thapa invites Dr. Newton up to conduct the oath ceremony as well as the new
members to stand. Representative Odei completes the department representative oath
ceremony. The new commissioner is not in attendance to complete the oath.

X. Reports
a. Executives, Senators, Commissioners, Department Representatives
a. President Thapa says he has been sharing the President’s dynamic strategy and is
working on goals for research and creative activities. Goals and strategies are finalized
and almost ready to be presented. The Vice President of Research and Creative Activity
search is going on, campus interviews are happening.
b. Vice President Kayton says the website update is still going. There are some pages
currently submitted for her review before being added to the website.
c. Treasurer Singh says on behalf of treasurer and budget committee there have been some
issues but should have everything by Friday. She says she believes they may have
forgotten about the order or believe we don’t have it submitted, will check in Thursday
morning. The catering order is in, but the date was incorrect. This has been resolved. She
encourages the GradCon committee to reach out if they have questions or problems. She
says there is $8,087.32 in account, but this includes money for GradCon. There is also a
leadership event on 3/12 from 9:30-4:30. The enrollment center did this previously and it
was big success – she will put the flyer on teams and encourages us to share it with our
departments. Lunch will be provided.
d. Senator Asante says he is organizing belonging week, it’s the second week this is going
on. He encourages everyone interested in knowing more about grad student programs and
grad student activities to come and participate. He says there will be pizza and other
things there, as well as carryout programs and trainings, which may be important to other
schools. It will be running 3-5 from now until Friday. Additionally, voting for the next
President, Vice President, and Treasurer opened this morning and should be running until
Thursday at 9am. Please vote if you have not already. President Thapa seconds this
e. Senator Bachert says the sports administration program does a race/fundraiser for cystic
fibrosis every year. The current class of ’24 went against class of ’25 and aimed to earn
$10k but ended up earning $15k. She says they host many different events such as a mud
run and a triathlon that happens every year. Keep your eyes open and donate if you want.
f. Senator Batke says that HCOM has voted for his successor, who will tag along in future

b. Internal Committee Reports
i. Governance Committee (Kelsey)
a. Vice President Kayton says they had meeting on 2/14. They may need to change
meeting time in future to accommodate more members’ schedules. They have
planned out the semester and what they want to accomplish, namely updating Rules
& Procedures as needed before the end of year.
ii. Budget Committee (Nisha)
a. Budget committee updates were discussed earlier.
iii. GSS Internal Awards Committee
a. No reports.
iv. Health Insurance Committee, Paid Medical Leave Committee (John Fiifi Essel)
a. No meeting this semester so far – no reports.
v. Social Events Committee (Nida)
a. No reports.
vi. Graduate Student Conference (Grad Con) Committee (Kelsey)
a. Vice President Kayton says GradCon is this Friday so they are finishing up the last of
preparations. She says many have filled out volunteer spread sheet and that if you
have not signed up yet, do so. There is a team leader for each session – meet them at
the registration table for each session. If they’re not there, ask where you need to go.
She says they have a lot of different rooms which may be hard to navigate. Keep an
eye out for additional messages; they will hopefully have a program soon. She thanks
everyone for their help thus far. President Thapa thanks everyone for getting involved
as well. He says many people around the university know about the event and
encourages us to tell our friends. Registration is open through the conference.
vii. GSS Outreach Committee (Nadiah, Hannah)
a. No reports.
viii. GSS Community Service Committee (Grace, Krishna)
a. No reports.
ix. Stipend Committee (Abigail)
a. Senator Bartlett says they are trying to combine and produce a final draft; they’re
waiting for last numbers and specifics from the survey they sent out.
x. Executive Review Committee (Edward)
a. No reports.
xi. GPSA (Emmanuel Agyei-Poku)
a. Commissioner Agyei-Poku says they have had one meeting. They are supposed to
have another one, but it has been complicated to schedule.
xii. Outstanding Faculty Award (Catherine Nikoi)
a. Commissioner Nikoi says they have sent out the Qualtrics survey for the faculty
award nomination. They can have more nominations, was only shared today. They
also want to mention that group has been formed, so we can move forward with the

c. External Committee Reports
i. Committee on Committees (Amrit)
a. Had a meeting last week. No specific reports.
ii. Graduate Council (Amrit, Nick)
a. No reports.
iii. Honorary Degree Committee (Aaron)
a. No reports.
iv. Kennedy/Frontiers in Science Lecture Committee (Aaron)
a. No reports.
v. Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (Hannah)
a. No reports.
vi. University Libraries Committee (John Fiifi Essel)
a. No reports.
vii. Ohio University Research Council (Edward, Felix)
a. Meeting is scheduled for 25th.
viii. Post Publishing Board (Open)
a. No reports.
ix. Sorority and Fraternity Life Committee (Open)
a. No reports.
x. University Curriculum Council (Brooke, Frank)
a. No reports.
xi. Science Café Cadre (Carolina)
a. No reports.
xii. Sustainability Committee (Brooke)
a. No reports.

XI. Announcements
No announcements.

XII. Adjournment
Senator Asantee motions to adjourn with unanimous consent.
Commissioner Everett seconds.
No oppositions or abstention.

Meeting Minutes 2/6/24

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
General Body Meeting Meeting Minutes
Feb 6, 2024
7:00 PM, Irvine 199

The meetings are held in-person, if you are an online student or do not live in Athens or have excusable
absence, please contact Vice President Kelsey Kayton (

I. Presentation: Dr. Allyson Hallman-Thrasher– Educational Policies and Student Affairs
Committee Chair
Dr. Hallman-Thrasher states that her plan is to give an overview of the committee Educational
Policies and Student Affairs Committee Chair and to talk about the work of the committee that
relates specifically to Graduate Students.
The Educational Policies and Student Affairs Committee is one of the four committees of the
faculty senate, which works in partnership with the University Curriculum Council. They work
with many other campus entities such as Lega Affairs, Graduate Student Senate, student Senate,
The committee also works directly with students. If someone has a concern, they can reach out to
the committee and join the meetings to get their voices heard.
In general, the committee works on curriculum and educational policy (includes information that
goes in the catalogues) and issues affecting undergraduate and graduate students. There is a lot of
overlap between curriculum council membership and this committee.
This year they have:

  • Passed resolutions to establish definitions to help with higher learning commission
  • Updated committee memberships. As the university structure changes, want to make sure
    everyone is represented in committees
  • Started working on how credit is applied for non-academic activities, such as work
    experience, or military credentials
  • Updating language of what is considered a measure of effective teaching. Historically, have
    cared a lot about anonymous student evaluations of teaching but now trying to broaden their
    measurements beyond this

Dr. Hallman Thrasher then indicates some topics that she would like GSS Feedback on:

  • Looking at policy for excused absences if needing to take someone who you are a caregiver 2
    for to the doctor. Currently, this is only considered an excused absence if you go to your
    own medical appointment. Expects this one will pass because there is a lot of support for it.
  • They are looking at the policy for Grade appeals. It isn’t clear what the timeline is and what
    the particular steps are so they are trying to clarify that and draft some language. She seeks
    feedback on how this can be drafted.
  • Undergraduate Student Senate has passed a policy to support student bereavement. This is
    currently offered to faculty, but not to students. The policy is now shared with EPSA and are
    asking for feedback.

There is a request that instructors provide some guidance on the conditions under which it is
acceptable for a minor child to attend class with a caregiver and they are collecting feedback
on this. She is seeking feedback on whether instructors should determine a policy or if there
should be a policy on this.

Dr. Hallman-Thrasher gives the General Body gave her contact information (
and asks for feedback.
She also mentions that the Graduate Student Instructor Academy just had its first cohort finish in
the Spring. They plan to expand the academy next year to provide more mentoring, more
opportunity to collaborate with peers, and possibly a credit-bearing course. There are also a few
sessions in the Spring that you don’t need to be part of the academy to attend. However, please
register ahead of time. The two workshops coming up are a DEI Statement Workshop and an
Educational Teaching Philosophy Workshop. The link to the academy and workshops can be
found here:…
President Thapa asks if there is any current policy for bringing children to class. Dr. HallmanThrasher says there is no current policy, but some students are doing this. It has occasionally been
an issue in classes and some students say they are nervous about asking their professor if they can
bring their children to class. Currently, it is up to the instructor’s discretion and it still would be,
but the goal of this policy is to make sure instructors are thinking about this so that they can add a
policy to their syllabus.
Treasurer Singh asks if there would be an age limit for the children who are brought to class,
which she thinks should be outlined in the policy. Dr. Hallman-Thrasher says that this has come up
and it’s for the instructor to think about. However, there are not currently limits on which ages are
acceptable or not acceptable.
Dr. Newton ask where the student bereavement policy that Student Senate wrote can be found. Dr
Hallman-Thrasher says it is on their website. She also mentions there is concern that international
students will have difficulty returning to the United States in a timely fashion following their travel
to their home country for funerals etc.

II. Call to Order
7:22 called to order 3

III. Roll Call at 7:30
a. Chief of Staff Brian Everett does the roll call.
Amrit Bahadur Thapa
Kelsey Kayton
Nisha Singh
Rose Williamson
Brian Lee Everett
Aaron Batke
Abagail Bartlett
Abbey Cicero
Abby Tharpe
Aisha Mohammed Salisu
Ali Abbas
Bridhika Senchury
Carolina Herrera Cespedes
Catherine Nikoi
Eirene Binabiba
Emmanuel Gbede
Frank Oppong
Gerard Chukwu
Godfred Ahenkroa Kesse
Grace Karis Chundama
John Akoeda
Justice Kwabena Bentil
Kalia Schlenker
Malik Jibram Ahmad Khan
Nadiah Abidin
Nicholas Whitticar
Nida Ajmal
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Palwasha Khan
Peter Owusu
Sahaj Vohra
Shatakshi Semwall
Subekshya Ghimire

IV. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
Senator Whitticar motions to approve the previous meeting’s minutes with unanimous consent
Senator Batke seconds.

V. Amendments to the Agenda

VI. Speak Out

VII. Reports and Announcements from Advisors
Dr. Newton announces that the deadline for travel awards is Feb 15th. The deadline to apply for
Spring Graduate is Monday, February 19th. The deadline for the Original Work Grant is March
15th. This weekend their will be a Dissertation Writing Retreat. He is proud of the committee whi
has been working with offices around campus to put together a good weekend for students. There
are many students who signed up. The registration is three times the registration from last year.

VIII. Old Business

IX. New Business

X. Reports
President gives report on President Dynamic Strategy Committee, which is working on
recommending policy and advice for the president on research and creative activity. They are in
the final stages of crafting advice and policy advice to the President. He also mentions that the 2
University is in the process of recruiting the Vice President for Research and Creative Activity.
Vice President Kayton says they are still working on website restructuring and content changes.
She mentions that pages with more traffic will be preserved for now to avoid confusion. President
Thapa adds that we should all contribute to promoting the GSS social media accounts.
Treasurer Singh is working on budget for Grad Con. We currently have acquired $1547 for food
that is covered by SAC funding. The reaming was $2415.90. $500 covered by the CTLA. Dr.
Redington and Dr. Sayrs are splitting the remaining cost. The current amount in the GSS account
is $7887.32.
Senator Bartlett announces that her adviser is hosting the Midwestern Cognitive Science
Conference and encourages all Graduate Students to submit abstracts, which are due April 1st.
Senator Binabiba met with Department Representatives to work on projects, which includes a
Mentorship for Graduate Students. She also managed planning a get-together for Graduate
Commissioner Chundama says that last week there is a leadership cohort for the women’s center
focused on empowering multicultural female students with professional and leadership skills. She
spoken on a panel about her GSS position and encourages the female members of GSS to
Commissioner Boadum says her meeting from last semester was about how to do academic writing
and involved compiling academic sources.
No department representative reports.

a. Internal Committee Reports
i. Governance Committee (Kelsey)
• Next meeting is Feb 14th at 4pm in GSS Office
ii. Budget Committee (Nisha)
iii. GSS Internal Awards Committee
iv. Health Insurance Committee, Paid Medical Leave Committee (John Fiifi Essel)
v. Social Events Committee (Nida)
vi. Graduate Student Conference (Grad Con) Committee (Kelsey)
• Vice President Kayton states that we are a couple weeks away from GradCon so we
finalizing catering and t-shirts, and working on increasing registration. We need GSS
members to volunteers since this is a GSS led event. Vice President Kayton asks members
to pass around a volunteer sign-up sheet. GSS members are expected to work at least one
hour and Grad Con Planning Committee Members are expected to
• President Thapa thanks Vice President Kayton for her hard work on leading the Grad Con
Planning Committee
vii. GSS Outreach Committee (Nadiah, Hannah)
viii. GSS Community Service Committee (Grace, Krishna)
• Commissioner Chundama says we hope to prepare meals with the Center for Spiritual
Growth and Social Justice. They prepare meals on Wednesdays and Students can sign up
through Give Pulse.
ix. Stipend Committee (Abigail)
• Senator Bartlett says the committee is working on completing the draft for the meal plan
x. Executive Review Committee (Edward)
xi. GPSA (Emmanuel Agyei-Poku)
• President Thapa was at GPSA meeting and says they are starting the planning process
xii. Outstanding Faculty Award (Catherine Nikoi)

b. External Committee Reports
i. Committee on Committees (Amrit)
ii. Graduate Council (Amrit, Nick)
iii. Honorary Degree Committee (Aaron)
iv. Kennedy/Frontiers in Science Lecture Committee (Aaron)
• Senator Batke announces that Tony Hawk came last week and there were hundreds of
attendees. They are considering next year’s speakers.
v. Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (Hannah)
vi. University Libraries Committee (John Fiifi Essel)
vii. Ohio University Research Council (Edward, Felix)
viii. Post Publishing Board (Open)
ix. Sorority and Fraternity Life Committee (Open)
x. University Curriculum Council (Brooke, Frank)
• Commissioner Oppong said today’s meeting was cancelled.
xi. Science Café Cadre (Carolina)
• Commissioner Herrera Cespedes says the first meeting is tomorrow, and everyone is
xii. Sustainability Committee (Brooke)

XI. Announcements
Vice President Kayton asks everyone to look at sign-up sheet before we leave tonight. It will be
posted online for the online attendees.
Vice President Kayton is leaving for an academic conference tomorrow so she mentions that
communication with her might be delayed.

XII. Adjournment
4 Treasurer Singh motions to adjourn meeting with unanimous consent.
Representative Vohra seconds.

Meeting Minutes 1/23/24

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
General Body Meeting Meeting Minutes
Jan 23, 2024
7:00 PM, Irvine 199

The meetings are held in-person, if you are an online student or do not live in Athens or have excusable
absence, please contact Vice President Kelsey Kayton

VII. Reports and Announcements from Advisors
a. Dr. Newton has no reports or announcements.
b. Commissioner Frank Oppong sent documentation from the Director for Graduate
Communications through teams to Vice President Kelsey Kayton with links to codes for
access to social media platforms for the graduate college.

VIII. Old Business

IX. New Business
a. Resolution 2324-13: Appointment of New Members
I. Sponsors: Vice President Kelsey Kayton
II. Vice President Kelsey Kayton says we have two new members. Originally,
there were three but one was unable to be involved with GSS.
III. President Amrit Thapa says he supports the applications for the new members.
b. Commissioner Brian Everett motions to approve.
c. Senator Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe seconds.
d. No objections or abstentions; resolution approved.
e. New Member Oath Ceremony
I. President Amrit Thapa invites Dr. Newton to conduct the oath ceremony.
II. The new members complete the oath.
f. Executive Election: Candidate Introductions
I. President Amrit Thapa invites Senator Edward Asante and Representative
Brian Everett to introduce the candidates for the executive election.
II. Representative Brian Everett states that Senator Hannah Bachert, Senator
Eirene Binabiba, and treasurer Nisha Singh are running, but elections are open
until February 2nd. Anyone else who would like to run and introduce
themselves tonight is welcome to.
III. Senator Eirene Binabiba introduces herself and welcomes the new members to
GSS. She says the more the merrier, congratulations! She is a second-year
doctoral student studying communication and media arts. She is vying for the
position of the office of the President of GSS. She joined GSS in 2020, but
Covid complicated things; she has been with GSS in person for just under a
year. She is very excited about GSS and is hoping to collect the nine
signatures necessary to run.
IV. Senator Hannah Bachert says she is a first-year grad in dual program for her
MBA and sports administration. She went to undergrad at the University of
Rhode Island through athletics and was inspired to keep going and making a
difference. She is running for the position of vice president, is very excited to
work alongside with us, and currently has eight signatures.
V. Treasurer Nisha Singh introduces herself, says she works in the Physics and
Astronomy department, and is the current treasurer. She joined GSS in 2020
as a department representative, was a commissioner, and then ran for treasurer
last year. With all her experience with GSS, ups and downs, wins and losses,
she believes she is a very good candidate and will do her best.
VI. Senator Edward Asante says that if anyone else is interested, the deadline is
February 2nd. Move quickly if you are interested. You can form tickets and
run with other people.

X. Reports
a. Executives, Senators, Commissioners, Department Representatives
a. President Amrit Thapa thanks everyone for participating in the survey and listening
sessions for the president’s dynamic strategy about research. He says there is an excellent
opportunity to support research by applying to be a student trustee. You can learn more
about this by speaking with him or coming to the informational session on January 30th in
Baker 230 from 5-6PM. This is a great way to represent graduate students to the board of
trustees and is very prestigious. The application closes on 2/12. The Original Work Grant
deadline is 3/15, keep this in mind and inform other students. Finally, the Travel Grant
deadline is 2/15.
b. Vice President Kelsey Kayton says that the website is going through major changes. She
has been meeting with Dr. Koonce, Dr. Newton, President Thapa, and website developers
to have a more functional website as some adjustments are beyond their skill level. They
want to revamp some existing pages and create new pages that reflect what we want in a
user-friendly format. More GradCon updates will come later. Vice President Kayton says
that President Amrit Thapa was traveling, so she represented GSS during the
International Student Orientation which was a great opportunity to make our presence
known. She also started setting up committees for things such as the Outstanding Faculty
award, Internal Awards Committee – need 5 members (supposed to be graduating
members, but hard to meet, the downside means you cannot receive awards). She asks for
volunteers, says the committee is very easy to be on.
c. Treasurer Nisha Singh explains what is to be expected on that committee, given her
experience on it. She says you will have the least amount of work. A program occurs at
the end of the year with predefined awards. As a member, you send out a Qualtrics form
that people fill out for nominating people for those awards. You get the results. Based on
the number of applicants you have, you select who wins an award. You can’t win an
award yourself and the Qualtrics form has already been created. You send it out to all
graduate students and once winners are chosen you stand on stage and hand awards out.
d. Vice President Kelsey Kayton concludes her updates.
e. Treasurer Nisha Singh says she will update the treasurer and budget committee together.
Last semester we donated to Cats Cupboard. For GradCon, we have spent $730 and
applied for around $4500 in SAC funding. We plan to give cash prizes to winners during
the convention. We have received $1,514 dollars from SAC. For the remaining $2400,
CPA gave us $500. The provost and dean have agreed to provide further support, we will
reach out to find the dollar amount. Then we will know if the entire amount is covered or
if we need to use our own money. If you know any organization that can provide
financial support, please let us know. Currently, we have $1,914.90. We will hopefully
know how much the Provost and Vice President of Student Affairs will cover soon. We
have $7,587.32 in GSS funding.
f. No senator reports.
g. No commissioner reports.
h. No representative reports.

b. Internal Committee Reports
i. Governance Committee (Kelsey)
a. Vice President Kelsey Kayton says they will be starting meetings pretty soon.
Nothing specific to report.
ii. Budget Committee (Nisha)
a. Already covered.
iii. GSS Internal Awards Committee
a. President Thapa says they just had a meeting after forming the committee.
iv. Health Insurance Committee, Paid Medical Leave Committee (John)
a. Commissioner John Akoeda has nothing to report.
v. Social Events Committee (Nida)
a. Representative Nida Ajmal has nothing to report.
vi. Graduate Student Conference (Grad Con) Committee (Kelsey)
a. Vice President Kelsey Kayton says a lot has happened over break, in addition to the
exciting funding opportunities mentioned by Treasurer Nisha Singh. Vice President
Kayton confirmed the conference will be in Schoonover and mentioned the
professional development speaker lineup is set up. For the Professional Development
Sessions, there will be two tracks, which will include general professional
development skills (e.g., networking) and job applications (e.g., creating CVs/Cover
letters). They are beginning to reach out to offices for the Resource Fair, which is an
opportunity for Graduate Students to learn about resources on campus available to
them. So far they have CPS, AAC, and the LGBT center. They are currently going
through the review process for posters and research talks and should send out
notifications at the end of the month. At the next meeting they will hand out the
volunteer sheet. They ask that everyone volunteer for at least one hour – more for
committee members. This will require a lot of work. They just sent out the
registration survey yesterday – registration is now open. They will also add this to
Teams so we can share with constituents. This is a great opportunity for graduate
students. The GradCon 2024 page is updated with a tentative itinerary and they are
working on the program soon. The next general body meeting should have more
information. She says they are making great progress and is thankful to all committee
b. President Amrit Thapa requests we share about GradCon on social media.
vii. GSS Outreach Committee (Nadiah, Hannah)
a. Senator Hannah Bachert says she and Commissioner Nadiah Abidin met last night
about goals moving forward. They want to continue to cultivate relationships with the
alumni association to facilitate relationships between former grads in the workforce
and current GSS members, creating a perpetually beneficial system.
viii. GSS Community Service Committee (Grace, Krishna)
a. Commissioner Grace Chundama says no updates tonight but will meet Friday.
ix. Stipend Committee (Abigail)
a. Commissioner Frank Oppong says he is speaking for Senator Abigail Bartlett. So far
they have been working on the proposal to get free meals for Graduate Students and
are working on finalizing the sections. They will also be sending out a survey to
assess interest in the proposed plan.
x. Executive Review Committee (Edward)
a. Senator Edward Asante says they sent out a survey but did not receive enough
responses so they are ready to revise and meet again.
xi. GPSA
a. President Amrit Thapa says GPSA is the Graduate Professional Student Appreciation
– need one or two members. This will be towards the end of semester, but we should
start planning now.
xii. Outstanding Faculty Award
a. Commissioner Catherine Nikoi says no updates currently; she should have some at
next meeting.

c. External Committee Reports
i. Committee on Committees (Amrit)
a. President Amrit Thapa says no meeting occurred.
ii. Graduate Council (Amrit, Nick)
a. President Amrit Thapa says a meeting occurred, but no specific messages.
iii. Honorary Degree Committee (Aaron)
a. Senator Aaron Batke says they still have not met.
iv. Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (Hannah)
a. Senator Hannah Bachert says she is still waiting to hear from them to arrange a
v. Kennedy/Frontiers in Science Lecture Committee (Aaron)
a. Senator Aaron Batke says Tony Hawk will be here next week at 7:30pm in
Blackburn Auditorium. The event is first come first serve.
vi. University Libraries Committee (John)
a. Commissioner John Akoeda says they are talking about meal plans and waiting on
some Qualtrics data. They will meet again by next week and finish up the survey
to send out to graduate students.
vii. Ohio University Research Council (Edward, Felix)
a. Senator Edward Assante says they have not met this semester.
viii. Post Publishing Board (Open)
a. Open
ix. Sorority and Fraternity Life Committee (Open)
a. Open
x. University Curriculum Council (Brooke, Frank)
a. Commissioner Frank Oppong says first meeting of the year was last week, but
was unable to attend.
xi. Science Café Cadre (Carolina)
a. Commissioner Carolina Cespedes says they have plans for talks for next semester,
but is open to suggestions for professors to act as speakers.
xii. Sustainability Committee (Brooke)
a. No reports.

XI. Announcements
a. Treasurer Nisha Singh says she will be sending out a check-in email for all the
commissioners regarding how introductions to concerned departments went.

XII. Adjournment
a. President Amrit Thapa reminds to get involved with GradCon; this is our event, more
participants and presence every year. Also, if you are eligible, apply for student trustee
position – very prestigious.
b. Senator Nicholas Whitticar motions to adjourn with unanimous support.
c. No objections.
d. Meeting adjourned at 8:40PM

2023 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 1/31/23

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
January 31, 2023
7:00 PM, In-Person

Kubra called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and welcomed members to the first general body
meeting for the spring semester.

II. PRESENTATION: Drs. Kelly Broughton & Ryan Spellman
Dr. Kelly Broughton, the Assistant Dean for Research and Education Services, briefed the
house on the services carried out in their office and also explained further on the student
involvement dashboard. She also added, “A research was conducted in the middle of COVID
by the Digital Transformation Initiative, and it was found that 37% of students rated their
experience at marking on campus, studying with peers outside of the classroom is good, and
we also know that faculty and staff on campus thought it was a lot that experiments for
students were a lot better than what students reported, 61% of faculty and staff said that they
thought that the student experience learning outside of the classroom at Ohio University is
very good.” She mentioned that in the past 15 months, they have been able to update the list
of campus study spaces available in all of Ohio University's campuses, not just Athens. They
created a formal proposal to the university to invest in a study space discovery tool, and they
worked with MIT to do a business analysis on what tool to adopt to help students navigate
study spaces and discover study spaces.
Dr. Kelly mentioned some of the challenges they have faced and continue to do so. She said,
“Too low in launching our studies space locator had to do with things like the definition of a
study space, so we tried to put a frame around what we were doing so that we could at least
accomplish something in our launch, and so we decided these were places on the Athens
campus that all students had access to non-restricted spaces based on discipline, or other
affinities." She further described other challenges, such as public information about study
spaces on campus and integrating information for the study space locator.
Dr. Ryan took the house through the app and asked that we give them feedback on what
could be done to improve the app.
Sam shared that some undergraduate students show concern about their specific challenges,
such as, "I have ADHD and it's really hard for me sometimes; I can't work in my room.”
Dr. Kelly responded to Sam’s concern, “We had a significant number of options, a
significant number of students who participated in our focus groups who said have ADHD,
and this is something that I deal with on campus. I will say one of the things that I'm
frustrated with, how this is right now, this is building waste. So for example, “Buildings like
Baker and Alden have a huge variety of different types of spaces, some of which are very
conducive to some types of study, and others which are not. It's really hard, and the tools
reflect that, how to navigate that great variety of space, even just in Alden, and so I don't
have an answer for that. But I'd love to be able to do the filtering.”
Michelle suggested that as a night-out kind of person, lobbies, and buildings closed early. He
stressed that it would be helpful if students had access to swipe during those times. Michelle
also recommended opening up restaurants and coffee shops as people tend to study very well
in locations like that.
One of the GSS members (name not noted) suggested, “I think it is important to consider
wheelchair accessibility and whether or not the filter option or just built in some other
component, for instance, the art building is wheelchair accessible from the top floor, but not
from the bottom floor. So information like that could be really helpful."
Dr. Ryan responded, “We originally tried to include in our launch map at least which door
on each of those buildings that as a study space is the accessible door. But I still haven't
gotten all that information yet. From campus offices, but we're working on it.”
Dr. Kelly added that the university right now this semester is launching a broader campus
space optimization initiative that has multiple prongs, where faculty and staff are looking at
different ways that the university uses spaces across all of our campuses, particularly the
Athens campus. She also explained that she is chairing a subgroup that is specifically about
workspaces and collaboration spaces, and she's looking for a graduate student to serve on this
subcommittee. She recommended that interested persons send email to have a graduate
student perspective.

Abena Bosompem
Abigail Morton
Abigail Otchill
Allen Casto
Amrit Bahadur Thapa
Ayoola Awosika
Brooke Ripley
Charles Kofi Ahiaklo
Chiderah Jessica Chukwuka
Cole Hetman
Courtney Silver-Peavey
Deborah Okai
Edward Asante
Emmanuel Agyei-Poku
Gideon Oduro
Ibi Max-Harry
Ibiagbani Mercy Max Harry
Jaxon Adams
Joseph Gbandi
Kalia Schlenker
Kelsey Kayton
Kübra Civan
Lawrence Ajayi Oluwafunbi
Mabel Christina Bustamante
Madeleine Hendricks
Mahima Rana Sanyal
Mitchell Tijerma
Nicholas Untch
Nida Ajmal
Nisha Singh
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Sam Smith
Saurav Prasai
Tara Griffitts
Victor Kojo Dei
Weston Marume
Will Mulllen
Xornam Deh

Previous meeting’s minute was approved unanimously.

First General Body Meeting agenda for Spring 2023/2024 was approved with amendments.

a. Resolution 2223-12; Appointment of New Body Members
Amrit introduced new GSS members Emmanuel Agyei-Poku (Commissioner, Mental Health
Affairs), Allen Casto (Department Representative, Business Administration), and Richmond
Owusu (Department Representative, Mathematics). New members introduced themselves
and briefly explained their motivation to join GSS.

b. Resolution 2223-09; Use of GSS funds for purchasing graphics design software

Kubra mentioned that the next resolution has got to do with using GSS funds for purchasing
graphic design software CANVA as the Grad Con committee; specifically Courtney has been
working on social media promotion using this application.
Courtney added, "Canva is a fantastic program where you can create advertisement postings
for social media; you can create flyers and schedule them for social media posting. It's also a
really helpful tool if you are creating a CV or anything like that, and that's just a separate
plug for Canva, but GSS is using Canva to create social media posts for board GSS
promotion. There is a free version of it. However, it takes a lot of extra time, and you don't
have access to a lot of great things that have to come with it.” She added that it's not very
expensive, and it’s been done in the past, so I ask the general Body to approve this
The resolution was passed by unanimous consent.

c. Resolution 2223-10: resolution to appoint the Co-chairs of the Board of Elections.
Kubra asked that Tara and Sam introduce the resolution to the house.
Tara said, “This year, Sam and I have agreed to serve as the election committee co-chairs,
and in order for us to move forward, we need to recruit and elect our next round of executive
officers. We need to be accepted by you all through a resolution, and that's what this
resolution is about. I will also say this is a part of the resolution. I mean, we would love to
have other members of this committee, so if you're interested in getting involved, you can let
me know”.
Tara added, “We would need a chair, and we would need someone who is graduating, and
then we need somebody who is not graduating, so at the minimum, we need two, so we've
met that threshold." She asked that people who would want to know much about the
committee contact her for more information.
Kubra asked the house if anyone is interested in becoming an executive officer for the year
2023-2024. She added that she would love to answer questions regarding that.
The resolution was passed by unanimous consent.

d. Resolution 2023-11; Update Rules and Procedures’ excused absence language.
Tara introduced the resolution to the general Body and briefly mentioned that this resolution
was necessary to be more explicit about the excuse of absence policy in GSS R&P.
Amrit said that this issue came up because there were some GSS members with more than
three absences. According to GSS R&P, more than three absences automatically dismiss GSS
members from their position. This resolution will help to consider some genuine requests for
an excuse for absences.
Tara added that this resolution helps the language in different sections be consistent.
Kubra mentioned that, in cases where a member of GSS is going to be absent from the
meeting, the person would have to inform the Executive Body via email and also identify a
proxy to serve in your absence. She reminded that a proxy could only be a person who is not
a member of GSS.
The resolution was passed by unanimous consent.

Courtney said, “There weren't many meetings to report on, but recently I met with Mr.
Sherman, and I talked about the parking problem again, and he connected me with the person
responsible for managing parking.”
Amrit stated, “I attended the university curriculum council (UCC) meeting last week, and
the meeting informed me that the state of Ohio has passed a bill called the Ohio House Bill
353 titled “The Testing Your Faith Act ."It talks about religious or other faith
accommodations for a student. According to this act, a student can ask for up to three
excused absences. However, the student must inform their instructor within 14 days from the
first day of the class." He added, "Suppose I have to attend a cultural event that relates to my
community or personal faith, which is not stated in the university calendar, I can inform my
professor about it within 14 days from the first day of class. No question will be asked, and I
will be provided with necessary accommodation."
Abigail said, “OWG’s deadline for submitting proposals is on February 14, and asked that
interested persons can apply.” She mentioned that she would be reaching out to reviewers for
this semester too. She informed the general Body, “We currently have $1,799.80 in our
account, and this is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.”
Sam mentioned, “For the applications for executive positions for the next general Body,
expect to email in the next few days. You would have to fill out a survey link, and basic
application, and then we'll also give you instructions on collecting the appropriate number of
signatures to endorse your candidacy.” He further said, “I also have to give us a bit more
context as well for the positions themselves. The President will receive a full tuition
scholarship and a stipend 15,000 for 7500 per semester, and then both the Vice President and
the treasurer will receive $5,000 for the academic year or 2500 per semester.”
Kubra reminded, "You will not be able to serve in another GA ship if you served as
The house deliberated on the amount that is given to the Executive Body, and members
stressed that the stipends for executive positions be reasonable based on the living costs
given the present rise in costs.
Dr. Newton & Dr. Koonce clarified that President could not work as a GA, TA, or RA due
to 20 hours/week work limitation.
Kubra asked that before the meeting is adjourned, regarding the proposals, “there are four
session times and so many people to review them and like read them so that we can use those
ratings to get to evaluate the submissions”.

There was no new announcement.

The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent. 

Meeting Minutes 2/14/23

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
February 14, 2023
7:00 pm, In-Person

Amrit called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and welcomed members to the second general body
meeting for the spring semester.

Mayor Patterson shared briefly about his childhood in Portland, serving as an active duty officer
in the Air Force, graduating with PhD in 1993, a postdoc at the University of Tennessee College
of Medicine, faculty appointment at Ohio University in 1998 until 2016, and Athens City Mayor
in 2016. Mayor Patterson briefed the house on the projects they have worked on and added that
they collaborated with the University to create a passageway, which was basically building a
bridge so that we could have an estuary to get people safely across.
Mayor Patterson said, “One of the things that I value immensely about Ohio university and the
city of Athens is our international student body, the richness that those of you who are coming
from one of the 111 nations around the globe to OU, you bring cultures that a lot of people here
in Athens, Athens County.” He stressed that Athens is in the heart of Appalachian Ohio and
Southeast Ohio, and there is a real Appalachian culture, and there is a real exchange that can take
place. He added, “The beauty of you being here and learning here and getting your degree at OU
is that you do get to see the richness of what is this county and the city as well as hopefully
understanding some of the history that we've kind of gone through as a region within Southeast
Ohio. So again, I really encourage you to leave your zip code.” He further said, “Unfortunately,
we become the repository of fracking waste here in Athens County, which, in my opinion, is
totally improper because we're getting it from Pennsylvania and New York, West Virginia.
He asked that the students come up with questions.
Cole asked, "How the Appalachian culture leads to public value creation within your framework
as a mayor, could you expand upon that? I am from Dayton, OH, I've been to Athens once or
twice, but I would love to hear your insight on how that creates public value."
Mayor Patterson answered, “You kind of have to look at the topography of Southeast Ohio; we
are in the heart of the Hocking Hills, which lends itself to a lot of the coal extraction back in the
day not too dissimilar from what is in Virginia, which is entirely an Appalachian State.” He
added, “So I'm not, you know, saying anything disparaging about Chancey, Buchtel, or Donville,
which is an unincorporated area. These areas that are all the trailheads for the Baileys are really
going to start to experience some economic development and economic growth. I mentioned
tourism. I'll share one brief story, which is kind of a highlight or prime example of what the
Baileys is going to do from an outdoor rec standpoint.” He further added, “Although my chief
charge is to see the growth here in the city of Athens and the citizens of Athens benefiting, I also
feel like it's my responsibility with some of my leadership roles and other organizations to
promote Southeast Ohio. And I think equally important to promote the Appalachian United
States so that what has been forgotten for so long is out in the forefront to where we do see some
economic development.”
Courtney mentioned that “I love the fact of brain economic development for any money for
your attention to this area, but I am worried I'm represented due to the already increasing student
housing crisis student as well as the state of student council which this is not great. She added
that the state of certain apartments people are living in, and people are paying a really high
Mayor Patterson answered, “It is something that we think about a lot, you know, and it's not
unfortunate; it is rental, it is also single-family homes”. He added, "We are in a funny
conundrum, in the city of Athens, to where we recognize, we don't have enough housing stock,
you know, and not that we don't have places to develop, we do, but we don't have developers.
We certainly don't have local developers that have the capacity to start building a new
neighborhood or a new PUD here in the city of Athens public, a planned unit development.” He
further added, “If we can start to grow and get more homes, one of the things I think that we'll
see is some of the neighborhoods that we see, the higher density of student rentals.”
Tara said, “Affordable student housing is a major issue in this area, and to the point of the
housing development on the outside of university estates. One idea of one person's idea of
affordable housing is another person's idea of middle-income-level housing. And so with the
rates of compensation in this area, even within the University, a $200,000 house is well out of
range because people don't have the capacity to put $40,000 down because they're just making
barely a living wage at the University in some ways. She added, “ I do like the idea of the tax
abatement and development opportunities. Are they staffed appropriately to provide oversight of
the exploitation if we want to use the correct word for what's happening in this town?
Mayor Patterson responded that the code office was doing okay. If it is not appropriately
staffed at this time, we have lost individuals due to retirements. He added, “We have posted for
one of the two cohorts officers, and we have gotten anywhere from three to four applicants that
look good and went through the background checks, and then they walked away; we are
experiencing the same thing in a lot of cities across the nation when it comes to hiring
individuals and just getting the labor force. He further added, “You know, a city like Columbus,
which has a huge tax base, you know, is able to offer. You know, salaries for some firefighters
and police officers are just off the charts, which is wonderful. But they're drawing from. All
across the state to hire them in, which, you know, yay for them. We don't have that luxury here
in the city of Athens unless we start increasing income tax to be able to draw things in. But we'll
never be able to.”
Michael asked, “You mentioned about fracking and the fracking waste being deposited in this
area. Why are they doing that? What’s my simple question.”
Mayor Patterson replied, “That's a great question that I started with Governor Kasich back in
the day and continued with Governor Dewine. It's because we have a lot of orphaned wells here
from when it was oil extraction. And so they'll take those orphan wells. Fix them up a little bit
and then just start pushing, you know, high pressure or start pushing the fracking waste torch,
Ohio, which is a small little village that is right on the edge of Athens County between Athens
County and Washington County torch. If you're, if you're driving through torch on 50 and kind
of lookup on the hillside, you'll see these large tanks that hold the fracking waste as they are
pumping it underground, which. It is a big problem in my opinion. It's a big it is a big problem,
not just my opinion. It's a big problem because if there were ever to be a fracture that starts
seeping into the Hawking aquifer. Anybody who's using that aquifer downstream and potentially
some of the places upstream from it, I think we're far enough away. However, it could be.
Devastating to a city that relies on the Hocking Valley Aquifer for their water supply, we do.”
Nisha asked, “I know that you talked about how rents will change and what they will be the
effect in the future. I wanted to know if you're interested in any kind of rent control right now.
Are there any chances that you'll be interested to bring rent control to Athens County? If not for
everyone else, at least for graduate students, because, as you know, most international students
are not allowed to work outside; the graduate students who are Americans do not really have
enough time to go and work outside, so it's really difficult. So, it's nice to be in a very beautiful
county but also have, like, a quality of life, right?
Mayor Patterson replied, “I remember being a grad student in Washington, DC. Am I in favor
of it? I would be in favor of it. It's the legislative body that we need to convince to do something
about it because I'm not the lawmaker. I just. I'm the one who has to enforce the laws as the
mayor of the city. It's more of a legislative question to see if they have the appetite to look at it.
And we can't do it for Athens County. It has to be for the city proper, you know because we have
no jurisdiction outside of the city.
Mayor Patterson further said, “So City Council meets every Monday night except for the 5th
Monday of the month, up at 8. East Washington street. That's the city building. And it's 7:00
o'clock they have on the 1st and third Mondays of the month as a regular session. So during the
regular session, there's a chance for people to speak on things that are not on the agenda for
what's going on that night and sit there and come to City Council and go. What can you do, City
Council, to help support graduate students. And we can't be selective. I mean, it has to be
anybody who is.
I'm the kind of guy to work. Come to me with a solution, you know? Come to me with a
potential pathway to move forward is just or as opposed to what I think we all so often hear is
just. Yeah, yeah. If you can come up with a good example here in the state of Ohio, I encourage
you to bring it to City Council and go. There's something that you can work on.”
Samuel asked, “There is a project we worked on last year in partnership with rural action, and
we did case studies across some cities across the nation about recycling in multi-unit housing.
We did interviews with the City Council members, and we tabled that report. So is that a project
recycling in multi-unit housing that you're looking forward to?
Mayor Patterson responded, “Yeah, I think that that is something that we put into the most
recent. Solid waste bid that went out where we ended up getting. I'm not getting into the details
because it would just bore you, but in there were a lot of nuances about recycling and recycling
on multi-unit complexes. The other thing that I have heard, and I would love to work on and
figure out how to crack this nut, is also composting in multi-unit housing because most multiunit housing doesn't have a space anywhere nearby to set up a composting bin and do whatever
we do have a composting program here in the city of Athens through Athens Hawking recycling

Kubra Civan
Amrit B Thapa
Abigail Otchill
Abena Bosompem
Abigail Morton
Aisha Mohammed Salisu
Allen Casto
Bridhika Senchury
Brooke Ripley
Catherine Nikoi
Chiderah Jessica Chukwuka
Chukwuma Smart Amaefula
Courtney Silver-Peavey
Deborah Esi Okai
Edward Asante
Emmanuel Agyei-Poku
Emmanuel Osei Acheampong
Jaxon Adams
John Akoeda
Joseph Gbandi
Justice Kwabena Bentil
Kalia Schlenker
Kelsey Kayton
Lawrence Ajayi Oluwafunbi
Madeleine Hendricks
Mahima Rana Sanyal
Michael Nicholson Pierce
Nicholas Untch
Nida Ajmal
Nisha Singh
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Remington N. Burwell
Richmond Owusu
Sam Smith
Samuel Wainaina
Saurav Prasai
Tara Griffitts
Tauqir Zia
Victor Kojo Dei
Weston Marume
Will Mullen
Will Mullen
Wisdom Nudze
Xornam Deh
Dylan Demonte (Guest)
Faustina Mensah (Guest)

Previous meeting’s minute was approved by unanimous consent.

Agenda for “First General Body Meeting for 2023/2024 Academic Year” approved without
amendment by unanimous consent.

a. Resolution 2223-13; Appointment of New Body Members
Amrit mentioned that GSS has new members from Civil Engineering, Philosophy,
Geography, and Linguistics. Each new member introduced themselves to the general body.
Amrit (VP) and Abigail (treasurer) sponsored the resolution.
The resolution to appoint the new members was passed by unanimous consent.

b. Resolution 2223-14; Use of GSS Funds to Throw a Trivia Night
Jaxon presented to the general body that the Social Events Committee is organizing Trivia
Night on Feb 24, and is seeking the GSS funds for the same. Jaxon and Remington were the
sponsors for this resolution.
The resolution to use the GSS fund was passed by unanimous consent.

c. Resolution 2223- 15; Use of GSS funds for purchasing flyers for Grad Con
Courtney presented the resolution to purchase flyers for Grad Con 2023. She said that Grad
Con committee is doing social media promotion of the conference and is seeking funds to
purchase flyers.
The resolution was passed by unanimous consent.

Amrit reported that he attended the University Curriculum Council meeting, and it was a regular
meeting. He also informed the general body that the President Search Committee is heading
towards another stage of selecting finalists.
Abigail reported that, regarding the presidential teaching Award, there was a class observation
last week, Tuesday and Wednesday, with two of the finalists. She added, “I’ll be updating you on
who we choose, and we also received funds from the graduate college; they gave us $200”. She
added that GSS has $11,279.30 in the account.
Sam invited interested individuals to apply for different positions in GSS for 2023-2024. He
informed the general body that the application was open and asked them to contact him or Tara
or visit the GSS website for more information.
Tara reported, “I wanted to make an update on the election day as a university holiday initiative
that we began in the fall; it is in its second iteration; we are working with undergraduate students
Senate to create a new resolution calling for it to be the university holiday." She asked if
anybody was interested in co-sponsor.
Sam further informed the general body about the election, and he said, "I would like to get one
more reminder about the election process, so the application that is online, the form of survey is
only the first phase”. In addition, you will need to get ten signatures or endorsements per position
that you apply for it, which can be separate. He added, "If you apply for two positions, it
becomes 20 signatures, and three positions become 30.” He encouraged members to go ahead
and start asking for endorsements.
Courtney mentioned, “GradCon is moving smoothly, so registration for attendance is open, and
it is going to remain open till March 18. We added that people who are willing to attend should
register and RSVP as that will inform them on the decisions to take, especially regarding
Emmanuel reported, “So I thought I could just use the opportunity to meet with the Assistant
Director in Charge of wellbeing and discuss the mental health promotion on campus specifically
to talk to them about what can be done with regards to helping graduate students about their well
being and mental health because I realized that often most of the wellbeing programs are geared
towards undergraduate students and leaving us to fend for ourselves."

Amrit informed the house about the next general body meeting next two weeks Tuesday at

Amrit moved the motion to adjourn the meeting, and the meeting was adjourned by unanimous

Meeting Minutes 2/28/23

Meeting Minutes 2/28/23

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
February 28, 2023
7:00 pm, In-Person

Kubra called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, welcomed members to the third general body
meeting for the spring semester, and introduced the speaker Letitia Price, Assistant Director,
Women's Center.

II. PRESENTATION BY Letitia Price | Assistant Director, Women’s Center
Letitia shared how she got into GSS and changed her career trajectory, “I was the Commissioner
for Women's Affairs literally last year, and I thought it'd be really helpful for you given that
you're giving your amazing time to GSS, kind of share with you how really GSS changed my
career trajectory. And I know you may see that on the applications for GSS, but I truly mean this.
And when you hear my story, you maybe understand why. So back in 2019, I was just new to the
country. I was figuring out what side of the road to drive on. I realized that I got told I had to file
some taxes, so I was like, I have no idea what I'm doing, and I was doing my doctoral program
and was trying to finish that off and be great. And then when I saw GSS I was like oh, this looks
like fun. Just what maybe show up for a meeting every so often and not do very much and get
some credit for it on my resume. Right? Surely that's all I need to do. And what I didn't realize
after signing up that actually it really did change my career trajectory within basically three
months. My spouse and I had a running joke where she would call me the committee and insert
swear words because it got to a point where I found myself on more committees across the
university pertaining to diversity and inclusion (DEI). Then classes are taken up into that point
on my doctoral program. And I really just got so immersed.”
Letitia stressed that getting involved in committees and talking to people across campus about
values and causes issues that you care about make a lot of difference. She said, “And I say this as
a huge advocate of I know you're going to put this on your resume and say that you did huge
amounts of things in GSS, but it's amazing when you get to actually sit across the table from a
prospective employer in the chair. Not only did I do amazing things, it's not just a bullet point in
my resume. I really did some things with this group.”
Courtney asked, “Is there anything you recommend graduate students should come to your
To Courtney’s question, Letitia replied, “Grad Con, I think that would be the first like having
people like myself present in those spaces and share echo the same sentiments and say, hey, we
want to collaborate more. We do have an event this Saturday. So it's our first women's History
Month event and it really for us. We really wanted it to be about international students,
international graduate students. So it's called “empower her”. So it really is the focal point of
trying to make scratch students aware that those centers aren't just for undergraduates. I've seen
already on the gender we have undergraduate students kind of connecting and collaborating
more. And I think that's just off the back of them going out and trying to collaborate more with
the centers. So I pose it back to you, how can we make our centers feel like they're more space,
like they're more welcome to graduate students.”
Regarding questions related to the visibility of the women's center and its events, Tara suggested,
"I think one way to bring people in is to explicitly invite them. And so not just the Women's
Center, but other campus partners just have an invitation. So whether it's a graduate student,
women's coffee hour, or you know, and it won't be super well attended, but four or five people.
And it spreads the word, and it develops the network and the connections and the depth." Letitia
added that the Women's center organizes international women's coffee hour to provide space for
all graduate students. She further said that students could benefit by talking to CPS at coffee
Sam asked what role the Women's Center was given for President Search Committee. Letitia
replied, “How much are we given perspective on those recruitment hiring practices at the kind of
presidential level and those kinds of senior roles across the university? The answer is very
nuanced. Sometimes we are allowed to lean in on those perspectives. Other times, we're not
always asked for our perspectives, and I think it just varies according to the context of the
university. We as an entire division of very, very vocal and saying if there is any higher across
the university, we would love to be able to have our input and perspective.” She further said, “In
terms of assistant Dean roles and Dean roles, there has to be at least one person from the division
of DEI serving on those selection committees. So, I'm now on a search committee for one of the
assistant Dean roles that will be due to come out of the university. So, the answer is yes and no at
the same time, there are certain roles that we often don't get asked for our perspectives on it, but
we are able to be having a seat at the table.”
Nisha asked, “I'm a member of DEI and during some of the meetings recently I found out that
there are situations where some students are ill treated, but it does not necessarily falls under
Title 9. So there is no official complaint. One of the reasons is also because they're probably
scared. So as a women's center, do you think we could do something in that case? And for two
cases, one is if the conflict is between students and the other is if the conflict is between a student
and an authority. Umm, powerful authority? Yep.”
Letitia replied, “Thank you for that question, and thank you. And, I don't say this lightly. This is
one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to pursue this career trajectory to support. Folks that are
underserved and where we see issues that become very nuanced, especially as it pertains to
policies across the university. The answer is yes. We want to try and help and support the first
and foremost promoting education when it comes to those policies. So that's one of the first
things we want to get out there from the Women's Center, and we will be working over in the
summer.” She stressed an increase in education about what the process looks like and sometimes
the process can be flawed because there's human behind it. Further, she said that she likes to
connect and support student groups and mentorship groups.
Faustina asked if we could create a space for students who identify as male. Letitia replied,
“We’ve already heard, heard today that even, perhaps even women don't feel like they can come
to our women's centers. So I posed to all of you today, which I'm sure having better ideas than I
do right now. Like, how can we make allies feel more comfortable in coming to our spaces? And
what can we do to help you all? Something I'm very keen on is ensuring that we are truly
implementing intersectionality, and that is the true meaning. I am recognizing multiple identities
and recognizing multiple gender identities as well. So I want to work with any gender identities
as much as possible so that we can form great allyship and that we can kind of move forward in a
very kind of diverse conversation. So while you see the word women's truly, that also means we
want to work with allies as well. So, Faustina, I hope that kind of answered your question in a

Kubra Civan
Amrit B Thapa
Abigail Otchill
Aaron Batke
Abigail Morton
Aisha Mohammed Salisu
Allen Casto
Bridhika Senchury
Catherine Nikoi
Charles Kofi Ahiklo
Chiderah Jessica Chukwuka
Chukwuma Smart Amaefula
Courtney Silver-Peavey
Deborah Okai
Edward Asante
Emmanuel Agyei-Poku
Emmanuel Osei Acheampong
Faustina Mensah
Gideon Oduro
Ibiagbani Mercy Max Harry
John Akoeda
Kalia Schlenker
Kelsey Kayton
Mabel Bustamante
Madeleine Hendricks
Michael Pierce
Mitchell Tijerina
Nicholas Untch
Nida Ajmal
Nisha Singh
Oumarou Abhoulaye Balarabe
Payton Daugherty
Remington N. Burwell
Richmond Owusu
Sam Smith
Samuel Wainaina
Taquir Zia
Tara Griffitts
Weston Marume
Will Mullen
Wisdom Nudze
Xornam Deh
Zachary Long

Previous meeting’s minute was approved by unanimous consent.

Agenda for “General Body Meeting Agenda, February 28, 2023” approved without amendment
by unanimous consent.

Presentation: “Women Products Presentation” by Megan Handle, Student Senate Women’s
Affairs Commissioner.
Megan said that the Student Senate provides free period products in the women's bathrooms in
Baker and 2nd and 4th floors of Alden Library, and she is proposing free period products in all
bathrooms on campus. Megan further added, "Believe it or not, it is unfortunately expensive and
a menstruator on average has to spend over $13.00 a month on products. But if our basic needs
office lists that people can't pay for food and can't pay for housing, we do live in Appalachia.
Poorest county in Ohio, how are they supposed to pay for period products that are coming a
really expensive box for like 30?” Megan briefed how this project is being processed for
implementation. Megan further said, “The vendors will respond with their proposals, and we will
choose one the week or two weeks after we get back from spring break, and then hopefully, the
plan is to have the first installation be this summer. So the university said they were willing to
spend 50 to $70,000 every year for five years on this project, which will cover a dispenser and,
every single women's men's and the little display box and gender-neutral bathroom, every single
bathroom on campus.”
Courtney appreciated Megan for the incredible job.
Sam asked if the across campus includes residence halls. Megan replied, “Yes, there will be.
They have a display box which like hangs on the wall, much fancier than the ones we have now,
actual dispensers. So you can't just take all of them and go to that store, 50 pads and 50 tampons
and then all of the rise hall bathrooms will get the display boxes that hold 15 of each.

(a) Health Insurance Student Feedback Presentation by Anna Casteel
Anna briefed on “2023/24 Quote from United Healthcare Student Resources, Enrollment &
Utilization Impacting Premium Rate, New Premium Rates, and Option to Reduce Premium.”

The renewal quote is as follows:

Basic2022-2023 Gross Rate2023-2024 Gross Rate% Increase
Each Child$2,788.00$3,400..0021.95%
All Children$5,576.00$6,800.0021.95%

Quoted Premium Rate by Semester is as follows:

Current PremiumIncreaseAmountAnnual PremiumFall EstimateSpring EstimateSummer Estimate
Admin Fee  $37$17$17$3
Total  $3,437$1,292$1,292$853
With Subsidy (60%)$1,375$517$517$341

Option to Reduce Premium Increase

Two Coverage PeriodsFall 2023Spring 2024Annual Premium
With Subsidy$625$625$1,250
Effective8/20/23 - 2/20/242/21/24 - 8/19/248/20/23 - 8/19/24

Courtney asked, “Can you touch on the reason why we changed from the two sessions, or I can't
do the word previously when we had two coverage period, and now we do it now that's pretty
important.” Anna replied, “Yeah, we had a lot of feedback from students saying that if they're
not taking classes during the summer, they don't want to pay for insurance. Some students leave
the country and don't want to have to pay for the insurance, so we were asked that for many
years and we, you know, took the plunge on that a couple of years ago. This summer will be the
second summer that we have our, you know, three different coverage periods. So we haven't
really been through enough experience to say that maybe.”
Nisha asked if we could change the health insurance company. Anna replied that it is too late to
change the carrier for 2023-2024, but it is possible for upcoming years and said that once we
have a contract, we will be locked in for three or four years. Nisha further asked, "Talking about
the two payment plan, we talked in this for like 3 years. We worked together, right. So there was
a reason why we moved from two payment plans to three. And now going back on that basically
just takes away all the work we did all these years. So, I don't think that it's going to be fair to the
Anna replied that it would be too early to say that the three-payment plan does not work and
said, “If we can increase summer enrollment for those that need it and want it, that's gonna help
our plan overall. But what that does, if we have a lot of people that just enroll in fall and spring
and nobody enrolls in summer, that takes down our enrollment. Like I said, they do annualize. So
they're going to take the total, all the money they received, and divide it by our annual
Weston asked if the insurance fee is charged automatically why the insurance ID is not
automatic. Anna answered, "They just want you to create an online account with United
Healthcare, which is your medical insurance provider. And once you log into your account,
there's apps that you can download so that you can have your ID card right on your phone. You
can request that they mail you a copy; they just don't automatically mail copies. It's a security
thing also because they have to have your information to give that to you.”
Regarding the question about why hospitals charge for doctor visits, emergency, and medical
tests, Anna said, “It is the $500.00 annual deductible, which means that is the part that the patient
has to pay before the insurance begins paying their 80%. So, the first time you go to the hospital,
if you're not admitted, you can have a really high co-pay plus your $500.00 annual deductible
and then 20% after that.” Anna also suggested taking assistance and said, “Tell your friend if you
went to Ohio health, they have a very generous financial assistance plan, so especially for
students, I've never had a student not qualify for more than 90% off of what they owed after
insurance paid because they did receive some. They're trying to recover a little bit of the annual
deductible and the parts that were the patient’s responsibility.”
Responding to questions pertaining to some students deprived of health insurance subsidies
because they were mistakenly termed as fellowship than a TA, Dr. Newton said, "I wish this had
come to us when it happened because if it was, you know, at the start of the semester. It sounds
to me like there was a mistake when his contract was put in, and that contract should have been
pulled back and rewritten to correct how he was being paid, which then should have triggered the
Kubra asked, “There's a fellowship, but it is coming from his department and just not eligible
for a subsidy, and there is no answer out there." Dr. Newton suggested reaching out to him, and
he will figure out what to do.
Courtney said that she had been involved in collecting data from OU sister schools and an
extended list of schools comparing the health care subsidies and has a good amount of data to
start with. She asked all GSS members to join the Health Insurance Committee and work more to
get a higher subsidy.
(b) Grad Con 2023: Courtney shared the update of Grad Con and asked GSS members to sign
up to volunteer. She presented an overview of the Grad Con event. Regarding the question of
whether Grad Con is part of the Graduate Appreciation Event, Courtney and Kubra said that
Grad Con is a different event.

Kubra shared that we have great presidential candidates as finalists, and two of them are women.
She encouraged all GSS members to take the opportunity to participate in the Open Forums.
Amrit shared that participation in the GSS meetings is getting more and more exciting. He
informed the house that the attendance in the meeting on February 14 was the highest this year and
the discussions are getting more and more exciting. He appreciated everybody for contributing to
discussion with valuable questions.
Abigail shared that GSS account has $11, 473.90. Kubra added that the conference committee has
raised $1,400 for the Grad Con.
Sam presented the updates from the election committee and reminded interested persons to submit
an application on or before March 7. He also informed that each candidate must have 10
endorsements for each position one applies, and the endorsements must be collected by email and
put into one pdf file and sent to either Tara or Sam. Answering Courtney's question about whether
a person can endorse more than one person, Sam answered that a person could endorse more than
one person. Further, he said that election committee members could not endorse. Sam encouraged
gradaute students to apply for executive positions and said that this is a good opportunity to
advocate for students and to get to know the institution better.
Nisha informed the house about the internal awards and said, "So I sent out an email about the
awards. Please nominate yourself. Nominate everybody. You think I've worthy of receiving an
award? I'd be very happy if someone says they want to nominate me. However, I cannot be
nominated. You will receive an award on GPSAW.”
Tara said, “We need people to run for senators, so if any of you are interested in continuing your
term as a senator or transitioning from a department rep to a senator position, please consider
applying. We don't have the survey up yet, but that will be up tomorrow. Additionally, if you
know folks who you think would be good senators within your academic units, please encourage
them to either join GSS and consider. Just please spread the word.”
Wisdom informed the house that GPSAW is scheduled for April 18, and currently, the
committee is working on getting the venue and other preparations.
Dr. Newton said, “The main thing I wanted to mention is Speaking of searches within the
Graduate College, we are finally getting things moving to replace to get a new director of
communication and Professional Development. The application window for that surge closed
Sunday night, so I expect to get the search committee together to discuss those applicants. And
unfortunately, now at the timing, it means the interviews will probably be after spring break, so a
little bit later. That is, that is moving along the director of thesis and dissertation services. The
application window should be opening this week, so a few weeks behind professional
communication development where we should be getting that going finally as well. And that
brings me to the thing I really wanted to say here. I would really like to include a graduate
student on the search committee for each of these positions because they have so much interface
directly with you all.”

Jessica shared that there is an upcoming informational event about immigration and financial
education in the first week of April and asked to contact her for details.

Kubra moved the motion to adjourn the meeting, and the meeting was adjourned by unanimous

Meeting Minutes 3/21/23

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
March 21, 2023
7:00 pm, In-Person

Kubra called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, welcomed members to the general body meeting,
and introduced the speakers Sarah Wyatt & Jenn Bennett.

II. PRESENTATION BY Sarah Wyatt & Jenn Bennett
Jenn, Chair, Administrative Senate and executive director of well-being, said, “So for us in
administrative Senate, well, we've been talking a lot about is compensation, right, which I feel
is very in alignment with your stipends or work hour abilities or whether or not you're able to
work on campus or off campus and get a fair wage. So I feel like that's an alignment. Other
things that we're working on is retention, which I also think that graduate students, once you're
here, you kind of want to finish your program. But we also want that to be a positive
experience, and that's what we're looking for, for staff, which is how all refer to administrative
staff, just easier. That's what we're trying to do and really push forward at the highest level
possible. So looking at systems policies, the environment that we're working within. And
understanding that we actually have more in common as adults in higher Ed than we do
Jenn stressed that she strongly believes in shared governance and likes to work with students
in working together to improve the lives of administrators and students. She said that it would
be meaningful to have students nominate administrators for outstanding administrator awards.
To Sam’s question about faculty retention efforts, Jenn replied that there is an option for
everybody, and we have leadership instability and loss of faculty. She further stressed that the
faculty and staff have low morale and have had an impact of tragedy over the last three to five
years. She hoped that the new President and leadership would understand the unique
opportunities and resources we have and utilize them to move forward in an exciting way.
Tara questioned the board of trustees' responsibility to ensure the stability of leadership and
graduate student representation. To Tara's question, Jenn said that the Board of Trustees'
responsibility and decision is in selecting the President, and the rest of the work and decisions
should come from the President. Jenn stressed that even though we cannot make our talents
stay, we can work on creating an environment that helps people want to stay.

Kubra Civan
Amrit B Thapa
Abigail Otchill
Aaron Batke
Abigail Morton
Aisha Mohammed Salisu
Allen Casto
Bridhika Senchury
Brooke Ripley
Charles Kofi Ahiaklo
Chiderah Jessica Chukwuka
Cole Hetman
Courtney Silver-Peavey
Deborah Okay
Edward Asante
Emmanuel Agyei-Poku
Gideon Oduro
Jaxon Adams
John Akoeda
Joseph Gbandi
Joseph Gbandi
Kalia Schlenker
Kelsey Kayton
Lawrence Ajayi Oluwafunbi
Mabel Bustamante
Madeleine Hendricks
Mahima Rana Sanyal
Michael Nicholson Pierce
Mitchell Tijerina
Nicholas Untch
Nida Ajmal
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Remington N. Burwell
Sam Smith
Samuel Wainaina
Saurav Prasai
Tara Griffitts
Tauqir Zia
Victor Dei
Weston Marume
Will Mullen
Wisdom Nudze

The previous meeting's minute was approved by unanimous consent.

Agenda for “General Body Meeting Agenda, March 21, 2023" was approved without amendment
by unanimous consent.

Dr. Lyn Redington, Vice President for Student Affairs, said, “I started on January 9 as the vice
President for Student Affairs, and I want to be very, very clear that my title tells me what my job
is, and that is students. It doesn't say vice president for undergraduate students. It says vice
president for students. I very much want to hear from you about how I can best serve our
graduate students. And so I just kind of wanted to mention that I will also, if any of you want to
take note, but I will also include this in the e-mail. My e-mail address is my last name and my
first initial. So it's REDINGTONL at, and I truly welcome it. The opportunity to hear
from you, to learn from you, and I think your idea of having, whether it's an annual or a biannual,
opportunity to come together, I think is phenomenal. What I would really encourage you to do is
to try to get on the new President's schedule as quickly as possible and invite that person,
whether it's to this meeting or just to sit down the opportunity to really allow that person to hear
directly from you. What is important to you?”
Lawrence Oluwafunbi Ajayi presented the “Resolution 2223--13: Russ college grad pizza party
titled “What’s special about Africans?” and described the purpose of the resolution as to develop
cultural awareness of African students in Russ College of Engineering and asked for GSS
approval for the grant of $200 to be awarded form Russ College of Engineering for this event.

VII. NEW BUSINESS: Election Committee Open Forum
Sam and Tara organized the Open Forum for the candidates of GSS Executive Election 2023 to
answer pre-informed questions and take on the audience's questions. Sam informed the
candidates about the election rules. Each candidate was given a block of 6 minutes to answer the
three preselected questions and then 7 minutes to answer audience questions. The voting would
start immediately and will have little more than 48 hours for all graduate students currently
enrolled at Ohio University. Sam invited Amrit B Thapa, the candidate for GSS President.
Candidate, President: Amrit Bahadur Thapa
Amrit stated three specific reasons why he is interested in being the candidate for President for
2023-2024 and why he will serve the best in this position. The first reason he stated is that
working with graduate students as the GSS Vice President has given him an opportunity to learn
about pressing issues that are supposed to be addressed. The second reason he mentioned is that
working in different committees such as President Search Committee, has given him an
opportunity to know key persons in the university who are supposed to resolve the issues. The
third reason he mentioned was that he is in a comfortable situation with his Ph.D. work, which
makes him invest quality time to work effectively in GSS President's role.
Regarding the most meaningful part of the GSS experience, Amrit stressed that GSS is a good
example of shared governance, committees work independently, and the organization religiously
follows the constitution and rules and procedures. He added that he worked sincerely to carry out
his responsibility as a vice president and that working with graduate students was an experience
of working with professionals, and Grad Con is one of the very important examples of teamwork
GSS demonstrated.
Remington asked Amrit about one project that he would like to carry out. Amrit answered that
Increasing Stipends would be one of the most important goals to achieve if he was elected.
Kubra asked him what his goals were when joining GSS and whether he achieved them. To
Kubra's question, Amrit said that he had experience working in leadership positions in different
organizations but GSS was new for him, and he wanted to learn about graduate students' issues
and work in a team to address them. He stressed that he learned a lot about graduate students'
issues and worked in different committees to work towards resolving them. He added that Grad
Con is an example of success in leadership and professional development. Courtney asked how
he would go about increasing shared governance at OU. He answered that OU already has good
opportunities for shared governance, such as the involvement of graduate students in forums
such as different university committees, and promised to find ways to strengthen graduate
students' involvement in OU decision-making. Mitchell asked about Amrit’s view on social
events. Amrit said that involvement in social activities strengthens collaboration and
involvement in research and professional development. Abigail asked how he would ensure
students do what they are supposed to do in committees. Amrit said that not all committees have
worked at the same level. He stressed that graduate students go through different challenges that
they might not have anticipated causing a lack of efficient functioning of the committees, and
said that he would work more closely with committees to help them work efficiently.
Candidate, Vice President: Edward Asante
Edward said that he has the ability to work with anybody and he has past experience working
with different organizations to carry out the responsibility of the vice president. He said that he
can best represent the voices of graduate students. He stressed that he has good experience
working in the Governance Committee this year and has good knowledge of the rules and
procedures. He further stated that he has learned that some R&P clauses must be revised to help
regulate and motivate GSS members to engage effectively and ensure committees function well.
Regarding pressing issues, Edward said that international students could not work outside the
campus, and the wages on campus should be fair in relation to wages out of campus. Kubra said,
"Edward, so I have a question about your choice of position. So I hear the pressing issues, and I
appreciate you speaking out loud, and it seems to me that is mostly outside of like President's
role. And I know that the VP is more internal President. So I'm curious, what made you run for
vice president rather than President?” Edward responded, “I'm looking at the question; the
question poses the person's issues, and I think it doesn't deal with internal issues, so I have to talk
about what is going on outside. But internally there is a lacuna in our R&P and that is causing
most of the problems you talked about. You talked about, not inclusion and people not taking up
their duties because there's a lacuna.” He further said R&P should provide clear guidance to
individuals and committees for them to function well. He stressed that R&P is silent on many
issues specifically about clarity on responsibilities and consequences.
Samuel asked, “You have touched on very patent issues especially, and some of them I feel like
they fall outside of the scope of graduate student Senate, especially when it comes to hiring of
professors and increasing the minimum wage. And then, most of your presentation, I've heard
you say. … But then what is your work plan of doing these, let's say in a period of one year like
hiring professors and increasing the minimum wage?” Edward replied that GSS is an advocacy
organization, and even if the position he is competing for does not directly address the issues of
retaining professors and increasing the minimum wages, he will work towards raising voices and
helping students' voices be heard. Remington said that he was involved in the past in adding
clarity in R&P about the formation of committees and inclusion of minorities in committees and
asked how he would like to improve R&P. Edward replied, "Previously, you worked on it. You
did a lot of work on it, and I appreciate that. But what I'm saying is there is more to it. We align
the duties that you are supposed to report. … I sit down and talk to a few friends and see what is
going on, and I represent the view of these four people because there's no direction as to who, or
how to get that information, and that is what I'm talking about, though there are stipulated rules
that you are not supposed to vote once you are supposed to report, come to meetings and all that.
But there should be some specifics that would draw the conversation that will get the population,
the view of the population.”
Candidate, Vice President: Kelsey Kayton
Kelsey introduced herself and said, “So according to the rules and procedures, one of the
responsibilities of the Vice President is to organize engaging events that are designed to bring
graduate students together and also make GSS visible to the broader community. And I have
some experience doing things like that. So as an undergraduate, I had a few different leadership
positions, including the unique experience of designing and leading a mentorship program for
psychology students in which I paired upper-level students with new students. To help them
adjust to the major and also understand campus responsibilities and opportunities. And I think
that those experiences will serve me well in the vice president position. And then also I wanted
to talk about some other things that are in the rules and procedures that are the Vice President's
responsibilities. So the Vice president does a lot of management-related tasks. So helping
organize e-mail communication and social media. And I think that those experiences will serve
me well in the vice president position. And then also I wanted to talk about some other things
that are in the rules and procedures that are Vice President's responsibilities. So the Vice
president does a lot of management-related tasks. So helping organize like e-mail
communication, social media.” She said that her past experiences make her capable of carrying
out tasks as a vice president. She also said that she has been working on the Stipend Committee,
Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award Committee, and Grad Con Planning Committee, which has
been a most meaningful experience. Talking about campaigning with Amrit, she said, "And see
how hard-working and passionate he is, which made me realize that I wanted to campaign with
him. And considering that, I think we would make a really great team if we're both elected.
Working on the Grad con planning committee has made me realize that GSS is something that
I'm really passionate about, so that's definitely something meaningful that I also got from
Kelsey also said that she wants to work toward increasing stipends in order to reduce the
financial burden to graduate students. She also stated that she wants to work on alternative ways
to support graduate students, such as meal swipes. She further showed her interest in helping
students find the resources easily by adding more details about the resources available across
campus. She partly agreed to Edward's argument and stressed that some clarification on R&P
may help but prioritized finding other ways to support committees to work effectively. Samuel
asked how she was going to help students not only have access to mental health resources but be
confident that they will be understood in personal and cultural perspectives. Kelsey replied,
"Well, I do want to clarify. I am in the experimental program, so I don't actually work directly
with mental health, but obviously, being interested in psychology and, you know, being a
graduate student, it's still something that's important to me. And I think that that's a really great
question because, yeah, it's one thing to make something visible, but it's not always really easy to
make sure that people are aware that it's. Also, a good resource that they would benefit from, and
I think that maybe having speakers from counseling services or something like that come to
different organizations and just talk about the resources that they provide to kind of like start
creating this conversation about what students need. And then also kind of having that
personalization might make it easier for students to realize that it's something that's there for
them and that they will be supported.
Kubra asked, “I am asking you that you probably realize VP has a lot of internal communication
and allegations of the works. So how are you going to make sure that the work is delegated and
the people are accountable?” Kelsey replied, “Yeah, that's also a really great question. Well, I
think that when I'm delegating, I will really make sure to maximize the strengths of the people
that I'm working with. So really knowing what people's capabilities are, so that when I'm putting
them into the position, I know that they will do a good job.”
Courtney asked, “What are your plans to increase GSS collective power with these new
individuals coming into the office? Yeah, that's also a good question.?” Kelsey replied, “So I
think having kind of a blank slate is a really good opportunity for GSS because we can kind of
start out on the right foot and represent ourselves as a really strong force that we're really here to
get things done, and improve the welfare of graduate students. And I think in that it's also really
important to make it clear that all of us kind of have very similar goals in mind. So just like the
rest of the university graduate students… . What with the new leadership just making that really
clear that we all have the same goal and we all want what's best and making sure that they're
aware of that so that we can be on the same page and work together toward these common
Candidate, Vice President, and Treasurer: Nisha Singh
Nisha was unable to present in person and sent her recorded response to the pre-informed
questions. She said, “I believe my years of experience gave me a deep understanding of
administration dynamics and student struggles, which will be extremely helpful to take GSS
forward as an active member. I have worked on many important issues and have been part of
some major victories such as Alton Chorens. Alongside many others for three years now, this
gives me a detailed knowledge of all the past endeavors and knowledge about possible options
which could be useful to achieve our goals. I have also been an active member of other
organizations in and outside of OU, which further adds to my institutional grasp and knowledge
about all possible resources and collaborations that could be used for our benefit. And this makes
me a perfect bridge between the students.”
Talking about her motivation in these roles, Nisha said, “So my motivation to join GSS was
actually to work on student health insurance. Of course, being a member of GSS has given me a
lot of opportunities and experiences that I cherish. But one of the important parts was when I
joined the Health Insurance Committee and worked along wonderful people like Courtney and
Nick and a lot of others. So after years of working on this, we eventually did see a major win that
affected the graduate student's life very significantly. We were working on asking for higher
subsidies paid by the university, so the university only paid 10% of our health insurance subsidy,
which was not helpful at all. And eventually, after a lot of work, we managed to negotiate better
coverage, and the university decided to pay 60% of the. The subsidy was a huge relief for all of
us as it brought down the amount payable significantly down. This was one of the most joyful
parts of my journey as a GSS member. Now, as we all have recently discussed in our GB
meetings, it is evident that we have to work on health insurance again, and I would like to use
my experience and knowledge.”
She further talked about helping graduate students with some of the issues with authorities and
said, “Especially involving authorities that were not properly resolved in some cases, despite
having a formal complaint. So I would like to collect data on this to assess the extent of this
mishappening in the university and move forward accordingly. I would also like to suggest
having a system for active members to make suggestions, complaints, or concerns that we need
to work on anonymously if needed so that everyone can be heard. I would want to make sure that
the students are empowered and have a healthy learning environment.”
Candidate, Treasurer: Emmanuel Agyei-Poku
Emmanuel introduced himself and said, "I am currently the Commissioner for Mental Health
Affairs. I'm a first-year graduate student in the Masters of Social Work program and I am
running for the position of treasure. I like to use analogies a lot in my interactions with people.
So permit me for the purpose of this, to call myself the kid. In getting close to people, he can be
himself, like walking up to school, meeting new people, greeting them, interacting with them,
and wanting to know them. And I feel like that is a quality that, as a Treasurer serving on
different committees, you should be approachable, easy to talk to and have your doors open to
people. The kid is not afraid to accept when they are wrong. As a matter of fact, that kid is
always meek and willing to accept that there is authority. They have processes that he or she has
to go through.” He further said, “Is also always willing to learn, and that is also part of this rule.
Learning about different committees sitting on them and knowing how they would benefit
graduate students and then pushing and ensuring that these things go through with answering the
second question, I would like to answer the third one before I go, I go to the second one if that's
fine, and so going back to the same kid analogy, I see the graduate students at Ohio University as
that kid who has been taking into an amusement park.”
Talking about his goals, he said, “We make our presence is felt that we are also part of this park,
that we also belong here, that we can demand the increase in stipend. It's when we are connected
and make our presence known that we are also part of the student body. That's when we can
demand health insurance. We can demand free meals at the dining hall. It's when the school or
the body recognizes that we are also children who deserve to have tour guides who deserve to be
brought into the experience to make sure that.”
Remington asked, “Yeah. So in, towards the end, you started talking about increasing student
involvement and decreasing this idea that graduate students have to be isolated. One of the newer
responsibilities of the treasure is actually being a part of the. Onboarding, training and. Basically,
Inclusion committee for GSS. What is one thing that you would do on that committee to help
build a sense of community rather than isolation for graduate students? Emmanuel replied,
“Yeah, I would say that first of all, it would be establishing grassroots like right from when, for
instance, you are given admission into Ohio University. We begin that connection with you, and
make you feel that sense of belonging right from the moment that you are offered or you. And
that would include working with a graduate college working, especially with international
students. He further added, “Letting them know what are the housing opportunities available for
them so that even before they are, visas are approved, and they come in, they have kind of a
picture of what to expect. The kind of organizations or the kind of resources whatever need they
have and how they can get to it.”
Regarding questions about handling budget and financial planning, Emmanuel said, “I
previously served under various committees back in undergrad. I was a treasurer for it was called
Eden International. We were an organization that wanted to use education and gender equality to
promote their participation in girl child education in rural communities. So I served in that
community as a Treasurer, and currently, I am the graduate assistant for well-being programming
and outreach. As per my role, I am in charge of programming and well-being-related activities
on campus. And so that rule also involves budgeting and working with my immediate supervisor
and ensuring that we know that I'm at the number of undergrad students we want to employ as
well-being coaches, and they are more like supplementary to the CPS. So we do that knowing
where the money will be located with regards to what to buy for our programs and all that. So, in
terms of that, I have, I have a fair knowledge of that.”
Regarding Abigail's question on how he addresses situations when there is a demand to make a
certain purchase and you are tied with limitations, Emmanual stressed that there is a way to
resolve every situation with transparency and dialogue. To Amrit's question about how he is
going to make a balance between studies, office hours, and the responsibility of the treasurer,
Emmanuel replied, "I'm someone who does a lot of planning. I use my planner a lot. And I do it
in such a way that I try to be as strict with it as possible. And so that is one thing that has served
me well over the years, knowing what to do at what time and also still giving myself a bit of time
for self-care because I believe in doing all these things. There should be a time for you to also
relax in order not to sell.”

Extension of the general body meeting
Kubra moved a motion to extend the general body meeting by 10 minutes to 9:10 pm. The
motion was approved by unanimous consent.

Expo: Kubra informed the house that GSS needs some volunteers for the upcoming Expo and
stressed that this is a good experience to learn about research presentations and posters. She
asked me to contact her if anybody was interested.
Kubra also reported, “For the director of communication position, they started interviews, and
the thesis and dissertation position is still open for applications. So you can check this out.”

Kubra moved the motion to adjourn the meeting, which was adjourned by unanimous consent.

Meeting Minutes 9/15/23

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
General Body Meeting
15th September, 2023
7:00 PM, In-Person and TEAMS Meeting Minute

I. Call to Order
Amrit Thapa called the meeting to order at 8:30 pm.

II. Roll call
Amrit Thapa
Kelsey Kayton
Nisha Singh
Brian Lee Everett
Rose Williamson
Sharique Siddiqui
Peter Owusu
Rose Williamson
Aaron Batke
Abbey Cicero
Abigail Bartlett
Adeola Adewa
Aisha Mohammed Salisu
Allen Casto
Antonia Sarpong (online)
Bridhika Senchury
Brooke Ripley
Edward Asante
Eirene Binabiba
Emmanuel Gbede
Felix Asare
Palwasha Khan
Frank Oppong
Hannah Bachert
John Akoeda
Kalia Schlenker (online)
Kayla Boaz
Krishna Prasad Khanal Jaishy
Kristodea Boadum
Michael Nicholson Pierce
Nicholas Whitticar (online)
Nida Ajmal
Nutifafa Akpeleasi
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Raghad Al-Khazraji
Shatakshi Semwall

III. Amendment to the Agenda
President Thapa motions to amendment of agenda to Sept 19th. Seconded by Sen Ripley.
Motion Carries.

IV. Speak Out
No Speak out

V. New Business: Approval of Resolution 2324-01: Appointment of New Members and
Appointed Staff
Vice President Kayton motions to pass Resolution 2324.01 to appoint new Senate body
Vice President Kayton: We usually pass a resolution to appoint new members, this is
what it looks like. We have new senators, representatives, and commissioners. We
interviewed senators and we believe all the new members will do a great job.
Before we pass this resolution, we wanted to make sure everyone is recognized. If you
would please stand up.
President Amrit moves for a vote, Sen Batke 2nds, none opposed.
Resolution 2324-01 passes.

VI. Reports
President Amrit attended the provost committee meeting.
President Amrit: I discussed what we were doing for the year and in this orientation
Vice President Kayton reports from graduate conference meeting.
Vice President Kayton: Graduate enrollment is down 4%
Treasurer Singh announced financial breakdown of senate orientation to come. The
Graduate Student Senate fund has: $8617.18

VII. Announcements
No advisors in attendance
President Amrit clarified that Senate meetings are on Tuesdays and that only the first GB
meeting is organized on Friday.
Vice President Kayton outlined the attendance policy.

VIII. Adjournment
President Thapa motions to adjourn, none opposed. Motion carries
Meeting ends 8:53pm

Meeting Minutes 9/19/23

OHIO Graduate Student Senate Orientation and Training
19th September, 2023
Meeting Minute
7:00 PM, In-Person and TEAMS

I. Call to Order
Amrit Thapa called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.
President Thapa yields the floor to Mayor Steve Patterson of Athens Ohio who is
currently running for reelection. He lays out his office accomplishments including
banning conversion therapy and declaring racism as a public health crisis in Athens. He
has come to speak about any concerns the Senators, Representatives and Commissioners
have for their constituents. Issues raised were more consistent bussing schedules for those
working late and those that don’t have vehicles. Green space projects in Athens were also

II. Roll call
Amrit Thapa
Kelsey Kayton
Rose Williamson
Brian Lee Everett
Sharique Siddiqui
Aaron Batke
Abbey Cicero
Abigail Bartlett
Adeola Adewa
Bridhika Senchury
Brooke Ripley
Edward Asante
Eirene Binabiba
Emmanuel Awunkori
Felix Asare
Frank Oppong
Grace Karis Chundama
Hannah Bachert
John Akoeda
Kalia Schlenker
Kayla Boaz
Khan Palwasha
Krishna Prasad Khanal Jaishy
Michael Nicholson Pierce
Nicholas Whitticar
Nida Ajmal
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Raghad Al-Khazraji
Sahaj Vohra
Xornam Deh

III. Agenda
President Thapa motion to amendment of agenda to move up the oath ceremony. The
motion is accepted by Senator Edward Asante, 2nd by Representative Nida Ajmal, motion
Dr. Koonce walks the senate members through the oath ceremony. Senators,
representatives, and commissioners all have different oaths.
Dr. Koonce: I “state your name” hereby affirm that I will faithfully serve the
graduate students of Ohio University…”
Oath continues with individual articles of titles. Senators, representatives, and
commissioners are sworn in, the quorum is present.
President Thapa moves for approval of previous meeting minutes. Senator Brooke Ripley
2nds, minutes are approved.
President Thapa opens the floor for “Speak out”
-Representative Kayla Boaz lets the body know there were squatters in the psychology
build. Warns other departments to be watchful for squatters in their own department
-Senator Edward Asante says senators should lobby for more representatives from each
department to help with advocacy and workload
President Thapa motions for Resolution 2324-02 Use of Funds for GSS Orientation
Vice President Kayton speaks for the bill as co-sponsor since sponsor Treasurer Nisha
Singh is absent. Vice President shows Treasurer Singh’s cost breakdown sheet. Senator
Asante ask how the cost were covered and approved without the Senate, that if all
expenses are pre or post approved. Vice President Kayton explains that without the oaths
there was not a quorum to approve the expenses and all spending going forward would be
with preapproval from the GSS body. Senator Whittaker explains that the executive body
has the power of discretionary spending according to the Graduate Student Senate
Constitution that allows them this power.
Senator Abigail Bartlett asks about a more detailed breakdown of budget surrounding the
item “supplies for event and office” Vice President Kayton explains these were items like
utensils, plates, cups, and other items that carry over to other uses by the office.
President Thapa moves to accept the resolution; Senator Whittaker accepts, Senator
Asante 2nds, Resolution 2324-02 is passed.

IV. New Business
President Amrit makes a report on the Student Leader meeting. Discussed that they are in
preliminary stages of ideas for engagement. President discussed ideas on how to
collaborate between the student leaders and GSS and hopes to have more meetings.
Vice President Kayton has nothing to report
Treasurer Singh is absent
Senators have nothing to report
Representatives have nothing to report
Commissioners have nothing to report

V . Announcements
President Thapa invites Dr Koonce to speak, he reports that there is a new
communications and development director Nathan Blackburn. Says they are doing a great
job in the role. He states that Thursday is the deadline for the fall travel award for
international students.
Senator Asante says he will be reviewing the code of conduct.
Vice President Kayton announces those absent from orientation need to complete the
supplemental activities asap. She also reports that committee sign-up deadlines are Sept
20th and that all members need to join their required number of committees. She asks that
members state their names and position before speaking to help facilitate the collection of
meeting minutes.
Representative Nida Ajmal announces there is an upcoming hike to Radar Hill at the
Ridges on Sept 30th.
President Thapa requests social time after the meeting so members can become better

VI. Adjournment
President Thapa motions to adjourn, none opposed. Motion carries
Meeting ends 8:58pm

Meeting Minutes 10/3/23

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
Meeting Minutes
Oct 3, 2023
7:00 PM, Irvine 199 or MS Teams

I. Presentation:
Meeting began with technical difficulties that delayed the start of the scheduled presentation until
7:11 PM.
Presentation was delivered by Courtney Silver-Peavy, Louise Stewart, and Amy Streiter as
representatives of Graduate Employee Organization (GEO). Each representative shared the unique
circumstances that led them to be members of GEO, many of which reflected hardships that are
common to graduate students at Ohio University (OU).
Courtney began describing GEO as a grad student group which is not a union but works to
pressure the university into providing fair working conditions and pay. She mentions that her
personal interest in student government began with her experience incurring $5,000 of medical
debt, which led her to joining GSS (and later, GEO). Her goals are to fight so that OU graduate
students can survive, pay medical bills, and afford medication.
Louise began by discussing her experiences as a third-year creative writing graduate. She states
that everyone in her department enters with a master’s degree and has teaching experience, but
lives in poverty conditions. She joined GEO because she begins work in August, but is not paid
until October, which would be illegal in other industries. When she received her first paycheck, it
was not enough to cover what she owed in health insurance. Additionally, she was visited by a
sheriff the preceding Wednesday who brought along one of her colleagues; the colleague had been
sleeping in his car after becoming homeless when he had to prioritize paying for life-saving
medication. He continued to teach classes under these conditions. She encourages GSS to support
efforts to improve graduate student conditions, and consider joining GEO.
Finally, Amy began by stating her desire to leave places better than she finds them. After joining
GEO, she held a rally for students to share their experiences and noted that international students’
experiences often involved exploitation. Her outrage at many of the stories shared encouraged her
to put more time into GEO. She herself was exploited by the previous chair of her department,
which she worked on resolving through the assistance of GEO. She brought her plan to the new
chair who was very reasonable, and wants to work with others through GEO to find the similar
solutions to their problems.
Courtney summarizes by saying that we have a lot of power, together. Grad students teach,
publish, acquire grant funding, and have helped push OU to R1 status. Yet, we are put in a
position to feel helpless between our short time here and high levels of demand/stress.
They emphasize that GSS and GEO often work together and represent different means of working
toward the same end: improving circumstances for both current and future graduate students at
OU. Past successes of GEO and GEO/GSS collaboration were noted, including things such as
increased health insurance subsidies for graduate students. The prior president did not realize our
health insurance was only subsidized at 10% when 13 of our sister schools averaged 80%, with
some up to 100%. OU graduate students now have a 60% subsidy.
Stipends, broadly, have not increased since 2017 and have decreased after factoring in inflation.
Courtney works with GSS stipend committee to address this. She also notes that international
students experience considerable additional stress when trying to advocate for their needs,
including fear of deportation, and that GEO is willing to help them – they can remain anonymous.
With Courtney graduating and the other presenters in their 3rd year, GEO needs new members to
keep fighting for graduate student needs. GEO invites GSS members to work with them and
intends to schedule regular meetings by the following Monday, 10/9.
GEO Presentation ends at 7:42 PM.

II. Call to Order
President Thapa speaks to the value of committees and calls the meeting to order at 7:43.

III. Roll Call at 7:30
IV. Amrit Thapa
Kelsey Kayton
Nisha Singh
Bridhika Senchury
Abigail Bartlett
Hannah Bachert
Brooke Ripley
Nicholas Whitticar
Aaron Batke
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Edward Asante
Eirene Binabiba
Allen Casto
Shatakshi Semwal
Sahaj Vohra
Raghad Al-Khazraji
Felix Asare
Adeola Adewa
Abbey Cicero
Michael Nicholson Pierce
Ali Abbas
Kalia Schlenker
Kayla Boaz
Krishna Prasad Khanal Jaishy
Xornam Deh
Emmanuel Agyei-Poku
FNU Palwasha
John Akoeda
Frank Oppong
Subekshya Ghimire
Rose Williamson
Sharique Siddiqui
Ryan Dryden
Maddie Hendricks

V. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
President Thapa motions to approve meeting minutes at 7:44.
Senator Senchury supports the motion.
Representative Vohra seconds.
No dissent, previous minutes approved.

VI. Amendments to the Agenda
Amrit opens the floor for amendments to the agenda.
Hearing none, moves forward with agenda.

VII. Speak out
Presentation was schedule with Mary Nally, Director of the Center for Campus and Community
Engagement, but had to be cancelled due to technical difficulties.

VIII. New Business
Resolution 2324-03
President Thapa asks Vice President Kayton to present the resolution. Vice President Kayton
presents resolution to admit new body members, mentions that applications are open for additional
members. President Thapa mentions that we have been actively attempting to recruit additional
members, especially for committees.
Senator Senchury moved to pass the resolution my unanimous consent at 7:49 PM.
Representative Vohra seconds.
Oath Ceremony
New members recite oath and are sworn in by Dr. David Koonce.

IX. Reports
1. Executives, Senators, Department Representatives, Commissioners
a. President Thapa met with student trustees on 9/26, Vice President Kayton was also in
attendance. Discussed plan for the year and issues faced as graduate students. Meeting
primarily for sharing, highlighting issues that need to be addressed such as: stipends, health
insurance, mental health, housing.
b. President Thapa met with President Gonzalez for a 30 minute one-on-one meeting. She
wanted to know our plan for the year and main grad student issues. Amrit openly discussed
our plans and actions, engagement, community service, outreach, social events, etc., as
well as grad student issues university needs to address for the university to succeed.
Mentioned that, as grads, we're involved in teaching and research that contribute to the
status of the university.
c. President met with director of center of campus engagement on the 30th
, discussing how to
better engage with on-campus and off-campus committees and organizations across the US
and beyond. It will be useful to lean on their experiences and research. They will be
interacting with our office.
d. Amrit also met with the committee on committees. Currently trying to work on health
insurance issues ahead of time so that they may go into effect this year.
e. No reports from Vice President Kayton.
f. Treasurer Singh would like to address questions from the previous week about funds used
for orientation.
• How it works: We have an account through OU where OU puts some money in
the account, which we use every year. Treasurer Singh has a Payment card (PCard) to purchase whatever she needs, which she prefers to do through
• Regarding money spent on orientation, which included orientation expenses
and necessary office supplies, Treasurer Singh noted some people were
concerned - especially given it was higher than last year. This year presented
higher experiences, especially the pizza consumed at orientation (around $300)
and a greater number of people in attendance.
• Regarding “What would happen if the resolution was not passed?”: What
should happen is that every year when the year is closing, we know orientation
has to be done. The previous years' executives should have a separate amount
set away for the orientation committee via resolution. This did not happen, so
the best thing to do going forward was to go to orientation committee and make
sure all expenditures were agreed upon. Regardless, if someone had a problem
with the resolution Treasurer Singh would clarify and says we should look at
what modifications can be made to pass the resolution.
• Treasurer Singh states that we did the best we could and will try to do better
next time, especially since last time was less expensive. However, she wants to
note that if we do not use the money provided to us we will receive less in the
future – we must use money wisely, but it is important that we do use money.
g. Amrit asks for senator reports.
• Senator Senchury states that the Center for International Studies is now under
College of Arts and is going through transition as they are hiring a new
Director for the college. She had her first meeting with the Associate Director
and Assistant Director for Student Success and Communications after her
appointment as Senator. Will discuss further on 10/09.
• Senator Abdoulaye Balarabe states he will be sitting in a University
International Council (UIC) meeting as a senator.
• Senator Asante is working with the alumni association regarding the graduate
college. Asking GSS to send more requests to this department for collaboration.
• President Thapa says we have communicated with colleges and are trying to
schedule an all-senator meeting and attempting to have representatives in all
h. Amrit asks for representative and commissioner reports.
• None
2. Committee Reports
a. Governance Committee
• Governance committee met last week. Discussed plans for the year, Vice
President Kayton is chair. Discussing election procedures - election of senators
debate continues from last year. May work on online verbiage for RNP. Plan to
meet weekly since elections are urgent. Once settled, will meet biweekly.
b. Budget Committee
• None
c. GSS Internal Awards Committee
• None
d. Health Insurance Committee, Paid Medical Leave Committee
• Commissioner Khan says first meeting occurred today. Decided meetings times
e. Social Events Committee
• Vice President Kayton speaks on behalf of committee. Committee does not
have chair yet. Held first meeting last week. Brainstormed ideas for events for
GSS members and grad student events such as hikes, a movie, etc. They are
looking forward to it. Plan is to meet bi-weekly on Wednesdays. President
Thapa was also in attendance and is excited.
f. Graduate Student Conference (Grad Con) Committee
• Vice President Kayton says this committee also met last week. She is chairing
this committee given her experience last year; no one else has shown interest in
being chair. The meeting consisted of discussing last year’s convention format
to begin planning this year’s convention, with hopes of continued
improvement. Plan to meet biweekly, likely Fridays at 2pm.
• President Thapa says Grad Con went very well last year and should be even
better this year. We may reach out to other universities this year.
g. GSS Outreach Committee
• Representative Ajmal says committee is for connecting grads to resources. Had
a meeting in September to discuss what they will be working on, such as
networking. Will be meeting biweekly.
h. GSS Community Service Committee
• Representative Cicero says committee met last Thursday, further meeting times
and chair to be determined. Plan is to lead and serve both academic community
and city of Athens – to give grad students opportunity to both plan and
participate in community service as well as cultivate leadership skills,
community connections, and support service. There is a plan to clean beach at
Stroud's, date to be determined.
i. Stipend Committee
• Senator Bartlett says this committee discussed stipend increases, but also other
ways to help grad students financially. Plan to meet biweekly. Senator Bartlett
believes she will likely be chair. Will continue focusing on subsidized meal
plans. Will focus on stipend reports from last year, may also look into parking.

VIII. Announcements
a. President Thapa announces homecoming is coming up and GSS will be involved in the parade.
He encourages participation from GSS members but acknowledges early hours. The plan is to
meet at the GSS office by 8:30 AM. GSS is trying to have coffee and cookies for people who
arrive - chat, have fun, and walk to union street. We have a GSS banner, Grad Con t-shirts
would be good to wear if you have them. The more the better!
b. Vice President Kayton encourages members to complete hazing prevention training as it is a
required part of GSS membership. Has a spreadsheet to track completion – due date is 10/9.
c. Vice President Kayton also notes that there is supposed to be a review of executive officers’
performance halfway through the semester by the general body, but this committee needs
members. Email Vice President Kayton if interested.
d. Treasurer Singh requests and strongly emphasizes the need for reviewers of Original Work
Grants. President Thapa says he did this last year and it was a great opportunity. No experience
needed, minimal workload, and will likely review two proposals after being properly trained.
However, needs to be taken seriously.
• Representative Asare asks about meeting requirements. Treasurer Singh explains
work can be done from home. Representative Asare clarifies he was asking if people
have to meet here for it.
• Some members volunteer but others are still needed. Reach out to Treasurer Singh
with questions or concerns.
e. Treasurer Singh also requests people please respond to teams calendar invite if you are going to
join GSS for parade, as a head count is needed for food.

IX. Adjournment
Amrit motions to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 PM.
Unanimous consent is seconded by Senator Whitticar.
Meeting adjourned at 8:28 PM.

Meeting Minutes 10/17/23

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
General Body Meeting Minutes
Oct 17, 2023, 7:00 pm

I. Presentation: Christopher S. Lewis, Director of the Office of Nationally Competitive
- Dr Lewis outlines ONCA does for the graduate student body
- Defines criteria for gaining grants, lays out the mission which is to empower graduate
students to gain the funding for education, travel, and furthering their research
- Highlights specific opportunities that graduate students can be a part of
- Awards are given based on academic performance, community affiliations, financial
need and career aspirations, all dependent on the award. Students are encouraged to
visit the office at 35 Park Place to find out more

II. Call to Order
- 7:30 President Thapa calls the meeting to order, Chief of Staff Williamson conducts the
roll via sign in sheet

III. Roll Call at 7:30
Amrit Bahadur Thapa
Kelsey Kayton
Nisha Singh
Rose Williamson
Brian Lee Everett
Sharique Siddiqui
Aaron Batke
Abbey Cicero
Abigail Bartlett
Adeola Adewa
Aisha Mohammed Salisu
Allen Casto
Bridhika Senchury
Brooke Ripley
Catherine Nikoi
Edward Asante
Eirene Binabiba
Emmanuel Agyei-Poku
Emmanuel Awunkori
Felix Asare
FNU Palwasha
Frank Oppong
John Akoeda
Kalia Schlenker
Kayla Boaz
Krishna Prasad Khanal Jaishy
Michael Nicholson Pierce
Nicholas Whitticar
Nida Ajmal
Nutifafa Akpeleasi
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Raghad Al-Khazraji
Ryan Dryden
Shatakshi Semwall
Subeksjya Ghimire
Xornam Deh

IV. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
- Sen Senchury request amendment to minutes, minutes reflected a meeting she had not
had yet
- Motion to approve by Sen. Whitticar
- Seconded by Sen. Senchury
- Minutes approved

V. Amendments to the Agenda
- Motion to amend agenda to add Resolution 2324-06 to New Business
- Sen. Whitticar motions to amend
- Sen. Senchury seconds
- Agenda amended

VI. Speak out
- No student concerns are presented

VII. New Business
1. Resolution 2324-04: Use of GSS Funds for Scary Movie Night
- Sponsors: Vice President Kayton and Representative Ajmal
- Sponsors say the resolution will provide funds for a movie night for either Oct 27th or
28th at the Athena Grand theater. Sponsors speak to the need for stress relief and an
opportunity to socialize as a student body
- Treasurer Singh asks about if snacks are included and if the $125 price is the set cost
for tickets, it is confirmed there will be no snacks but $125 is the ticket cost cap.
Everyone else will have to pay for their own ticket
- President Thapa asks how many are confirmed, the count was not in yet since a survey
went out that day to simply get a rough estimate to pass a resolution
- Motion to approve by Sen Senchury
- Seconded by Sen Whitticar
- Resolution is adopted
2. Resolution 2324-05: Use of GSS Funds for Strouds Run State Park Cleaning Project
- Sponsors: Representative Abbey Cicero, Representative Krishna Khanal, President
- Sponsors would like to purchase gloves and trash bags of the Graduate Senate could
engage in cleaning up at Strouds Run Park on Oct 22nd. The Park is in use by the
public, and this would allow us to give back to the community. It would also allow
the Senate body to build comraderies and get to know each other better.
- Concerns are presented by Senator Ripley, Senator Bartlett, Representative Bentil,
and Treasurer Singh about possible date changes due to weather, concerns around
using latex gloves due to allergies and using plastic gloves to conduct environmental
clean-up and how those without vehicles will travel.
- Sen Ripley Motions to approve the Resolution
- Commissioner Oppong Seconds
- Resolution is adopted
3. Resolution 2324-06: Funding for Original Work Grant Supplemental Awards
- Sponsors: Senator Whitticar, Representative Asare, Treasurer Singh, Commissioner
- The Resolution will provide an extra $250 to the top three recipients of the $750
OWG. The original amount of $750 can be a little sparse so providing extra funding
for the best project will allow for their best results
- Dr Newton opens the discussion, points out the grants must be specifically detailed in
their budgets so is concerned about the metrics of the implementation.
- Concerns presented by Sen. Abdoulaye Balarabe, Sen. Bartlett, include how to best
determine the top three for the grant, if it can be changed to an award, how those who
have submitted budgets will be able to get the full $1000 if their budgets were under
$750. Additional concerns if this award could go to which colleges and if it would
include the art
- Vice President motions to table the resolution due to concerns and needs to rework it
to be implementable with the rules of OWG
- Motion to table passes by majority
- Resolution tabled until Oct 31

VIII. Reports
1. Executives, Senators, Department Representatives, Commissioners
- President Thapa reports he had a meeting with Graduate Council. It was a general
meeting so there was no specific item in agenda that could be of interest to this
meeting. They discussed issues of lower graduate school enrollment and plans to help
deal with student mental health. Hoping for a more in-depth agenda for the next
- Vice President Kayton reports that the GSS is looking for members for the executive
review committee to help improve executive function of the GSS. She successfully
gains two additional members for the committee. OU President Lori Gonzalez will be
presenting at the Oct 31st meeting and request the members attend in more formal attire
to show professionalism and appreciation for the President’s visit. We also may take
GSS photos.
- Treasure Singh reports on the Homecoming costs which were done with general
funding. $20 for coffee and $16.47 dollars for doughnuts. $7429.37 is in the general
fund and that this is true and accurate to the best of her knowledge.
- Sen Edward Asante states 875 cases of students violating the Code of Conduct going
through Standard and Review committee for school
- Meeting with Director of communication and student success on Oct 9th was a
productive meeting. Suggestion of newsletter and coffee meet ups for the Senators to
reach out to students.
- Global Research Symposium is having the Three Minute Thesis competition again, it is
encouraged to participate
- Curriculum meetings are a great opportunity to learn about the other colleges, Sen.
Ripley recommend others to attend and learn more

2. Committee Reports
a. Governance Committee
-Weekly meetings to discuss changes to the Senator election process. The committee
hopes to present an amendment resolution to the R&P soon.
b. Health Insurance Committee, Paid Medical Leave Committee
-Commissioner Khan announces that a meeting has been arranged with Anna Casteel,
the health administrator.
c. Social Events Committee
-No announcements as all updates were provided in the resolution.
d. Graduate Student Conference (Grad Con) Committee
-Vice President Kayton indicated that meeting scheduled for this Friday, the agenda
has gone out. Any members who would still like to join this committee are welcome
e. Stipend Committee
-Sen. Bartlett indicated that the committee is working on dividing tasks for the year

IX. Announcements
- Dr Newton reports that Nathan Blackburn is doing an excellent job with social media
for the graduate school.

X. Adjournment
-Motion to adjourn by President Thapa
-Seconded by Sen. Ripley
-Meeting Adjourned 8:58 pm

Meeting Minutes 10/31/23

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
General Body Meeting Minutes
Oct 31, 2023
7:00 PM, Irvine 199

The meetings are held in-person, if you are an online student or do not live in Athens or have excusable
absence, please contact Vice President Kelsey Kayton (

I. Presentation: Dr. Lori Stewart Gonzalez, 23rd President of Ohio University
President Thapa greets GSS and introduces President Gonzalez.
President Gonzalez greets GSS and says she hopes we’ve all had a great start. Things feel like precovid – more normal than they’ve been in a long time. She says she asks how our past informs where
we are going, while acknowledging that we can’t live in the past. She thanks us all for being part of
GSS and acknowledges how busy we are. She says that being part of GSS is a way to help govern OU
from a graduate perspective and provides useful background experience for people seeking faculty
President Gonzalez says we’re trying to chart the course of OU for the next 30 years. What are the big
ideas for education, research, service, and work? We are going to meet and invite comments/concerns
through a website focused on this. We want to hear ideas for what the university can be doing and
hope to present this to the board of trustees in 2024. Our mission statement hasn’t been updated since
2012. A committee is working on this and should be done in February.
She continues to say that our provost agreed to serve an additional year, but we are currently going
through a national search. David Koonce has had double job being president of the graduate college
and vice president of research. The HR director position is also being prioritized and updated. Provost
and vice president of research candidates are coming in. President Gonzalez invites us to come if we
have the time and wants our feedback.
President Gonzalez proposes things we want to work on. Her first point is stipends. She asks those
who have problems with stipends to raise their hands and then states that it’s all of us, even those who
did not raise their hands, because stipends are an area where we need to improve. She is currently
trying to identify how much we are off and how we can improve. She says this will likely be through
incremental progress, but that it is one of her commitments.
The next is Graduate housing. She says we are not going to build graduate housing, but we have
blocks of apartments in the Rivers apartments. We could set aside some of those units for graduate
students which have previously gone to upperclassmen. She asks if this would be appealing and
several students nod in response. We could price without a meal plan, highlighting that all rooms have
kitchens. She says she can look at this idea and come back with some proposals. She also says she
doesn’t want to pursue this route without interest, but nods from GSS student body indicate interest.
The Rivers are nicer than a lot of housing opportunities in the city.
President Gonzalez asks GSS some questions. First, she asks “How can we grow the number of
graduate students? What can we do better/more?”
Senator Ripley says that not all departments guarantee stipends/funding, getting that would be
encouraging. Commissioner Abidin says that in her city in Indonesia, many international high schools
increase prestige by having collaborations with universities abroad, especially in the US. These kinds
of collaborations will attract students to OU. She encourages this opportunity for places like her
country. President Gonzales agrees this idea would be useful, especially for programs that wouldn’t be
offered elsewhere. Commissioner Abidin also says webinars are very popular and can expand outreach
beyond Indonesia. Representative Casto says that including online students as much as on-campus
students has facilitated his success and likely would for others. He says that OU has done an excellent
job of integrating online students and expanding on this would be helpful.
President Gonzalez says she’s glad he is having a good experience and affirms his status, and the
status of all online students, as OU students. Senator Senchury says professional focus is lacking.
OU’s focus should not just be about producing graduate students and faculty, but giving people
professional exposure, especially for people graduating soon.
President Gonzalez says President Thapa has been talking to her about this for about two months,
specifically regarding incorporating industry routes and exposure for graduate students (as opposed to
a faculty route – we’re not planning to invite other universities as graduate students already get that
exposure here).
Senator Bartlett says that when comparing us to other schools like OSU, though they are much bigger,
she believes a lot of faculty won’t take students and/or that students can’t get in. We have a lot of
graduate applications, but faculty can’t take them. President Gonzalez asks for clarification. Senator
Bartlett clarifies that we need more faculty, or more faculty support.
President Gonzalez says we look at statistics to identify needs and understands the need for capacity
that allows faculty to support students.
Senator Bachert says alumni for sports have been great – once a bobcat always a bobcat. She says
having alumni return for academic reasons, not just homecoming and sports, would be helpful.
President Gonzalez says this is a great point, and that alums often want to come back and meet current
students. She says bringing this up to alumni affairs would help. In particular, she gives the example of
people with degrees in say, psychology, but whose routes took them elsewhere. She wants examples of
what is possible after school - hearing from not just the people who went on to make millions, but
those who went on to get jobs they’re passionate about or made their communities better. She also says
we have almost 300,000 living alumni we can draw on for this.
Commissioner Everett says that selling our location is helpful; he loves being here. It is almost like a
monastery – beautiful, quiet, and contemplative. The area itself is unique.
President Gonzalez says that once here, there is little distraction. It is a beautiful place. The theme of a
recent installation was a celebration of place. She also says our geography is our advantage and
disadvantage. The location on a map is not appealing – but being here is amazing. It’s a cool town,
you can be exactly who you are. You can develop your personality and your classes influence who you
are; it is an incredibly comfortable place. She mentions the leaves this fall, the cherry blossoms in
spring, and that there are 1,804 cherry trees – the year OU began. 1804 is also last four digits of her
number. She also emphasizes a desire to increase military students, as Brian Everett is the
Commissioner of Veterans’ Affairs.
Commissioner Cespedes says that we do a good job of reaching out to some regions, but Latin
America is lacking. As an example, she says the Doctor of Communication program recruits primarily
through things like fairs and conventions. She says we can reach out to people in Latin America who
do not come to these events.
President Gonzalez mentions areas where we do a lot of outreach, such as Africa, but agrees that we
need to go where the students are and believes that Commissioner Cespedes’ ideas are good for that.
Commissioner Abidin adds that in Indonesia, those who go to OU become alumni who can speak to
their experience here. We need to highlight our achievements, resources, and connections.
President Gonzalez says she is going to go back to management and leadership teams to share these
President Gonzalez proposes one more question – what are selling points of what we like about OU
and what would you change? What’s special about OU?
Senator Ripley says the location and attitude in the area. Sustainability is good here, we have an onsite
composting facility which was once the largest in the US. She says this would be good to highlight.
She also points out that we have a lot of mowed grass, which isn’t really necessary or helpful for
ecology. She says environmental majors would love the opportunity for introducing native
Representative Casto says he is biased, as he grew up in Marietta. He likes our location. He would like
to see change in trustees. His aunt was the first regional trustee which was a was non-voting position.
He would like to see more votes tied to people outside of school.
President Gonzalez says the board of trustees is appointed by the governor, but people can reach out.
She says she empathizes with Allan’s concerns and knows what he is talking about. She mentions that
trustees don’t have to be alumni, but are often chosen when available.
Commissioner Ghimire says the multicultural environment here is good. She mentions her friends at
the University of Florida and the University of Texas have talked about the variety of friends they
have, but they say many are Americans. She says that here at OU, people are from all over the world.
This is something she loves – learning from them, their countries, and their experiences.
President Gonzalez says this is wonderful. President Gonzalez thanks everyone and says it has been
great to be there.
President Thapa thanks President Gonzalez for her time.

II. Call to Order
Amrit calls meeting to order at 7:31. Thanks GSS for questions to president.

III. Roll Call at 7:30
Chief of Staff Everett does roll call:
Amrit Thapa
Kelsey Kayton
Bridhika Senchury
Abigail Bartlett
Hannah Bachert
Brooke Ripley
Nicholas Whitticar
Aaron Batke
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Eirene Binabiba
Allen Casto
Shatakshi Semwall
Sahaj Vohra
Justice Kwabena Bentil
Felix Asare
Adeola Adewa
Aisha Mohammed Salisu
Abbey Cicero
Michael Nicholson Pierce
Kalia Schlenker
Krishna Prasad Khanal Jaishy
Nida Ajmal
Catherine Nikoi
Kristodea Boadum
Grace Karis Chundama
Xornam Deh
Emmanuel Agyei-Poku
FNU Palwasha
John Akoeda
Frank Oppong
Subekshya Ghimire
Carolina Herrera Cespedes
John Fiifi Essel
Nadiah Abidin
Rose Williamson
Brian Lee Everett
Sharique Siddiqui
Peter Owusu

IV. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
President Thapa requests motion to approve the previous meeting’s minutes.
Senator Senchury motions to approve.
Commissioner Subekshya Ghimire seconds the motion.
Hearing no opposition, approved.

V. Amendments to the Agenda
President Thapa asks for any amendments to the agenda.
Hearing none, moving forward with agenda.

VI. Speak out
A bill in support of a Revolving Sustainability fund at Ohio University
Caden Hibbs greets GSS and says that there are some environmental policy failures at OU, especially
because they have failed to include students. There is a little bit of funding for sustainability initiatives and
also green rooms at Schoonover, Patton college, etc. that were grant funded. Most students have not heard
of these resources. Overall, there are few resources at due to no funding. Miami University has done
phenomenally with regard to this and through their revolving sustainability fund and has developed
reputation as green school. 19 of 25 greenest schools have this type of fund.
Caden Hibbs was involved with an effort that surveyed students about their interest in this fund and how
likely they would opt in to a green fee to help fund these initiatives. 59% of students responded that they
would be likely or extremely likely to opt-in. Because of some students not being interested, this would be
optional, not forced and not mandatory whatsoever. It is just a way to get sustainability initiatives of the
ground. As a result of this initiative, we could allow students to become stakeholders and participate in OUs
commitment to sustainability. This would especially appeal to environmentally interested students.
Including student body in sustainability initiatives would be great for this, even with a small amount of
funding ($5 per student added to their tuition). Post-implementation surveys would also provide evidence
for potentially increasing this fund. Again, this fee is not mandatory. There is no financial burden just to
make up for university shortcomings. Students would have the option to make a choice regarding whether
or not they would opt in.
Representative Casto asks: “What would you do with funding?” Caden Hibbs replies that it would be used
for rain barrels, solar picnic tables, etc. and there are a wide arrange of possibilities depending on funding.
Even small projects would be appealing. Senator Ripley thanks Caden Hibbs and says she can pass this on
and fully endorse this. She would love to achieve a gold star for sustainability, and she also appreciates
these efforts to protect our earth.
Representative Asare asks if the Bill is for freshman, graduate students, or all undergraduates? Caden Hibbs
replies that anyone on a Ohio Guarantee Plan going will have the opportunity to provide to this fund. It will
not start this year.
Hearing no further comments, President Thapa calls for a motion to support this bill. Senator Ripley
motions to support this bill with unanimous consent. Representative Casto opposes. He has no questions
for Caden Hibbs, but just believes campus sustainability is already efficient and is unsure if would be
beneficial or effective.
Senator Whitticar asks if we are even allowed to vote. Vice President Kayton clarifies that this is not a
GSS resolution, but that the vote is to show support for this initiative so that when it if officially
proposed, they can say that GSS is also in support.
Senator Ripley says allocation for sustainability clarification would be useful. Caden Hibbs says that the
goal would be for funding to go towards revolving fund with a board that would be focused on
distributing these funds. Senator Ripley adds that said, “those voting to determine this will be beneficial,
would there be reports to know if things aren’t working?” Caden Hibbs replies “Yes”
President Thapa asks does the fund go to OU or the student body? Caden Hibbs replies, “directly to OU
for allocation.” President Thapa reminds everyone that it is not required for students to opt in.
Commissioner Abidin asks if there is a roadman for implementation and says that more specificity would
help. Caden Hibbs says they will go on to propose and run it by the Board of Trustees. With the Board of
Trustees’ approval, they will touch base with administrators for implementation and creating a board. He
says they want to follow Miami University’s model and that implementation is not too complicated
beyond creating a board and opting in.
President Thapa then motions for another vote using a show of hands. The resolution is passed with a
majority - 19/31 votes in favor.
President Thapa thanks GSS for their involvement and Caden for presenting resolution

VII. Reports and Announcements from Advisors
President Thapa asks if the GSS advisors have any announcements.
Dr. Koonce and Dr. Newton do not have any announcements to report

VIII. Old Business
President Amrit brings up previous meetings’ resolutions and asks Senator Whitticar to present.
Resolution 2324-06: Graduate Student Senate Outstanding Grant Award
Senator Whitticar talks about how discussion needed reworking from last time. He explains that GSS
and Grad Council carries out the OWG process. $750 is awarded to each winner each year and it is a
point of pride for GSS. He would like to give additional awards to students with best grants (an extra
$150 to the top 3). It will be called the Outstanding Grant Award. This would support Graduate
students by giving them extra money and allow them to include an additional accomplishment on
their CV.
The changes to the resolution from last meeting involved specifying that the funds do not go to their
research but are awarded directly to the student. Furthermore, he clarified that as the reviews already
are complete, the top 3 are already picked based on unbiased reviews from at least 3 reviewers.
Representative Asante, a sponsor, says that he was also a reviewer for OWG and that $150 is good
amount for this award.
There is no further commentary from final sponsor, as Treasurer Singh is absent.
President Thapa calls for a motion to approve the resolution. Commissioner Everett motions to
approve. Senator Ripley seconds. President Thapa asks if any oppose. Hearing none the resolution

IX. New Business
Resolution 2324-07: Appointment of New Members
President Thapa mentions resolution and introduces primary sponsor, Vice President Kayton.
Vice President Kayton says there are new members. There are four new commissioners, in particular
Chief of Staff Everett will be appointed as veteran affairs commissioner. Although he is currently a
Chief of Staff, a Chief of Staff is a non-voting member and there are no rules against someone who is a
non-voting member holding a voting positions. He is very passionate about this as a veteran and the
Executive board supports his passion for this. Vice President Kayton says that she wanted to clarify this
for transparency and that we will do at next meeting.
President Thapa seeks questions.
Felix asks about the responsibilities of a Veterans Affairs Commissioner. Chief of Staff Everett says he
will be advocating for veteran students at OU, while there are not many. He will be working with
veteran students through a veteran students club in Baker. He will also be researching resources in the
community as well. He has worked with veteran’s affairs and has done some counseling in this regard.
He says that it is hard to adjust from that life to a civilian one and he has personally struggled with this.
He would like to help to help veteran’s build a sense of community and feel included.
President Thapa seeks additional questions. Hearing none, he motions to pass. Representative Casto
motions to approve the resolution with unanimous consent. Senator Whitticar seconds the motion.
President Thapa asks if anyone opposes. Hearing none, the resolution is approved.

VIII. Reports
a. Executives, Senators, Commissioners, Department Representatives
President Thapa has been raising the same questions President Gonzalez talked about. He has
been speaking with President and Provost and advocating for what we’ve been doing, especially
for engagement with community and graduate students including different activities to help grads
get better exposure to more experience. He has been raising issues like health insurance and
considering other opportunities that might help encourage graduate students come to OU. It
doesn’t seem very easy, because it comes back to money – stipends, insurance, housing is all
money. But he says there are still ways to address these issues so grad life is better and graduate
students can focus on research, teaching, and leadership. He has met with leaders over last two
weeks. He has had the opportunity to attend the Investiture ceremony, which was very formal and
lovely. At the event, he spoke to different leaders – board of trustee members, deans of colleges,
etc. At each meeting he has attended, he has talked about the importance of grads – beyond
coursework, labwork, etc. It’s about research, quality of teaching, representing OU outside of OU.
He participated in the GSS Community service event and said it was a good opportunity to work
as a team. He says the committee will share more about this later.
Vice President Kayton said she has a few updates with positions. The Black affairs commissioner
realized she was not able to attend meetings and resigned and that we will be requesting
applications to replace her. Vice President Kayton requests help with recruiting. She states that
the Psych department representative also had to step down. Finally, Vice President Kayton adds
that she has been working with Senator Binabiba to add more positions to Scripps college due to
lack of representation. She states that there are probably more programs that should be
represented. She also indicates that she attended the GSS Scary Movie Night and will talk about it
during committee reports.
President Thapa mentions that Treasurer Singh is traveling to India and was not able to attend the
full meeting virtually.
Senator Bartlett met with Dr. Matthew Ando. She requested that there is better communication
with students.
President Thapa says Senator positions are good recruitment opportunity and that senators should
use their positions to recruit department representatives.
Senator Binabiba states that she has initiated conversations with her Dean involving fellow
department representatives. She wanted to meet with the Dean and Associate Dean for Scripps
college, but they were very busy. She hopes the meeting will happen in about two weeks. She is
planning to meet with department representatives to identify what to discuss.
Department Representatives:
Representative Casto says he had a student reached out and offer support for GSS. She is in
professional MBA program that meets in OU Dublin. She was excited so she reached out to offer
Commissioner Chundama states that she attended a National Women’s conference in Baltimore.
She traveled with OU women’s center. The conference brings educators, MSs, and PhD students
together to share their knowledge. She found the conference very insightful and mentions that this
was the first time OU was attending conference and that the center is hoping more female
Graduate Students will attend in the future.
Commissioner Agyei-Poku met with the Director of Counseling and Psychological Services &
Assistant Director for Communication and Outreach and thought it was a helpful conversation.
He brought to their attention that many mental health programs are focused on undergraduates
and that graduate students feel left behind regarding. They said that in previous years there were
some programs for Graduate students but they didn’t receive much interest, such as therapy
groups for just graduate students and thesis writing groups. There was only one person who
attended those so they are questioning which ways they should communicate with us and get our
attention. They also have a coping workshop that is currently active called Diverse Minds to help
those from different backgrounds cope.
President Thapa says mental health is a very important issue, especially for grads. Commissioner
Agyei-Poku would be great first connection for that kind of support.
Commissioner Boadum says that she reached out to the Academic Achievement Center to discuss
Commissioner Deh said he met with Dr. Morrow and said they spoke about how GSS can work
with the D&I office. They have some programs coming from the women’s center and they will
inform us of upcoming programs.
b. Internal Committee Reports
i. Governance Committee
Vice President Kayton said the committee is working on drafting an amendment
resolution for Senator elections
ii. Budget Committee
Senator Whitticar said OWG reviews are complete. There were 80 reviewers, which is a
new record. 20 grants submitted. The top 13 names were forwarded to the Graduate
College. He says that if anyone in your department got funded, it would be nice to say
congrats and spread the news. President Thapa adds that this is a good opportunity to
promote GSS as well
iii. GSS Internal Awards Committee
No reports
iii. Health Insurance Committee, Paid Medical Leave Committee
Commissioner Khan says that the health insurance presentation is next meeting and that it
is a great opportunity for GSS members. She had a meeting with Anna Casteel recently
and discussed a lot of problems on behalf of GSS and Graduate Students. She wants to
know what changes we want in the policy. She says that if you have anything you want to
change or add in health insurance policy (monthly premium, med cost), let her know or
ask in next meeting.
iv. Social Events Committee
Commissioner Ajmal mentioned we had the GSS Scary Movie Night last week. The next
event will be a Potluck open to all Graduate Students and a survey will be sent to inquire
about food each attendee will bring.
Vice President Kayton adds that the GSS Scary Movie Night was fun and they saw The
Exorcist: Believer at 7pm in the Athena Grand. There were 9 attendees and we bought 10
tickets. She adds that it was nice to see everyone in a more informal context and
chat/experience the movie together. She mentions that she’d like to have another event
like this in the future but maybe consider reserving a theater. This may be easier so that
we don’t need an exact number of attendees. Amrit says we had 20-25 tickets approved
based on resolution.
Vice President Kayton says that because of challenge of passing resolution and the
theater taking a while to update the movie showings, we couldn’t pick a time and movie
until after GB meeting. In the resolution, we accommodated for a max of 25 people, but
based on second survey RSVP, there were only 10 sign-ups so we only paid for 10
President Thapa says this takes a lot of effort to organize any kind of event. Any
committee that puts these together these events should be thanked, and attendance is way
to show that.
v. Graduate Student Conference (Grad Con) Committee
Vice president Kayton says the committee met last week, but some members had other
commitments going on so the committee began creating the layouts of what Grad Con
will look like this year. She adds that the committee will meet this Friday to try and
finalize initial plans. President Amrit says that he would like to have the keynote and
social in the Baker Ballroom and says that planning is going very well.
vi. GSS Outreach Committee
President Thapa states that there was an Outreach Committee meeting this week, but
there is no specific activity to report from the last two weeks.
vii. GSS Community Service Committee
Commissioner Nikoi said there was a Community service event at Strouds run state park.
Everyone met at baker at 3:30, left at 3:40, and arrived around 4:00. The weather was
great and refreshing and some members brought families. Overall, it was a memorable
experience. They contributed to the cleaning of the park and gave members opportunity
to interact with each other and develop a sense of community and belonging. It was also a
good leadership opportunity and a fun hiking opportunity. She says that when you hear
community service is having an event to please take part.
viii. Stipend Committee
Senator Bartlett said that the committee is adjusting the subsidized meal plan proposal to
include GRS, who only work for 5 hours a week and often do not get benefits from the
University. She said that the committee’s meal plan proposal will be split into sections to
best include evidence and background for this plan.
c. External Committee Reports
i. Committee on Committees
President Thapa says that there has been one meeting and they discussed whether
committees are going well.
ii. Graduate Council
Nothing to report.
iii. Honorary Degree Committee
Senator Batke said that he has not heard anything yet and be will probably not have
updates until the Spring. He also added that the Kennedy Lecture series had a meeting
last Thursday and there will be a synopsis shared.
iv. Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
President Thapa says this position is open. Senator Bachert is interested.
v. Kennedy/Frontiers in Science Lecture Committee
President Thapa says this position is open.
vi. University Libraries Committee
President Thapa says this position is open.
vii. Ohio University Research Council
Representative Asare says that this committee will meet on the 16th at 8:30.
viii. Post Publishing Board
President Thapa says this position is open.
ix. Sorority and Fraternity Life Committee
President Thapa says this position is open.
x. University Curriculum Council
Commissioner Oppong says they met on October 10th on Teams. They discussed many
things such as the suspension of a program. He states that he can share the meeting
minutes if anyone is interested. Senator Ripley says she has no further comments.
xi. Science Café Cadre
President Thapa says this position is open. Commissioner Cespedes is interested.
xii. Sustainability Committee
Senator Ripley said they met a month ago and she has not heard any updates.

X. Announcements
No announcements

XI. Adjournment
President Thapa announces that there will be a photo session after adjournment.
President Thapa requests a motion to adjourn the meeting. Senator Batke motions to adjourn the
meeting with unanimous consent. Senator Ripley seconds.

Meeting Minutes 11/28/23

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
General Body Meeting Agenda
Nov 28, 2023
7:00 PM, Irvine 199

The meetings are held in-person, if you are an online student or do not live in Athens or have excusable
absence, please contact Vice President Kelsey Kayton and says we are welcome to contact
at any time. She says would provide number but does not know it. She emphasizes that if there is
anything she can do to help support, assist, or provide info, just let her know. This gets her back to
how it started, students is in the title, we are her job.

II. Call to Order
Amrit calls the meeting to order at 7:28 PM.

III. Roll Call at 7:30
Rose Williamson does the roll call.
Amrit Thapa
Kelsey Kayton
Aaron Batke
Abbey Cicero
Abby Tharpe
Abigail Bartlett
Adeola Adewa
Aisha Mohammed
Ali Abbas
Allen Casto
Bridhika Senchury
Brooke Ripley
Carolina Herrera
Edward Asante
Emmanuel Agyei-Poku
Emmanuel Awunkori
Felix Asare
Frank Oppong
Hannah Bachert
John Akoeda
John Fiifi Essel
Justice Bentil
Kalia Schlenker
Krishna Prasad Khanal Jaishy
Kristodea Boadum
Michael Nicholson Pierce
Nadiah Abidin
Nicholas Whitticar
Nida Ajmal
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Palwasha Khan
Richard Abaidoo
Rose Williamson
Ryan Dryden
Sahaj Vohra
Sharique Siddiqui
Shatakshi Semwall Xornham Deh

IV. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
Representative Ajmal says there is a mistake about her last name and requests an amendment.
Chief of Staff Williamson states that she will retrieve a copy of the minutes and correct
Representative Ajmal’s name.
Senator Balarabe motions to approve.
Representative Asare seconds.

V. Amendments to the Agenda
Senator Asante motions to amend the agenda to review the election questions.
Senator Whitticar seconds.
Motion is approved.

VI. Speak Out
No speak outs presented.
VII. Reports and Announcements from Advisors
Dr. Koonce has nothing to report.

VIII. Old Business

IX. New Business
Resolution 2324-10: Update on the Rules & Procedures Regarding Election
Sponsors: Vice President Kayton, Senator Asante, Commissioner Everett, Commissioner Deh,
Representative Bello, Commissioner Chundama, Commissioner Awunkori.
President Thapa invites Vice President Kayton to present the resolution.
Vice president Kayton says there was a long debate last year about the senator election process and
whether elections should continue. Governance committee determined that elections were very
important – the positions are prestigious and involve work/skill. After agreeing elections should
continue, they realized that the timeline and process at least needs to be improved. For instance, the
nomination and application process being separated create a lot of work and is confusing. This also
creates an overlap between executive and senator elections which may also be confusing and makes
it challenging to run for senator if you lose when running for an executive position. There are also
logistical challenges for sending info to deans and giving them a lot of additional work.
As a result, for Senator elections, the plan is to start week 8 and close week 10; changing the process
from 8 weeks to 6 weeks and removing the nomination process. Further, only those from specific
colleges should be allowed to vote for their college – this needs to be clarified in the R&P. Six
weeks of campaigning for executives will be reduced to two weeks, allowing the executive election
procedure to end before senator elections begin. This allows for those who lose an executive election
to run for senator and allows for longer time to train executives, which is very important. Elections
were held very late last year over disagreements with the election process. As a consequence, there
was not enough time to train. Training is very valuable since executive positions require a lot of
work, skill, and time. Making the election end earlier is useful for that reason. Vice President Kayton
wants to clarify that they’re not changing anything about colleges having the right to determine their
own Senator election process if they choose. For example, HCOM has their own Senator election
process and just sends the selected candidate – this is still an option for any college.
Senator Asante says the amendment is necessary because the overlap is making the process very
difficult and having a negative impact. Senator elections may not be held at all if they are delayed
too far. There needs to be a distinct time for both elections. The committee agreed that senators
should go through elections even though it is not paid or monetarily incentivized, but that you should
at least go through some process to build a good network between yourself and your constituents.
There are also huge date/time inconsistencies in the R&P, discrepancies that needed to be clarified
so time and delivery are consistent.
Commissioner Everett is not in attendance.
Commissioner Deh did not offer commentary.
President Thapa begins discussion.
Representative Asare asks if anyone can apply or if you need to have been a representative. Vice
President Kayton says the position is open to any Graduate Student. That being said, some
requirements for running exist such as 20% endorsement from the general body for executive
positions and needing to be from the college you’re running for as a senator. Also, any GSS position
requires that you are in good academic standing.
Senator Bartlett motions to approve with unanimous consent.
Senator Balarabe seconds.
No objections or abstentions.
Motion is approved.
(a) Resolution 2324-11: Appointment of Board of Elections Chair
Sponsors: Vice President Kayton, President Thapa, Treasurer Singh, Commissioner Everett,
Senator Bartlett
Vice President Kayton says, as required in the R&P by the last meeting of the semester, we need to
appoint a board of elections chair. Senator Asante has volunteered and Vice President Kayton
believes he is capable, passionate, and dedicated to GSS. This resolution is just to appoint him and
outline the responsibilities of the chair.
President Thapa says the reputation of the GSS organization and having democratic elections is
very important and to do that requires a responsible and dedicated team. Senator Asante was
involved in this and GSS both this and last year; President Thapa believes he is the right person to
lead this committee and assume this responsibility and is in support.
Treasurer Singh and Commissioner Everett are not in attendance.
Senator Bartlett has nothing to add.
Senator Balarabe commends the work that has gone into this so far. Regarding this being done in
last meeting of the semester, he would like more context about this date. Previously, we often had
resolutions about conversations for amendments and more amendments in general. It is necessary
to clearly outline language, push out in a resolution, or do next semester.
Vice President Kayton says the election process is supposed to start now so the appointment
needed to be done. Nominations should be requested soon for executive positions. We want to
make sure we establish a board and a chair as required by the R&P; it needs to be done before the
end of the semester.
Senator Balarabe asks if it is appropriate for us to add this in on the last meeting and says that
adding compensation language to the election board resolution process may provide more context.
Vice President Kayton says they can add this to the agenda for the governance committee, that
compensation for the board of elections is written directly in R&P already and does not require a
resolution. The general body spoke at the least meeting, inquired about if people were interested in
joining, and the current members volunteered. No one else was demonstrated interest. The R&P
specifically already states that $750 is divided among people on the committee and does not
require a resolution. It is not required to pass a resolution regarding funding for just the chair,
which is misleading since there are others who receive the same amount as the chair and do not
appear in the resolution.
Senator Balarabe states that we do not need to do a resolution, but could explicitly state the role of
the election board here - spelling out what the head of the election board would do outside of the
Vice President Kayton asks if Senator Balarabe would like to amend the resolution.
Senator Balarabe says he would like to propose a resolution to add the language from R&P
regarding compensation of $750 shared to people on the board of elections and the role of board
Vice President Kayton says this resolution is just for appointing a chair to the board of elections.
There isn’t a resolution to appoint the whole board, where including the $750 would be more
appropriate. The R&P doesn’t require a resolution to appoint the entire board of elections.
Senator Asante says he thinks what Senator Balarabe is asking for is to add the compensation
language for the chair, specifically. The R&P covers the full committee. Language for the chair is
not in the R&P and he does not think it makes sense to add the amount of money the chair will
receive when the funds are divided among the Board.
Senator Balarabe says he is not necessarily satisfied, but just wants to make sure that if we want to
pass a resolution, it’s important that everyone knows what the process is in the resolution– that the
money is shared. He says to either add it now, or suggests we put in a resolution later to explicitly
state how much they are being paid.
Representative Asare motions to approve with unanimous consent.
Representative Essel seconds.
No objections or abstentions.
Motion passes.
(b) Resolution 2324-12: GSS Awards for Student Expo
Sponsors: Senator Whitticar, Treasurer Singh, Representative Asare
Senator Whitticar says the budget committee is putting forward to have GSS sponsored awards at
the student expo with the same goal as Original Work Grant awards. He says our duty is to support
students and get our name out there. There are 850+ presenters, specific awards exist, and we
would like to provide additional awards. We need funding before the break, so are putting the
resolution forward now. Appendix 1 shows the amount between two different categories pertaining
to type of research. Based on feedback, they will narrow winners down to people who have done
volunteer work for graduate students and research will decide the winner.
Representative Asare says that grad students have a hard time balancing school, work, etc. and that
their work should be commended.
Commissioner Akoeda wants to know what form the award will take: money, item, etc?
Senator Whitticar says the award is in Appendix 1 and is financial compensation. It’s money given
directly to students, based on what they typically do for the student expo. If there’s a tie, it will be
Commissioner Akoeda wants to consider additional channels for the money.
Senator Bartlett asks how balancing emailing and in-person requirements work.
Senator Whitticar says some logistics might change, but they need something on the page to get
the application submitted. Need a requirement to be eligible to be judged.
Senator Asante motions to approve with unanimous consent.
Senator Balarabe seconds.
No objections or abstentions
Resolution passes
(c) Approval of election questions
Senator Asante says the R&P requires that the election questions be shown to general body for
approval by the end of semester. Part 1 describes the duty of executives and what GSS stands for.
Part 2 covers basic information, program of study, and college. Part 3 guides applicants to provide
a statement of intent. Part 4 requests documentation attached to the applications. Executive
positions need 20% of current GSS body endorsement – this will be put in one file and attached to
the application. Rather than submitting to the committee, this will be all part of one file to make
the process more efficient. These are what we require applicants to go through to better get to
know who they are, what they stand for, what they can do for us.
Time is given to review the wording of applicant questions for GB.
Senator Asante says part of the application needs to clarify that applicants can also run on tickets.
This is allowed and encouraged, especially for people that feel they can work well together.
Senator Whitticar motions to approve with unanimous consent.
Senator Balarabe seconds.
No objections or abstentions.
Resolution approved.

X. Reports
Executives, Senators, Commissioners, Department Representatives
President Thapa and Commissioner Palwasha had meeting with the broker Dr. Redington mentioned
about how health insurance works. They got some information but were still unclear and not
convinced how we can reduce premiums. To reduce premiums, we need more enrollment. Doing this
is not easy. That is what they’re working on. The survey report was also there, but was not ready
during the meeting. It should be by now.
President Thapa had another meeting about research planning and developing research concepts and
policies at OU. This goes on every week – better opportunities for research work, getting funding,
etc. Approach for President Thapa is always about how we can involve grad students in the policy.
Vice President Kayton says the website has been updated and to look if you have a chance. It
includes OWG recipients and GSS award recipients on the announcement page. It’s important to
publicize their names and honor them on our website. The website is overall going through many
adjustments to be more user-friendly and accessible. Vice President Kayton was also thinking of
working on a Teams guide, which probably could have been useful earlier in the year. It would
include detailed screenshots and arrows pointing to things, etc. Hopefully it will be useful for future
years. Not everyone has the same amount of experience with teams and it is very important for GSS
functioning. Committees work through teams, GSS information is sent through teams, etc.
President Thapa says Vice President Kayton is working very hard and that we are doing very well in
terms of communication and social media – we have regular posts by Peter which are very nice. We
just need sharing and likes, and we should really appreciate those of us working hard on our social
media and our photographer, Sharique, who is with us in every meeting. And we should appreciate
our photographer, Emmanuel, as well.
Treasurer Singh is not in attendance.
Commissioner Abidin reports on her outreach chair responsibilities. First report is about having
regular meetings on Wednesdays with center for community engagement. She said there will be two
slots. The first slot is for community service starting at 1pm lead by Grace. The second slot is at
2pm, which will be led by Emmanuel for this week. We also have access to GivePulse in order to
post events. If anyone would like to add something, she recommends they contact her. She also
mentions there is a conversation scheduled with Deb Silverman from GE Aerospace on Friday at
3:30pm. They also plan to meet with Dr. Roger Cooper, who has a book about being a successful
professional. Furthermore, there will be a meeting with the initiator of OU in Los Angeles. There is
also a meeting scheduled with the Alumni association. Commissioner Abidin mentions she will be
doing a presentation at Alexander High School/Middle School in collaboration with the center for
international studies.

a. Internal Committee Reports
i.Governance Committee
a. No updates. Done in resolution.
ii.Budget Committee
a. Senator Whitticar says budget committee OWG money was sent to the winners. They
included pictures of those who got the awards in the announcement. They also just closed
item selections for Cat’s Cupboard donations. Six people made the decisions. $750 worth
of items – 27 items (bulk). Treasurer Singh will order, sent over next week.
iii.GSS Internal Awards Committee
a. Has not started.
iv.Health Insurance Committee, Paid Medical Leave Committee
a. Commissioner Akoeda will be having a meeting on Monday.
v.Social Events Committee
a. Representative Ajmal says there is nothing to report. They had a potluck on 11/18 which
went very well. 20+ members had joined in the event, which people enjoyed. For rest of
the semester, no events planned. Finals week is challenging. She encourages members to
participate in Grad Con.
b. President Thapa thanks Representative Ajmal and the committee for the potluck – it was
really nice event.
vi. Graduate Student Conference (Grad Con) Committee
a. Vice President Kayton says they are still working on finding a venue, but Schoonover is
looking good. February 23rd will be the date of the conference. They have formed a lot of
the subcommittees and are working on planning publicity, working on sending the
application survey. The deadline is the week after finals. This gives people time to settle
down after finals, but it can be extended if necessary. If anyone is not in the committee but
interested, the general Grad Con meeting is 2-3 this Friday in the GSS office. The
Logistics subcommittee meets from 10-11am in the GSS office as well. They are seeking
different opinions and ideas for Grad Con, things are looking good so far.
vii. GSS Outreach Committee
a. Report was shared earlier, but Commissioner Abidin has more to add. She will be
moderating an international conference in Indonesia and representing OU. Professor
Janice Collins will be a keynote speaker. This is an opportunity to have more
collaboration and to connect us grads with others. She is also chairing for student-lecturer
collaborations and thinking about making a database with our skills as Graduate students
so we can match what we have to our needs.
viii. GSS Community Service Committee
a. Representative Jaishy says he met today with department of social work about how we
can help with the Cat’s Cupboard pantry. The department says they have enough money
and staff to run the program, and that they also loan out caps and gowns. The pantry is
open during office hours. We can register and walk over to use the service if needed.
ix. Stipend Committee
a. Senator Bartlett says they are working on subsidized meal plans and the goal is to get a
draft finalized in the Spring.
x. Executive Review Committee
a. Senator Asante says they recently sent out survey for members to review, but few people
have filled it out. He says he is taking the opportunity to tell members present to go to the
announcement channel and fill it out now. It has been extended until Sunday. He
encourages all of us to take the survey and give honest opinions – encourage people to do
better. There are only 10-11 respondents.
b. President Thapa says it’s important for all of us to participate. This gives a positive
message about how we care about GSS.

b. External Committee Reports
i. Committee on Committees (Amrit)
a. No meetings
ii. Graduate Council (Amrit, Courtney)
a. No meetings
iii. Honorary Degree Committee (Aaron)
a. Have not met, have not been contacted. Assuming spring.
iv. Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (Hannah)
a. Senator Bachert says she has now been officially appointed, but is waiting to hear from the
chair about meetings.
v. Kennedy/Frontiers in Science Lecture Committee (Aaron)
a. Senator Batke says first lecture is tomorrow night. Dr. Juneau Levin will speak about black
holes in the Baker ballroom at 7:30. It is free to attend and should be in a feed on teams.
Reach out with any questions.
vi. University Libraries Committee (John)
a. Commissioner Akoeda received a message about a meeting in the spring – January/February
of next year. They have a trip scheduled to a university outside Athens during spring break
to see a community library which is affiliated with the university.
vii. Ohio University Research Council (Edward, Felix)
a. Representative Asare says they met on the 16th of the month.
b. Senator Asante has nothing to add.
viii. Post Publishing Board (Open)
ix. Sorority and Fraternity Life Committee (Open)
x. University Curriculum Council (Brooke, Frank)
a. Senator Ripley says next meeting is on the 5th, updates will follow.
xi. Science Café Cadre (Carolina)
a. Commissioner Cespedes has nothing new to report.
xii. Sustainability Committee (Brooke)
a. Senator Ripley says no new updates, will meet in spring.

XI. Announcements
Vice President Kayton wants to thank everyone for their involvement this semester. She feels we
have accomplished a lot, wants to wish us all a refreshing break, and is looking forward to next
semester and accomplishing more.
Senator Asante says executive applications will be open very soon. He says to take this
opportunity to ask people who are interested to start the application and find partners if any of
them want to run on a ticket.
President Thapa says the executive committee is a very important job and position for you to serve
GSS and graduate students. Don’t miss this opportunity. He does not believe the deadline will be
extended and says to be careful about the deadline.
Vice President Kayton adds that if anyone is interested in what executive positions entail, want
info, tips, etc. any executive would be happy to speak with them.
President Thapa says if you’d like to talk to the executives (as he possibly will not be running next
year), ask about how executives help, or how it is challenging, don’t miss this opportunity. Share
this opportunity with friends who are willing. And don’t miss the deadline!
President Thapa requests attendance online again and notes that the R&P says it can be taken at the
beginning and end of the meeting.

XII. Adjournment
Representative Casto motions to adjourn the meeting with unanimous consent.
Commissioner Akoeda seconds.
Meeting adjourned. 

2022 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 9/1/22

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
Orientation and Training
1st September, 2022
7:00 PM, In-Person and TEAMS

Meeting Minute

I. Call to Order
Kubra called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.

II. Roll call
Kubra Civan
Amrit Thapa
Abigail Otchill
Nisha Singh
Courtney Silver-Peavey
Sam Smith
Abena Bosompem
Tara Griffitts
Ayoola Awosika
Chukwuma Smart Amaefula
Edward Asante
Faustina Mensah
Hetman Cole
Ibi Max-Harry
Ibrahim Akmese
Jaxon Adams
Justice Kwabena Bentil
Katie Enderle
Laura Layman Crawford
Lawrence Oluwafunbi
Mabel Christina Bustamante
Nanor Felix Boadi
Nolan Cramer
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Samuel Wainaina
Weston Marume
Wisdom Nudze
Advisor: David Koonce (Guest)

III. Agenda
Training and Orientation of the new GSS members

IV. New Business.
Abigail Otchill
Abigail led the Ice breaker session to begin the orientation. She also took the entire body
through the goals for the year. She emphasized developing and promoting leadership skills,
supporting diversity, maximizing student participation, finalize on the housing project, and
promoting the issue of stipends.

Silver-Peavey Courtney
Courtney took the house through the committee's uses and opportunities. She emphatically
stated that all body members are required to join committees, at least two for senators and
commissioners and at least one for departmental representatives. She asked that members
present to write their names with the committees they would want to be on.

Sam Smith
Sam piloted Higher education and student governance, shedding much light on what GSS
seeks to advocate for and its sole mandate to fulfill the noble mission.

Kubra Civan
Kubra led the house through the mission of Graduate Student Senate, roles, and the
important things to know about GSS. She also informed the house about in-person
meetings this semester, and she also added that there will also be an option for persons who
are unable to join in person to join virtually.

Nisha Singh
Niisha, together with Kubra demonstrated how a resolution is made. She also emphasized
on addressing people with the right pronouns to avoid others being offended.

Amrit Thapa
Amrit presented brief overview of workflow and rules and procedures for GSS senators,
department representatives, and commissioners. He further explained what is expected of
each of the GSS leaders and general members.

Tara Griffitts
Tara took the house through resolutions, how they are made, and the required formats, they
are written in. She emphatically stated that resolutions and debates are introduced by the
sponsors with the first four speaking. Tara responded to Faustina’s question stating that the
best way is to be concise that is the underlying reason why first and third readings are

Faustina Mensah
Faustina asked a question on the channel of communication. She also asked a question on
what happens if someone opposes a resolution.

David Koonce (Advisor)
Dr. Kunns suggested that the answer to Faustina’s question regarding the channel of
communication is in the rules and procedures.

V. Announcement.
Kubra informed the house about the next GSS meeting on September 6th, 2022 from 7 pm-9pm.

A motion was moved to adjourn the meeting by unanimous consent by Kubra Civan, and Courtney
Silver-Peavey seconded. 

Meeting Minutes 9/6/22

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
General Body Meeting
6th September, 2022
7:00 PM, In-Person and Online

Meeting Minute

I. Call to Order
Kubra called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm.

II. Presentation: By Dr. David Koonce & Dr. Greg Newton
Kubra Civan
Kubra introduced Dr. David Koonce, as the interim Vice President for research and creative
activity and Intel, and Dr. Greg Newton, as the associate dean for graduate studies, research, and
creative activity. She also spoke about resolution 2223-01, proposed a resolution, and opened it
for discussion. Kubra urged members to attend President’s Search Meeting, which is on
September 13, as it is important that their voices be heard.

Dr. Koonce
Dr. Koonce mentioned that it is a new opportunity for him in this role, but he has been working
at Ohio University since 1993, 30years now. He added that he came straight from graduate
school and decided to take the path traditional students take. He informed the house that it is
fun creating and building graduate programs and working with students. He informed the
house that he got that position for a year and was named the full-time associate dean in the
Graduate College. He took the house through how graduate college has been 5 years ago,
emphatically stating that there has been a significant change. He spoke about outreach and
online education, of which he stated that most of our growth happened there. During the Covid
19 pandemic, about a third of students in Athens were enrolled in online programs. He spoke
about the largest graduate college being the College of Health Sciences and professions and the
college of business being the second largest. He told the house that these colleges have online
students in Dublin, which is why they are hardly seen in Athens. He added that the graduate
college is about 7% down in students; initially, we were almost 5,500, but we are currently
down to 5,000. He added that the primary reason why we are losing students is that the
economy is not very good, and another reason is that people are getting jobs. He also answered
Ibi Max -Harry that he believes it can be found on the website, but the only data available to
him is the percentage of graduate students in general.

Dr. Greg Newton
Dr. Newton informed the house that he has not been here quite as long as Dr.Koonce, but this
is the start of his 21st year at Ohio University. He added that, unlike Dr. Koonce, he bounced
back and forth between non-academic stuff. Dr. Newton took the house through some history
and background sketches about the graduate college.

III. Roll Call
Kubra Civan
Amrit Thapa
Abigail Otchill
Abena Bosompem
Sam Smith
Brooke Ripley
Weston Marume
Abigail Morton
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Lawrence Oluwafunbi
Samuel Wainaina
Charles Kofi Ahiaklo
Courtney Silver-Peavey
Wisdom Nudze
Divya Warrier
Nisha Singh
Faustina Mensah
Ibi Max-Harry
Tauqir Zia
Ben Kudus Yussif
Maria Hannah
Justice Kwabena Bentil
Remington N. Burwell
Ayoola Awosika
Nolan Cramer
Edward Asante
Xornam Deh
Mabel Christina Bustamante
Nicholas Untch
Jaxon Adams
Felix Boadi Nanor
Kelsey Kayton

IV. Amendments to the Agenda
Agenda approved with unanimous consent.

V. Speak Out
Elikem Kofi Ziorklui
Elikem congratulated Dr. Koonce and Dr.Newton on their appointments as GSS advisors and he
also congratulated new members for their decision to lead GSS. He emphasized on commitment
and consistency for success.

VI. New Business
Resolution 2223-01: Appointment of New Body Members
Sponsors: Kübra Civan
Kübra tabled the resolution 2223-01 and stated that she presents the resolution of new
members as explained by section 2.07b, Rules & Procedures.
Sponsors: Amrit B. Thapa
Amrit said that the recruitment survey was sent to all the graduate students at Ohio University
via email and was made available on the GSS website. The deadline was until midnight 29th
Sponsors: Abigail N. Otchill
Nothing to add.
Kubra asked if there was any oppose.
Katelyn Enderle moved for the acceptance of the resolution, Courtney Silver-Peavey
and Nisha Singh seconded the resolution, and the resolution passed with unanimous consent.

VII. Reports
Amrit Thapa
Amrit informed the house to encourage graduate students to apply for OWG (Original Work
Grant) and TG (Travel Grant) and to pay attention to the deadlines. Amrit thanked the house for
attending the meeting and also urged members to visit the website and give their suggestions and
comments on how to make the website more appealing and informative.

Abigail Otchill
Abigail entreated members present to inform their friends about available positions. She also
informed the house of the available account balance of GSS and asked members to make good
use of the opportunities at their disposal, especially the travel grants.

Jaxon Adams
Jaxon wanted clarity on his role as a departmental representative.
Kübra Civan informed Jaxon that he is a voice for his department, thus he is supposed to voice
out the issues and challenges his department is faced with.

VIII. Announcement.
Kubra informed the house about the general body meeting with President Sherman on September
20th 2022, from 7 pm-9 pm.

Ix. Adjournment
A motion was moved to adjourn the meeting by unanimous consent by Kubra Civan, and Jaxon
Adams seconded. 

Meeting Minutes 9/20/22

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
September 20, 2022
7:00 pm, In-Person and Microsoft Teams


I. Call to Order
Kubra called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm and welcomed members to the second general
body meeting.

II. Presentation by President Sherman
President Sherman gave a couple of updates on the search for President. He said there are 15
people on the search committee, of which the members have met to discuss the steps and process
going forward. He also added that the school hired a marketing firm called Collective Genius,
responsible for collecting data and conducting interviews with different stakeholder groups. They
have already talked to the executives of the Graduate Student Senate. President Sherman
recommended that members of the Graduate Student Senate participate in the surveys, which
will be sent out as data retrieved will be accumulated and analyzed. He added that this would go
a long way to help the search firm to develop the leadership profile that goes out and gets
advertised and also helps to design the questions that the search committee will ask each of the
candidates when they have the chance to interview them.
Faustina asked a question in relation to GA's and GA ships and stipends in general. She
stated that almost everything has changed over the years in terms of particularly even not
inflation and higher cost of living, but she learned students offering biomedicals receive much
stipend than those in the social sciences. President Sherman replied that, with regards to the
graduate stipends, the practice in the past has been to allow the departments to make different
decisions across the university. He cited that departments get a certain amount of budget dollars
that are allocated to pay grad stipends, it's a decision of the department, and it might look like it
is inequitable, but in the past, departments were allowed to make those choices. Further, he said,
departments decide on a number of graduate assistantships and stipends they want to offer, and
some departments may offer limited assistantship offers such as the School of Business. It is
students who see the offer and decide whether they want to pursue it.
Regarding parking permits, President Sherman assured that he would look into the issues
and discuss them with his team.

III. Roll call
Abena Bosompem
Abigail Otchill
Aisha Mohammed Salisu
Amrit Thapa
Ayoola Awosika (online)
Brooke Ripley (online)
Charles Kofi Ahiaklo
Chiderah Jessica Chukwuka
Chukwuma Smart Amaefula
Courtney Silver-Peavey (online)
Edward Asante
Faustina Mensah
Felix Boadi Nanor
Gideon Oduro
Ibi Max-Harry
Ibrahim Akmese
Jaxon Adams
John Akoeda (online)
Joseph Gbandi (online)
Justice Kwabena Bentil
Katelyn Enderle
Katie Enderle
Kelsey Kayton
Kubra Civan
Lawrence Oluwafunbi Ajayi,
Mabel Christina Bustamante
Mahima Rana
Maria Hannah (online)
Nanor Felix Boadi
Narges Ghafary (online)
Nicholas Untch
Nida Ajmal (online)
Nisha Singh
Nolan Cramer (online)
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Remington N. Burwell
Sam Smith
Samuel Wainaina
Silver-Peavey Courtney
Tara Griffitts
Victor Kojo Dei
Weston Marume (Online)
Wisdom Nudze
Xornam De

IV. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
Previous meeting’s minute was approved

V. Amendments to Agenda
Agenda was approved with unanimous consent.

VI. Speak Out
Kubra Civan invited Professor Matthew Detar in communication studies to inform the
house about an issue that might be of interest to graduate students.

Mathew Detar
Matthew introduced himself as an assistant professor in communication studies. He
informed the house about running into some problems with policy, and he hopes GSS would be
of great help. He informed the house that he thinks that the current medical leave policy for
graduate students is very restrictive, especially when it comes to international graduate students.
He gave the house brief information on the possible medical leave situations for graduate
students. He also added that there is no policy to deal with this except full medical leave of
absence and that this is something that is not equal across graduate student populations. He said
that he is willing to work with graduate students to help resolve this issue.
Kubra informed the house after Professor Matthew's presentation that persons interested
in working on this policy should reach out to her, write to GSS email, or reach out to any of the
GSS executive members.

a. Resolution 2223-02: Support a University Policy that Excuses Absences on Election Day

Sponsors: Tara Griffitts
Tara tabled the resolution 2223-02 and gave a little background about how this resolution
came to being. She spoke about the restrictions on voting rights, which led her to think about the
obstacles students face in voting for the folks who are able to vote in elections. She cited that
choosing between attending class or going to the polls was one obstacle that we could potentially
work towards overcoming and also informed the house about the name of the resolution, which
is supporting a university’s policy.

Sponsors: Sam Smith
Sam added to what Tara spoke about that allowing people to vote would be good.
Additionally, not everyone votes here. He added that he still goes home to vote because he is
emotionally connected to the place, and so there have been times when he would drive home just
to vote either in between classes or hoping that the professor will excuse it as it goes a long to
affect people. He concluded that depending on what a faculty member thinks or believes about
voting, voter participation, civic participation determines whether or not a student is allowed to
miss class in order to participate.
Remington also emphasized the symbolic aspect of it. He added that some people are in
class literally all day on Tuesdays, but not everyone is, and so he thinks that is where the
symbolic element of it comes really heavily into play.
Faustina Mensah added that the symbolic aspect is for those who are not voting to see
the essence of civic engagement. Faustina also added that it is important as a public institution to
show leadership that we value civic engagement. She also recommended that it will be of great
help if GSS spoke directly to either the graduate council or faculty Senate to get a bit more
weight on it and suggested that as a standalone, we have to push to make sure that the university
gives everybody the opportunity and no other discretion of faculty for people to exercise their
civil rights.
The resolution “Resolution 2223-02: Support a University Policy that Excuses Absences on
Election Day” passed with unanimous consent.

b. Resolution 2223-03: Appointment of New Body Members

Sponsors: Amrit B Thapa
Amrit tabled the resolution “Resolution 2223-03: Appointment of New Body Members”
as per 2.07b of the GSS Rules & Procedures, including acceptance of resignations of a few

Sponsors: Abigail N. Otchill
Abigail seconded.
The resolution “Resolution 2223-03: Appointment of New Body Members” passed with
unanimous consent.

VIII. Reports
Amrit B Thapa
Amrit reported that he participated in the Center for Campus and Community Engagement (CCCE)
meeting. He shared that the discussion focused on Civil non-partisan Dialogue and Civic Engagement. He
encouraged graduate senate members to take part in CCCE activities.

Abigail Otchill
Abigail informed the house about the travel awards and urged interested persons to reach out
to GSS concerning that. She also spoke about the homecoming, which is happening on October
8, and asked members to send their t-shirt sizes. She also informed the house about the current
account balance of $10,511.80 which is accurate and true to the best of her knowledge.

Kubra Civan
Kubra said that the house is in search of members to take up certain positions as two
members have resigned as our meetings conflict with their classes. Kubra further informed that
she and Amrit participated in the President Search Committee public meeting. She also added
that the Graduate Council is also working on the graduate stipend. Kubra also added that a
survey would be sent out for members who want to participate in the Homecoming Parade to put
in their t-shirt sizes.

IX. Announcement.
Kubra informed the house about the NAGPS–Midwest regional conference happening on
September 30 from 3 pm -7 pm.

A motion was moved to adjourn the meeting by unanimous consent by Tara Griffiths, and
Remington seconded. 

Meeting Minutes 10/4/22

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
October 4, 2022
7:00 pm, In-Person and Microsoft Teams


I. Call to Order
Kübra Civan called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and welcomed members to the third
general body meeting.

II. Presentation by Dr. William D. Schafer, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
Kubra introduced Dr. Schafer and advised all present to take the opportunity to ask
Dr. Schafer said that he would listen to and help with student’s concerns and interests. He
said, “There are 300 employees and 2000 student workers across student affairs, and
7500 students living on campus. We have our counseling and psychological services.” He
further said, “I enjoy seeing how I can help students be successful and enjoy their
experience at the university.”
Courtney said, “There was a graduate student writing center that used to exist that was
removed and kind of combined with another program, which was really unfortunate.
There was a kind of writing mentoring that you could do for thesis writing and
dissertation writing. The writing center could do a little more to support graduate students
or at least reach out to graduate students.”
Courtney further said, “Graduate students who teach also have to pay to park.
And, you know, we also have to pay fees. And the whole issue is, you know, we're
paying our employers to work, which is kind of silly. And parking is expensive. Or if you
live within less than a mile, you're not allowed to have a parking permit. And you know,
if graduate students teach at 8:00 AM would be really nice for them to be able to park on
campus. But they aren't allowed to buy parking permits.”
Dr. Schafer answered, “A large number of graduate students on campus (in-person), and
there would not be enough parking space for all. There is no answer tonight, but people
realize that this is an important issue.”
Abigail said, “One of my coursemates expressed that she broke her leg during the spring
semester, and she asked for reservations to be made because she couldn't do anything
without assistance from her parents, and she lives in a different state. But this is the case
where the school said, ‘Well, you would either have to take a medical leave or Just come
because we cannot make reservations for you. She is a graduate student. I do know that
students that have physical disabilities, whether they are temporary or permanent, you
can go to our disability office and request accommodations related to whatever is
Kubra added, “So, the problem is really when the students are graduate assistants, they
are accommodated as a student. But the instructor, as a TA, they are not accommodated.
And one of our meetings, we discussed this issue, and the student is not able to teach the
class, and they had to lose their GA. They are not going to be able to take any graduate
classes because they can't pay, especially with international students when they're not;
when they cannot take any classes, they are going to be deported. Now, this is a good one
for us to look into further.”
Dr. Schafer answered, “I do know that employees can also get accommodations at the
institution. We did this through the pandemic with certain faculty and staff. So I think
that's worthy of us pursuing and seeing if there's something there that can be looked at it.
I would say they're an employee.”
Dr. Koonce added to the answers by Dr. Schafer, “There is a parental leave of absence
policy that allows students who are pregnant, or their spouse or partner is pregnant, to
take a paid leave of absence in which they are GA. I think it's six weeks or something like
that, but when the graduate council five years ago or so considered this for medical, there
were some concerns from HR because that pushes the student into a benefits-eligible,
which changes the whole taxation scenario. And so, the decision was made not to put
medical leave into that policy. So that's at least where it was five years ago. Things may
have changed since then, and if this is something. If you would like to open up, I would
say bring this to the graduate council, which approves the parental leave policy in 2018.
Dr. Schafer continued, “I mean, I will bring these up with the President, Dean, and
others to see if we can work towards any kind of resolution on these issues.
Zia Tauqir asked, “There are around 30 students from Pakistan who get stipends from
their home country, and they are not allowed to work as TA or RA at OU. If there are
positions available in departments and if these students are allowed to TA or RA, it
would be beneficial to both the students and the university.”
Dr. Koonce answered, “I would suggest you reach out to Doctor Newton, who's the
associate Dean, so that HC, the Pakistani Higher Education Commission, has a program
set up. The monies come to the Graduate College, they're dispersed to the departments,
and the departments have discretion as to how they distribute those, either as a fellowship
or an assistantship. It sounds like departments are distributing it as a fellowship that says
no work requirement but then adding an assistantship on top; every department operates
differently. So, there may be some inequities because of that, but I would reach out to
Doctor Newton.”
Senator Samuel asked, “Can we set up programs in such a way that senior international
students mentor first-year students to help them get familiar with the environment better
and easily?
Dr. Schafer answered, “ISSS can be a voice for international students. I will bring it up
with the President and other individuals. I think it's a great idea to do that.”
Emmanuel said, “The carrier program in my department (Geological Sciences) was not
in line with what we study in my department. Upcoming career fairs should try to
incorporate this.”
Courtney said, “The best way to help graduate students with the mental health is to pay
us more, plain and simple.”
Dr. Schafer, “The undergraduate student Senate brought up wages for student hourly
employees, so we've been trying hard to start raising some of those rates. I would say that
across the board, everybody is bringing up their salaries on campus. Staff are, probably
faculty are, and certainly graduate students should do this so that it can be under
discussion. I would say that across the board, everybody is bringing up their salaries on

III. Roll call
Abigail Nanayaa Otchill
Abigail Otchill
Aisha Mohammed Salisu
Amrit B Thapa
Awosika Ayoola
Ayoola Awosika
Brooke Ripley
Catherine Nikoi
Catherine Nikoi
Charles Kofi Ahiaklo
Chiderah Jessica Chukwuka
Courtney Silver-Peavey
Deborah Esi Okai
Faustina Mensah
Felix Nanor
Gideon Oduro
Jaxon Adams
John Akoeda
Joseph Gbandi
Judith Offei
Justice Kwabena Bentil
Kelsey Kayton
Kübra Civan
Lawrence Oluwafunbi Ajayi
Mabel Bustamante
Mahima Rana Sanyal
Nicholas Untch
Nida Ajmal
Nolan Cramer
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Remington Burwell
Sam Smith
Samuel Isiko
Samuel Wainaina
Tara Griffitts
Tauqir Zia
Victor Kojo Dei
Wisdom Nudze
Xornam Deh
Zach Talbott

IV. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
Previous meeting’s minute was approved unanimous consent.

V. Amendments to Agenda
Agenda was approved with unanimous consent.

VI. Speak Out
There was no Speak Out

a) Resolution 2223-04: Resolution to Create a GSS Stipend Committee
Sponsors: Sam Smith
Sam stated that the resolution came as a result of years of research into students’
concerns about existing stipends. He further said that the stipend committee would
collect and analyze data to bring it forward for discussion.
Sponsors: Courtney Silver-Peavey
Courtney stated that the committee would work with the university on the issue. She
further said that she has data that show that student stipends are insufficient for
survival, and she believes that GSS should raise this concern.
The resolution “Resolution 2223-04: Resolution to Create a GSS Stipend Committee”
passed with unanimous consent.
b) Resolution 2223-05: Appointment of New Body Members
Sponsors: Amrit B Thapa
Amrit said that as per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures, he has received three
applications, one each for Senator, Department Representative, and Commissioner
positions, and found that the applicants were found to be in good academic standing to
be appointed as voting members of the Graduate Student Senate.
Sponsors: Abigail N. Otchill
Abigail said, “Just as we all share and give our expertise on things we we would like to
have them and that is why I support this resolution.”
The resolution “Resolution 2223-05: Appointment of New Body Members” passed
with unanimous consent.

VIII. Reports
President: Kübra Civan
Kubra reported, “ The diversity and inclusion Committee that was brought to my
attention that it is not anymore as a standing committee. But last year, we have two GSS
members in this community representing GSS. So I had a meeting with Sarah Wyatt on
committee on committees meeting, and I asked them about this specific committee. She
informed me that there's a current hold on this committee by President Sherman and they
will be reaching out to us after the decision is made.” She further said, “I asked President
Sherman about the parking rules, and I followed up on that, and he said that he talked
with the person who is representing the parking lot.”
Vice President: Amrit B Thapa
Amrit reported, “We had a Governance committee meeting last week, and the committee
discussed about the review of resolutions before coming to the general body meeting. The
committee decided that the committee needed at least two days to review it before
sending it to the general members. So, on behalf of the Governance committee, I would
like to request you to send upcoming resolutions at least six days ahead of the General
Body Meeting the resolution is supposed to be tabled.”
Treasurer: Abigail Otchill
Abigail reported that the Original Work Grant (OWG) reviewer recruitment deadline has
ended, and there are 60 applications so far. She further said that there will be reviewer
training and asked to join the training team. She also reported that there is fund of
$10,511.80 on GSS account. She further asked everyone who signed up for the sweatshirt
to come to the GSS office to participate in the Homecoming Parade at 8:00 am on October
Commissioner: Charles Kofi Ahiaklo
Charles shared with the house the resources available for graduate students and particularly
first-general students and asked department representatives and senators to help advertise
the resources.
Senator: Tara Griffitts
Tara reminded the house that graduate students can benefit from university legal services
by paying $15 each semester.
Senator: Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Oumarou reported that he attended the first University International Council meeting, and
the meting discussed globalizing curriculum and transformative experiences for
international students and faculty.

IX. Announcement.
Kubra informed the house that the Dean of Students will speak in the next general body

A motion was moved to adjourn the meeting by unanimous consent.

Meeting Minutes 10/18/22

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
October 18, 2022
7:00 pm, In-Person and Microsoft Teams


I. Call to Order
Kübra Civan called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm and welcomed members to the fourth general
body meeting.

II. Presentation by Kathy Fahl, Interim Dean of Student, and Mark Ferguson, Executive Director,
Well-Being and Education
Kubra introduced Kathy Fahl and Mark Ferguson and advised all present to use the opportunity to ask
Ferguson spoke about the new initiative called THRIVE. He said, "It is focused on student
well-being, and to start, it really kicked off at the beginning of September. I think before we even
kind of show the video and the intro of what it is. I think I also want to just emphasize that this is
really the starch and an invitation to engage all of you and what this looks like moving forward”.
He also added that the emphasis on this as a community coming together is to identify ways
that identify ways that we can support the well-being of students. It recognizes that we all need to be
encouraged and supported. And we want to really create the space for your individual needs to be
met, as well as finding those things and feelings and supporting your well-being while you're here in
Ohio University.”
Fahl added, “Specifically about the Dean of Students Office because not everybody is
familiar with what we do, and so I wanted to make sure we were aware, so the first thing is, we
really do provide crisis support for students. So that may be you have an emergency of some sort or
hospitalization. Sometimes it's something that family emergency, or something very serious that you
need support and not sure how to navigate the university system”.
Sam asked, “I'm wondering about the specific criteria for the evaluation of emergency
microgrant applications.”
Fahl answered, "The criteria are on the website for sure, and it has to be an immediate
financial emergency, so it can't be ongoing.”
Tara said, “So I think we recommend that the university is already doing a lot of things
related to well-being. I think the Thrive Initiative is a comprehensive and coherent way to
communicate that out into the community, and it's been fairly dispersed. So I think this is a very
intentional effort to reinforce what we're already doing as a starting point. Even though it's not under
the Student Affairs purview, the psychology and social work planning, I think, is a really valuable
resource too, because CPS is taxed pretty heavily.”
Ibi asked if this is only available to students who pay well-being fees.
Ferguson responded, "Students who do not pay for their well-being fees receive support
from the university.”
Victor asked if these services are accessible and friendly to international students and how
these are incorporate to support international students.
Ferguson answered, “How valuable are they to the entire student population? So you're
hitting on an exact point that I think is something that we want to continue breaking down those
barriers. And finding ways to support all of our students. I think sometimes we have had the will we
offer this, and it's for the entire community. And maybe it's only reaching those willing to step out
and receive it.”
Courtney asked, “What you're doing specifically to reach graduate students besides coming
to us. I mean, this is a fantastic place to start. But as you can see, we are a small group of us all
graduate students, and I feel that the students who are already a part of this probably soon we're
going to reach out to you anyways. But what about all those undergraduate students who don't know
anything and are lost within the community here?”
Ferguson replied, “We have tried to do that on a department level. So we've been doing
presentations to chairs and directors; unfortunately, in some departments, they've not opened that up.
And so we're trying to get it out through the academic college and hope that it spreads”.
Faustina requested that the services be made friendly and accessible to regardless of their

III. Roll call
Abigail Nanayaa Otchill Kübra Civan
Aisha Mohammed Salisu Lawrence Oluwafunbi
Amrit B Thapa Mabel Bustamante
Abigail Morton Mahima Rana Sanyal
Abena Bosompem Nicholas Untch
Chiderah Jessica Chukwuka Nida Ajmal
Courtney Silver-Peavey Nolan Cramer
Deborah Esi Okai Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Faustina Mensah Remington Burwell
John Akoeda Sam Smith
Joseph Gbandi Samuel Wainaina
Ibi Max-Harry Tara Griffitts
Judith Offeibea Offei Tauqir Zia
Justice Kwabena Bentil Victor Kojo Dei
Jaxon Adams Wisdom Nudz
Kelsey Kayton Weston Marume

IV. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
The previous meeting’s minute was approved by unanimous consent.

V. Amendments to Agenda
The agenda was approved with unanimous consent.

VI. Speak Out
There was no Speak Out

There was no new business

VIII. Reports
Kubra reported that the election committee is currently building up, so they are required to
have three GSS members. She added that she will be on that committee and is asking volunteers to
be a part of this committee.
Courtney reported that she met with the Health Insurance Advisory Committee. She said, “I
don't know if the committee's met, but I have been on the committee for the past few years. So
whoever is on that committee, if they haven't met and need some connections, I don’t mind starting
the process.”
Kübra referred to concerns related to accountability that some departments are
accommodating student issues and other are not.
Dr. Newton replied, “The short answer is that the history of all these sorts of big policy
questions and the university has done, for the most part, they have been left in the hands of the
individual programs and the individual schools rather than controlled with some sort of central
university level." He further said, “I mean, that would be a question currently, probably for
somebody over in HR because, again, that goes into like IRS rules and other stuff that nobody's
going to read Council is going to know anything about, but there are folks that will be the experts.”
Courtney suggested that “graduate college leadership fight for us and to have the courage to
say this is not okay. I want them to take up the cause because there's so much space for exploitation,
especially in the hard sciences”.
Zia asked, “Dr. Newton why students from Pakistan are not allowed to work extra hours and
are not receiving any other stipend aside from what the Pakistani scholarship program provides?”
Dr. Newton said, "But as far as I know, regardless of whether they are assigned as TAs,
RAs, whatever they are doing, they are all getting the contractual amount because those contracts
actually roll up for me, so I've seen." It is not possible to receive money from the Scholarship
secretariat in Pakistan and receive a stipend from OU as well.
Amrit walked all members through the GSS website and introduced new information and
pages added to the website. More specifically, he encouraged GSS members to visit the website for
online meeting links, resolution files and meeting minutes, open positions, and other key
information. Amrit also took the house through the headway the Presidential search committee has
made so far and provided general overview of presidential search schedule.
Kelsey reported, "After meeting with the psychology department, we discussed how the
university people's job fairs allow undergraduate students different opportunities and network with
potential employers. But as far as we know, there is not anything like that for graduate students.”
She added, "But we think that this could be something that is really beneficial to restorative
opportunities, so we wanted to see if there was broader interest across the university.”
Wisdom said that membership in the marching band is strictly for undergraduates; he asked
why graduate students are not allowed on the marching band.

X. Adjournment
A motion was moved to adjourn the meeting by unanimous consent.

Meeting Minutes 11/1/22

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
November 1, 2022
7:00 pm, In-Person and Microsoft Teams

Meeting Minute

I. Call to Order
Kübra Civan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and welcomed members to the general body

II. Presentation by Melinda Rhodes, Executive Director CTLA, Becky Bushey-Miller, Director of
Community, and Professional Development, Graduate College, and Allyson Hallman-Thrasher,
Associate Professor, Patton College of Education.
Kubra introduced Melinda Rhodes, Becky Busher-Miller, and Allyson Hallman-Thrasher
and advised all present to use the opportunity to ask questions.
Becky spoke about the hazing prevention module that's required of all of our community members.
She said, "In addition, we offer sexual assault prevention training. It is required that we offer it,
so those are some of the things that are offered. In addition, we offer modules which are similar to
what may be in person, the Dr. Roses area is offering in collaboration. We're all working together
to make this happen. One of the things that I want to emphasize about this is it's sometimes
intimidating to go into a classroom, and in many cases, you're the expert at making the content.
But the act of actually teaching is something you can become an expert at as well, and that's the
part where a lot of people feel anxious."
Allyson said, "My role this year is partly in the Patton college partly in art societies in the math
department, and partly in the last couple of years we are looking at graduate student preparation
for teaching and so if you were part of some of the focus groups we conducted last spring, you
might have met me. But we are trying to get some input from you all about what you need and
what your wants are for preparing to teach."
Melinda added, "In the success of Ohio students, we acknowledge that people just don't come into
a classroom being a brilliant instructor, that it's something that happens over a career, and that we
constantly adapt our instructional strategies to meet the new needs of the students who are in the
classroom at any given time."
Faustina Mensah
Faustina asked how the certificate course is going to be structured.
Allyson answered, “I know that we have looked at doctoral and master's student schedules, and
we do find that a lot of folks have to take independent study hours or dissertation hours just to
kind of build our schedule to get to that 12 hour limit. You wouldn't have to take all of the nine
hours that were added to it. You could go in and take one or two courses."
Melinda responded, “from the CTLA standpoint, I bet you might have some information from the
graduate school. We always do post-session surveys, and then at the end of the year, we do focus
groups, but that's part of our own assessment program for CTLA”.
Tara Griffitts
Tara suggested, “It would be cool if the end-of-course evaluations somehow could be made
available to the staff or some type of oversight. So in my department, we evaluate the courses. It
goes to the department chair, who sometimes shares that with the faculty member and sometimes
Becky to Tara, “I think that from the Center for Teaching and Learning standpoint, we're really
focusing on the formative aspect of evaluations, and I think that you are as well, and that would
be a nice way for it to be returned. I think one way that centers support that kind of work is just
by being advisors.”
Kubra added that a packet is given to advisors, which gives in-depth information on how to use
Becky responded, “I think we can't do the work without cooperation from others on campus, but
we can get you in touch with the experts so they can help train."
Faustina asked about the culture piece for instructors, given that most instructors or teaching
assistants are international students.
Amrit reiterated what Faustina spoke about and asked how the collaboration is established to
support different departments on a pedagogical approach. He highlighted that the graduate
assistants come from vastly different experiences of pedagogical practice and different
departments at OU have different cultures of pedagogical practice.
Melinda responded, “Yeah, at least from CTL, and this, this is just general. The center’s position
is that we collaborate with departments across the university and that all faculty are part of
CTLA. So the whole idea is that we're elevating teaching excellence, and there's a wonderful
definition actually at the Ohio University of Teaching Excellence that really starts with very
strong design, very strong preparation. And there are seven points for that. So we try to align
everything that we do with that definition of teaching excellence, and we provide programs in
that way. Now when it comes down to the graduate student instructor experience, I think that
what I'm hearing is a need to come together for both mutual support and also pedagogical
expertise transfer.”
Becky added, “The hardest thing is sometimes you can provide that information, but change
doesn't happen, right? But the more voices that we hear, I don't know how to say this except to
say I don't think you all know how powerful you are. Seriously. It's risky sometimes to talk with
people about making some changes, but as a graduate student, you are a powerful body.
Further, Allyson added, “In the university, last spring, and they were all very excited about
graduate student instructions. So they do care about trying to prepare you for that teaching role,
even if in the day-to-day mix of trying to get through everything that might not be apparent to you.
But I think they really do care. And part of what we heard from them is they want us to take on
some of the boring parts of teacher preparation so that they can do some of the fun parts where
they're talking about that pedagogy and your specific program areas.”

III.Roll call

Abigail Nanayaa Otchill
Abena Bosompem
Abigail Nanayaa Otchill
Amrit B Thapa
Catherine Nikoi
Charles Kofi Ahiaklo
Deborah Esi Okai
Faustina Mensah
Gbandi Joseph
Gideon Oduro
Ibi Max-Harry
Jaxon Adams
Joseph Gbandi
Judith Offei
Justice Kwabena Bentil
Kelsey Kayton
Kübra Civan
Mahima Rana Sanyal
Marume Weston
Nicholas Untch
Nida Ajmal
Nisha Singh
Nolan Cramer
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Remington Burwell
Ripley Brooke
Sam Smith
Samuel Wainaina
Talbott Zach
Tara Griffitts
Victor Kojo Dei
Wisdom Nudze

IV. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
The previous meeting’s minute was approved by unanimous consent.

V. Amendments to Agenda
The agenda was approved with unanimous consent.

VI. New Business: Resolution 2223-6
Abigail Otchill
Abigail presented the “Resolution 2223-6: Use of Graduate Student Senate Funds for Printing of
Shirts for Ohio” and said, “Thirty-three sweatshirts were printed for the homecoming parade and
the unit cost was $22 per shirt. The cost for printing was for both the printing of the logo and the
actual shirt, amounting to a total of $726. The rules in the RFP state that we are supposed to have
a resolution even though we still had an emergency meeting; we are presenting this resolution to
be passed for the purchases which were made". Abigail was the first sponsor, together with
Wisdom Nudze and Judith Offei.
Nisha moved for the acceptance of the resolution; Jaxon seconded. The resolution was passed
with unanimous consent.

VII. Reports
Kübra Civan
Kubra asked that two of the people present be volunteers for the dean's research committee.
Jaxon and Sam opted to be volunteers of the committee. She also informed us that the parking
permit is also making headway.
Samuel lodged a complaint about parking at the ridges.
Nisha shared that the parking spaces varies, the purple lots are for students, whereas the green
lots are specifically for staff or faculty.
Faustina added that there are free loop transportation alternatives that commute people to and
fro, especially to the ridges.
Amrit reported that he attended Individual Course Committee (ICC) meeting, which is under the
university’s curriculum council (UCC). It was more of a learning experience than getting
directly involved in the evaluation of different courses. He also shared there was a regular
governance committee meeting last week, and the committee discussed the proportional
representation of colleges and departments at GSS. Further, he said that the governance
committee is studying the departmental/collegial student population and representation in GSS.
He further informed me briefly about the executive committee discussion on the "Graduate
Student Research Conference" in Spring 2023. He urged all GSS members to get involved.
Kubra reminded GSS members to join the conference organizing committee and asked them to
let her know who was interested.
Abigail reported that the OWG review is done, and applicants have also received feedback.

A motion was moved to adjourn the meeting by unanimous consent.

Meeting Minutes 11/15/22

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
Nov 15, 2022
7:00 pm, In-Person and Microsoft Teams


I. Call to Order
Kübra Civan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and welcomed members to the sixth general
body meeting.

II. Presentation by Student Trustee, Mia Citino
III.Kubra introduced Student Trustee Mia Citino and advised all present to use the opportunity to ask
Mia talked about the composition of the Board of Trustees. She said that the Board of
Trustees comprises 14 members, of which nine are voting Trustees, 1 National Trustee, 2 Student
Trustees, 1 Alumni Representative, and 1 Faculty Representative. She further said that the Board of
Trustees meets five times a year. Regarding the role of the Student Trustee, she said that Student
Trustees connect with student organizations, colleges, and professional programs and provide a
student perspective on university-level decisions.
Mia explained briefly about Audit and Risk Management, Academics and Student Success,
and Resources and Facilities, Governance and Compensation. She shared the Fall 2022 Enrollment,
and Presidential Search Update. She further talked briefly about FY22 Financial Summary and
FY23 Financial Forecast, Line of Credit Renewal, Housing Master Plan, HCOM Transformational
Research Facility, Capital Projects, Student Investment Program, Endowment Review, and Sale of
Real Property. She presented the five housing planning principles: Competitiveness, Capacity,
Proximity, Affordability, and Well-being.
Courtney and Faustina stressed that the Board of Trustees needs to listen to Graduate
Student's voices. Courtney specifically said that her attempts to raise voices had not been given
enough attention in the past. Mia replied that she would put this concern in the next board meeting.
Mia shared the following information:
Office Hours: Wednesdays 10-12, right outside the Student Government Offices.
Trustee website:

IV. Roll call
Abigail Nanayaa Otchill Abigail Morton
Amrit B Thapa Wisdom Nudz
Brooke Ripley Samuel Wainaina
Chiderah Jessica Chukwuka Ayoola Awosika
Courtney Silver-Peavey Xornam Deh
Faustina Mensah Tauqir Zia
Deborah Esi Okai Abigail Morton
Felix Boadi Nanor Nicholas Untch
Jaxon Adams Nisha Singh
Judith Offeibea Offei Nolan Cramer
Kelsey Kayton Sam Smith
Kübra Civan Nida Ajmal
Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe

V. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
The previous meeting’s minute was approved by unanimous consent.

VI. Amendments to Agenda
The agenda was approved with unanimous consent.

VII. Speak Out
There was no Speak Out

There was no new business

IX. Reports
Kubra reported that she had a meeting with President Sherman about general fees. She
asked Dr. Koonce if there is a way to access the current list of general fees in the sister schools. Dr.
Koonce replied that he doubts if there is a current list. However, he said that the school is optimistic
about decreasing the fees. Courtney added that GEO is working with GSS to bring the fees down to
$200, irrespective of whether a student has a stipend or not. Regarding the emergency grant, Kubra
reported that President Sherman said he would talk to student affairs to apply for more funding.
Courtney reported about the GSS Conference plan meeting. She said that GSS is planning to
organize a conference somewhere in the last week of March or the First week of April 2023. She
reported that the tentative plan is to have sessions on themes: (a) Professional Development and
Leadership, (b) Graduate Life, (c) Research Presentations, and (d) Poster Presentations. She invited
everybody to join the conference planning committee, attend meetings, and get involved. She also
explained that this would be a great addition to their professional career.
Courtney reported that GEO has put together a letter to President Sherman on issues of
Stipends. She also informed that GEO was organizing campaigns on stipends and asked if anybody
is interested in participating, they can send a short message. Sam added that he sent a message
already and encouraged others to do so.
Kubra asked GPSAW committee to plan for Graduate and Professional Student Appreciate
Week and communicate to the treasurer to plan for funding. She stressed that the SAC funding has
to be applied way earlier.
Sam gave general information on national news and said, "I am gonna read The New York
Times article about 48,000 academic workers across the University of California's ten campuses,
who performed much of the teaching and research at the states premier higher education system,
walked off the job Monday morning, calling for better pay and benefits in the nation's largest strike
of the year, teaching assistance. Postdoctoral scholars, graduate student researchers, tutors, and
fellows across the UC system took to the to the picket line prompting cancel classes, shuttered labs
and other academic disruptions just weeks before final exams. So, I just thought that's an important
thing to bring up. This isn't something we're involved in alone and isolated here. This is a nationwide
thing, although we do have some particularities that this university, but I think it's important to
remember that we aren't totally alone and that there are precedents for.”
Dr. Koonce reminded, “Just to note that at least from what I understand, with the Ohio Law,
graduate students are not allowed to organize and strike and do those things. This has come up
repeatedly over the last 20 years or so.
Courtney contended to Dr. Koonce’s statement, “But, GEO actually looked into this, and it's
not that they're not allowed to unionize, but universities do not need to recognize a union. So, I
thought it was illegal to unionize, but it's not illegal to unionize, but it is legal for a university to not
recognize the union.”

X. Announcement
Nisha made an announcement that one can transfer Health Insurance to a government health
insurance plan and informed if anybody is interested, they can go to the government health
insurance website and provide general information to know about eligibility and follow the
steps forward.

XI. Adjournment
Kubra moved a motion to adjourn the meeting, and the motion was accepted by unanimous

Meeting Minutes 11/29/22

OHIO Graduate Student Senate
November 29, 2022
7:00 pm, In-Person and Microsoft Teams

I. Call to Order
Kübra Civan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and welcomed members to the general body

I. Presentation by the Provost Elizabeth Sayrs
Kubra introduced Provost Elizabeth Sayrs and invited members to ask questions at the end
of the presentation.
Dr. Sayrs presented about Ohio's Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CTLA)
and its role in supporting excellence in teaching, high-quality student experience,
cultivating a network of faculty mentors and leaders, and crown-source ideas across
disciplines. Further, Dr. Sayrs discussed the roles of the National Center for Faculty
Development and Diversity (NCFDD) and stressed that it provides on-demand access to
mentoring, tools, and support and focuses on four key areas that help achieve
extraordinary writing and research productivity while maintaining a full and healthy life
off campus. The four key areas are; strategic planning, explosive productivity, healthy
relationships, and work-life balance.
Dr. Sayrs encouraged graduate students to benefit from Strategic Ohio Council for Higher
Education (SOCHE)’s workshops, trainings, and conferences that provide timely
educational resources to collegiate faculty, staff, and students. Its digital library has 350+
on-demand professional development trainings. She further said that students could use
ohio university email to signup for an individual membership for free.
Dr. Sayrs further said, “Graduate Council is collaborating with Graduate Student Senate
on a graduate stipend study that’s being chaired by Annie Ruhil, who is a professor in the
Voinovich School. There are two graduate student representatives on that committee."

II. Roll call
Abena Bosompem Lawrence Ajayi Oluwafunbi
Abigail Morton Madeleine Hendricks
Abigail Nanayaa Otchill Narges Ghafary
Aisha Mohammed Salisu Nicholas Untch
Amrit B Thapa Nida Ajmal
Charles Kofi Ahiaklo Nisha Singh
Chiderah Jessica Chukwuka Nolan Cramer
Courtney Silver-Peavey Oumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Emmanuel Osei Acheampong Ripley Brooke
Faustina Mensah Sam Smith
Faustina Mensah Samuel Wainaina
Felix Nanor Tara Griffitts
Jaxon Adams Tauqir Zia
Judith Offei Victor Kojo Dei
Kelsey Kayton Weston Marume
Kübra Civan

III. Approval of the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
The previous meeting’s minute was approved by unanimous consent.

IV. Amendments to Agenda
Agenda was approved with unanimous consent.

V. New Business Resolution
Kubra tabled the resolutions “Resolution 2223-07: Use of Graduate Student Senate Funds for NAGPS
Annual Membership” and “Resolution 2122-08: Use of Graduate Student Senate Funds for NAGPS
2022 National Conference” for the general body to discuss and pass. She said that GSS has been a
constitutional member of NAGPS (National Association of Graduate-Professional Students) and
proposed the resolutions to be discussed and passed by the general body meeting. Amrit
seconded the resolutions and said that since NAGPS is a national organization representing all
graduate students from the country, it is beneficial to get connected and benefit from the national
Nisha said that she has been in Midwest NAGPS and said that the regional organization is relatively
inactive, and this may be attributed to COVID-19. She said that she attended some NAGPS meetings
and their advocacy conversations and commitments were impressive.
Oumar said that GSS should prefer joining the NAGPS and attending the conference, given that the
conference represents graduate students at the national level.
Faustina said, “ It is a very important role I can say outside in those meetings. And definitely, we
needed to be very serious about the graduate students' experience across the nation. But I think what
is important is to what extent are we making sure this partnership is also yielding benefits? That's a
big question. We want to ask, how are we holding them accountable? I'm so glad Nisha is in that
position. You know, when I took over the position, we didn't take things seriously, you know, and just
did was just in attendance for the sake of it and was literally occupying that seat and not contributing
much. So and I feel like that was the sense I have in terms of the GSS is signing up to what extent I
even keeping an eye on leaders from Ohio University that are participating in leadership at the national
level or the Midwest level, based on the benefit that you are paying for so just finding a way of keeping
accountable or even making that partnership be beneficial, I think is super important. But based on
what we should say. I will definitely vote. We do have to go with that. It is what keeping the leadership
because that would also mean that we lose that leadership opportunity, which I think it's there's no
value to it.”
Kubra said that it is important for GSS members to lead a part, and all of us will benefit.
Nisha added that if we have problems or issues and approach NAGPS for help, they can be very
Courtney suggested that we can gather more information about the benefits of joining NAGPS and
join during the next semester.
Nisha further said, “one thing I can do is I can get the President and the Vice President whenever we
have time during the seven to nine meeting to give like a little presentation or something where they
can talk and answer whatever questions we have. And so the membership is due 31st of December, or
I think first of January. So we always sorry, never mind. We probably don't have time, but yeah, we
can have them, and we can maybe decide what to do whether we should pay or not".
Kubra stressed that the resolutions should be passed by today if we GSS members want to take part
in the conference next week.
Emmanuel suggested that we need to gauge the benefits of the membership before deciding to join
Charles added that it would be beneficial if there is someone from NAGPS to understand their
accountability and how everybody from GSS benefits.
Jessica suggested that GSS members who attend this conference should inform the general body about
the conference to help GSs make how to move forward with NAGPS membership.
After a thorough review and discussion, Kubra moved the motion to pay for the non-member price
online by unanimous consent, and Faustina seconded.
The resolution “Resolution 2223-08:Use of Graduate Student Senate funds for NAGPS 2022 national
conference" was passed with an amendment to pay for online attendance worth $137.10 instead of in person attendance. The resolution was passed by unanimous consent.

VI. Reports
Kubra asked that members present their reports from their committee meetings.
Amrit informed the house about the GSS conference committee's update on GSS Conference 2023.
He shared that GSS Conference Committee is meeting frequently and has been able to decide on the
date and stated that the conference will be held on March 31. The venue is yet to be decided. He briefly
said that the conference will involve a Keynote Speech, Student Presentations, Workshops, Poster
Presentation, and Social Hour. He urged members to join the committee and actively get involved in
further planning. He stressed that the conference will be a great opportunity for all GSS members to
take a leadership role and get connected to people.
Kubra asked that commissioners share their reports with the house.
Charles also updated the house on the headway he has made with first generation and asked if there
are any plans GSS has for them.
Kubra asked that Charles respond to the email she sent earlier to inform her of what to bring on board
for the next semester.
Emmanuel also updated the house on his meeting with the engineering department and mentioned
the challenges they are faced with and the measures that can be put in place to make things better.
Courtney mentioned that she met the person in charge of SCA (Student Enhancement Award) to
discuss whether or not we can make it on a semester basis. She said, "They are looking into doing, but
they need to search for more funding. But we did discuss that we can focus on getting GSS more
involved in recruiting students and giving out information doing workshops. So we're going to meet
with her again to see what we can do in the future. But it seems like we can now be part of the
conversation about eventually getting it to on a semester basis.”
Tara shared an update about the resolution for the excused absence day on excused absences for
Election Day. “It did die in committee in Faculty Senate and passed for Student Senate. You might
have seen the email that went out to all registered instructors about the university-wide policy to ensure
that we did not get extra credit for Election Day because the way that they cited case law in that email
that we saw it. I would argue that baseball was irrelevant, but it wasn't the type of place to talk about
it. So the idea is not dead. It's still moving forward. I have a meeting with the students Senate to discuss
how to revise that resolution to move forward and present it to a writing group that will kind of put it
in committee so it lasts longer than usual since we don't have a lot of continuity.”
Faustina Mensah
Faustina updated the Covid-19 committee’s work. She said, "I have an update from the COVID-19 in
general. We also met, proofread, and we just touched on how things have shifted, I would call it the
pandemic, and probably at some point in time as a Senate, we may have to talk to whether this internal
committee is needed. We did bounce around some ideas about possibly transitioning it to a general
kind of well, that command line kind of committee that has beyond, you know COVID-19
encompasses a little bit more welfare-related things so that COVID is not just the main item, and it
looks like we don't have general welfare. It cannot be a committee, so this is just something to put on
our minds and probably not for this meeting. But certainly, watch this and maybe put a resolution on
so that that committee can transition into that with all that they should do with called COVID-19.”
Abigail reported that, currently, GSS has $1,001.80.

The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent.

2023-2024 Resolutions

Resolution 2324-15: Graduate Student Senate Funding for History Graduate Student Association Conference

  1. Whereas, the History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) Conference serves as a platform for graduate students from Ohio University and other institutions to present their historical research to peers and colleagues,
  2. Whereas, the conference offers graduate students valuable experience in presenting at academic gatherings, receiving constructive feedback, and networking with fellow students and faculty members,
  3. Whereas, the History Department sees the conference as a crucial recruiting tool for prospective graduate students visiting the Ohio University campus,
  4. Whereas, the conference organizers have requested financial support in the amount of $750 to cover the food expenses associated with hosting the event as indicated in Appendix 1;
  5. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate has $6,485.46 of remaining funds as of 03/04/2024; therefore, be it,
  6. Resolved, Graduate Student Senate will provide $500 toward the final expenses of the conference; and be it further,
  7. Resolved, the HGSA Conference is scheduled to take place on March 23rd from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM,
  8. Resolved, the Treasurer of the History Graduate Student Association shall provide receipts and a financial report detailing the use of the allocated funds to the Graduate Student Senate Treasurer within 30 days following the conclusion of the conference.


Nisha Singh


Nicholas Whitticar

Graduate College Senator

Felix Asare

Industrial and Systems Engineering Department Representative

Kristodea Boadum
Commissioner First Generation Student Affairs

Appendix 1

GSS Budget Request Expense Breakdown

Total Expected FundingTotal Expenses
Please list all expected funding sources below (be specific) Please list all expenses (including those not directly funded by GSS) below and be specific 
Ticket Sales Marketing Expenses (please list out each)$-
Senate Appropriations Commission (SAC) Meal Expenses$750.00
College Funding (please specify the amount from each college) Travel Expenses: Speaker flight and hotel$1,000
Department Funding: History Department$1,250Entertainment Expenses (Please list out each)$-
  Supplies Expenses (Please list out each)$-

Resolution 2324-14: Appointment of New Members

1. Whereas, per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures and the Graduate Student Senate 2023-24 Executive Council, endorses the appointment of the listed position; and,

2. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate is tasked with appointing members to form the general body; and,

3. Whereas, applications, and appointments have been undertaken; and the following members responded and were found to be in good academic standing; therefore, be it,

4. Resolved, that the following individuals be appointed to the positions as listed beside their names as voting members of the Graduate Student Senate.


Equity & Inclusion AffairsDious Joseph

Department Representative

Civil Engineering

David Asare Odei


Kelsey Kayton

Vice President

Amrit Bahadur Thapa


Nisha Singh


Resolution 2324-13: Appointment of New Members

1. Whereas, per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures and the Graduate Student Senate 2023-24 Executive Council, endorses the appointment of the listed position; and,

2. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate is tasked with appointing members to form the general body; and,

3. Whereas, applications, and appointments have been undertaken; and the following members responded and were found to be in good academic standing; therefore, be it,

4. Resolved, that the following individuals be appointed to the positions as listed beside their names as voting members of the Graduate Student Senate.

Department Representative

Biological SciencesMalik Jibran Ahmad Khan
Information and Telecommunication SystemsGerard Chukwu


Kelsey Kayton

Vice President

Amrit Bahadur Thapa


Nisha Singh


Resolution 2324-12: Graduate Student Senate Sponsored Awards at the Student Expo

  1. Whereas, each year since 2001, the Ohio University Research Division and University Libraries co-sponsor the Student Expo; and,

2. Whereas, the 2019 Student Expo had more than 850 presenters, 250 judges and 2000 attendees; and,

3. Whereas, the 2024 Student Expo will take place on April 11 at the Convo as an in-person event for students to share their research and creative works; and,

4. Whereas, Student Expo Judges are providing awards in the amount 1st ($150) and 2nd ($75 prize) or two joint 1st place prizes ($112.50) for each judging session; and,

5. Whereas, there is a high level of participation from graduate and professional students each year at the Expo, and it is Graduate Student Senate’s duty to support these students in their scholarly endeavors; therefore, be it,

6. Resolved, Graduate Student Senate will fund Student Expo awards in the total amount of $450 (see Appendix 1 for breakdown); and be it further,

7. Resolved, students will be eligible for the award if they are able to prove their participation in volunteer activities that benefit graduate students (see Appendix 2 for application), and will be subsequently judged by a diverse panel of impartial Graduate Student Senate volunteers; and be it further,

8. Resolved, the awardees will be posted on the Graduate Student Senate and Research Division’s social media accounts as a point of pride for the winners and to increase Graduate Student Senate’s visibility.


Nicholas Whitticar

Graduate College Senator

Nisha Singh


Felix Asare

Industrial and Systems Engineering Department Representative

Appendix 1


1st Place2nd PlaceJoint 1st Place (if applicable)

Life and Biomedical Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering


Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences


Appendix 2

Graduate Student Senate: $150 (1st) and $75 (2nd) or $112.50 (joint 1st) for each session. Must be enrolled as a graduate student and be able to demonstrate an active role in volunteer activity that benefits graduate students. One session for engineering, biomedical, physical, and life sciences. One session for arts, humanities, social and behavioral sciences. Applicants must send a 250-word maximum summary of their specific contributions toward improving the graduate student experience by April 7th at 11:59 pm to be eligible.

Contact: Graduate Student Senate

Resolution 2324-11: Appointment of Board of Elections Chair

  1. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate recognizes the fundamental importance of fair and impartial elections as a cornerstone of democracy; and,
  2. Whereas, it is essential to appoint a qualified individual to lead the Board of Elections and ensure the integrity and efficiency of the electoral process; therefore, be it,
  3. Resolved, that the Graduate Student Senate hereby appoints Edward Asante to the position of Board of Elections Chair for the 2024-2025 GSS Executive and Senator Elections; and,
  4. Resolved, that the responsibilities of the Board of Elections Chair shall include, but not be limited to, overseeing the planning and execution of all elections, ensuring compliance with the GSS Rules & Procedures and maintaining transparency and fairness throughout the electoral process; and,
  5. Resolved, that Edward Asante shall work collaboratively with the Board of Elections members to uphold the principles of fair elections; and,
  6. Resolved, that this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.


Kelsey Kayton

Vice President

Amrit Bahadur Thapa


Nisha Singh


Brian Everett

Veterans Affairs Commissioner

Abigail Bartlett

Senator for the College of Arts & Sciences

Resolution 2023-10: Update on the Rules & Procedures Regarding Elections

  1. Whereas, the Graduate Student Senate has sole authority over its Rules & Procedures; and,
  2. Whereas, elections facilitate the selection of a qualified general body and uphold GSS’s

    democratic values and principles; and,

  3. Whereas, the Senator election timeline previously overlapped extensively with the executive election timeline, producing administrative challenges; and,
  4. Whereas, Chapter 13.02 (u) of the R&P does not indicate who is eligible to vote for each Senator; and,
  5. Whereas, the current Senator election procedure involves an additional stage in the application process; and,
  6. Whereas, this additional stage contributes to increased workload for Deans, Colleges, and the Board of Elections regarding Senator elections; and,
  7. Whereas, simplifying the process for both elections would enhance efficiency and reduce administrative burden; therefore, be it,
  8. Resolved, that R&P Article 13.02 section (a) to (v) be revised to read:

    1.  In the Fall semester, appoint the Board of Elections Chair, a graduate student who is graduating from Ohio University in that academic year.
    2. Before the last meeting of the Fall semester, the entire Board of Elections must be confirmed, and the Board of Elections must bring the applications for new Executive positions to be approved by the GSS body.
      1.  The application shall include a section allowing candidates to list clearly defined goals for their candidacy.
      2. Applicants are encouraged to run together on a ticket.
    3.  By the last GSS GBM of Fall semester the call for nominations is to be sent out to all

      graduate students.

    4. Applications for nomination are to include a statement of intent and a brief explanation

      of why they are an eligible candidate for the position.

    5.  Applications must include a list of names equal to 20% of current GSS membership

      who affirm the applicant is qualified to run for an Executive Position. This list is to be

      verified by the current Executive board.

    6.  The first GSS GBM of Spring semester is to have a dedicated timeslot for potential

      candidates to introduce themselves to GSS members in order to gather support for their


    7.  By the end of the 3rd week of Spring semester applications will close.
    8. Before the next GSS GBM candidates for the executive positions (based on nominations received) will be announced via email.
    9. On the day of the 3rd GSS GBM elections will be held through an online platform for all graduate students with a minimum 48-hour long voting window.

      i.  If no candidate for a position gets 50%+1 of the general votes cast, a run-off election will be held for the top two candidates.

    j.  During the next GSS GBM after the elections, election results will be announced.

    k.  Following the announcement of election results, transition for the Executive Positions shall begin. Oaths for office shall be taken at the last GSS GBM of the academic year.

For Senator Elections

      l.  Applications and nominations will be considered on a rolling basis if the vacancy exists in all semesters except Spring semester.

      m.  Colleges may determine their own election process.

      n.  Week 8 of spring semester: applications must be open to the public and announced. The application should include a section for the applicant to explain why they are eligible candidates for the position.

     o.  Friday of Week 10 of Spring semester: application is due

     p.  Thursday of week 11 of Spring Semester: the campaign may begin

    q.  Thursday of week 13 of Spring Semester: election day. Only Graduate students (online and On-campus) in respective colleges are eligible to vote for their own Senator.

     r.  Monday Week 14 of Spring semester: all final paperwork is due by 5pm.



Kelsey Kayton

Vice President

Edward Asante

Senator, Russ College of Engineering and Technology

Brian Everett

Commissioner, Veterans Affairs

Xornam Deh

Commissioner, Equity and Inclusion Affairs

Shamsuddeen Magaji Bello

Representative, Geography

Grace Chundama

Commissioner, Women’s Affairs

Emmanuel Awunkori

Commissioner, Governmental Affairs

Resolution 2324-09: Donation of Graduate Student Senate Funds to the Cats’ Cupboard

  1. Whereas, the Cats’ Cupboard food pantry in Baker Center is part of the Bobcats Helping Bobcats initiative organized by the Office of the Dean of Students; and,
  2. Whereas, the Cats’ Cupboard is available specifically for Ohio University students, faculty, and staff, providing pre-packaged bags of fresh produce, non-perishables, and personal care items; and,
  3. Whereas, 648 students and staff are signed up as Cats' Cupboard food pantry users this year, with 3,746 visits and 1,030 students and dependents being fed; and,
  4. Whereas, many student remain on campus during winter break and miss a biweekly stipend payment; and,
  5. Whereas, students and student organizations are not on campus over break which typically provide the pantry with food donations; and,
  6. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate (GSS) has $6,943 remaining as of 11/1/23; and,
  7. Whereas, a $25 donation gives one student a three-day supply of emergency food, and

    $750 will provide three days of food for 30 students; therefore, be it,

  8. Resolved, GSS will donate $750 worth of goods to the Cats’ Cupboard to provide much- needed emergency food for students; and be it further,
  9. Resolved, items will be chosen by a diverse group of GSS members and through the pantry’s Amazon wish list; and be it further,

10. Resolved, the possibility of an annual donation will be presented to the budget and governance committees for approval, and if passed by the General Body will be written into the R&P as a tradition; and be it further,

11. Resolved, GSS will share information about the donation on its social media accounts, and members will inform their constituents of this resource and encourage further donation bobcats/cats-cupboard

Nicholas Whitticar

Graduate College Senator

Nisha Singh

Felix Asare

Industrial and Systems Engineering Department Representative

Nida Ajmal

Translational Biomedical Sciences Department Representative

Resolution 2324-07: Appointment of New Members

1. Whereas, per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures and the Graduate Student Senate 2023-24 Executive Council, endorses the appointment of the listed position; and

2. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate is tasked with appointing members to form the general body; and

3. Whereas, applications, and appointments have been undertaken; and the following members responded and were found to be in good academic standing; therefore, be it,

4. Resolved, that the following individuals be appointed to the positions as listed beside their names as voting members of the Graduate Student Senate.


Community Engagement Commissioner

Nadiah Abidin

Environmental Affairs Commissioner

John Fiifi Essel

Latine Affairs Commissioner

Carolina Herrera Céspedes

Veteran Affairs Commissioner

Brian Everett

Department Representatives


Godfred Ahenkroa Kesse


Kelsey Kayton

Vice President

Amrit Bahadur Thapa


Nisha Singh


Resolution 2324-06: Graduate Student Senate Outstanding Grant Award

  1. Whereas, the Original Work Grants (OWG) are carried out by the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) in collaboration with the Graduate College, providing roughly 25 graduate students with up to $750 each of funding toward their research or creative activity each year; and,
  2. Whereas, per the GSS constitution, our mission is to strengthen graduate students’ academic experience, scholarly pursuits, and professional development; and,
  3. Whereas, awards funded by GSS will increase our exposure, provide extra funds to support graduate students, and expand the awardees professional accomplishments; and,
  4. Whereas, GSS has $7392.90 remaining in our balance as of 10/30/23; therefore, be it,
  5. Resolved, GSS will award $150 to each of the top 3 fall semester grants, totaling $450; and

    be it further,

  6. Resolved, the numerical scores collected from 2-4 unbiased reviewers will be averaged and

    the top three proposals will receive the awards; and be it further,

  7. Resolved, GSS will disburse the funding directly to the awardees which can be spent at their

    discretion; and be it further,

  8. Resolved, the award will be called the “Graduate Student Senate Outstanding Grant Award”

    for the purpose of news releases and inclusion on students’ résumé or curriculum vitae; and

    be it further,

  9. Resolved, news of the OWG and supplemental award winners will be released on the GSS

    social media accounts and any university correspondence to better advertise the work that GSS does for the benefit of graduate students.


Nicholas Whitticar

Graduate College Senator

Felix Asare

Industrial and Systems Engineering Department Representative

Nisha Singh


Kristodea Boadum

First Generation Student Affairs Commissioner

Resolution 2324-05: Use of GSS Funds for Strouds Run State Park Cleaning Project

  1. Whereas, the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) has complete control over the operating budget allocated to the senate and may allocate funds as determined by the body within the bounds of R&P; and,
  2. Whereas, one of the objectives of the Community Service Committee is to provide opportunities for graduate students to engage in service; and,
  3. Whereas, Strouds Run is one of the most popular destinations for students at Ohio University, with different recreational activities such as hiking and swimming; and,
  4. Whereas, this project will help clean the area and spread awareness; and,
  5. Whereas, we require Hand Gloves and Trash Bags to carry out the cleaning and

    collecting the trash; and,

  6. Whereas, the itemized costs of the Hand Gloves and Trash Bags are in the table below,

    and we ask GSS to provide us with the $25.95, therefore, be it,

  7. Resolved, GSS provide $25.95 for the purchases of the items for this project.



Hand Gloves (100 count)



Trash Bags (80 count)




Abbey Cicero
Representative, Law, Justice, and Culture

Krishna Khanal
Representative, Teacher Education

Amrit Bahadur Thapa


Resolution 2324-04: Use of GSS Funds for Scary Movie Night

1. Whereas, GSS has complete control over the operating budget allocated to the senate and may allocate funds as determined by the body within the bounds of the R&P; and,

2. Whereas, casual events can build camaraderie and mutual respect between members; and,

3. Whereas, the holiday season provides a good opportunity to hold fun events; and,

4. Whereas, survey responses from GSS members suggest that around 25 people plan to attend; therefore, be it,

5. Resolved, GSS uses $125 ($5 per ticket) of its funds to pay for 25 movie tickets at The Athena Grand for a Scary Movie Night for the purposes of camaraderie and stress relief.


Nida Ajmal
Translational Biomedical Sciences Representative

Kelsey Kayon

Vice President

Resolution 2324-03: Appointment of New Members

1. Whereas, per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures and the Graduate Student Senate 2023-2024 Executive Council, endorses the appointment of the listed positions; and
2. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate is tasked with appointing members to form
the general body; and

3. Whereas, elections, applications, and appointments have been undertaken; and the following members responded and were found to be in good academic standing; therefore, be it,
4. Resolved, that the following individuals be appointed to the positions as listed beside their names as voting members of the Graduate Student Senate.

Department Representatives


Shamsuddeen Al-Khazraji

Physics and Astronomy

Ali Abbas


Academic Life & Research

Subekshya Ghimire

Equity & Inclusion Affairs

Xornam Deh


Kelsey Kayton

Vice President

Amrit Bahadur Thapa


Nisha Singh


Resolution 2324-02: Use of Graduate Student Senate Funds for GSS Orientation

  1. Whereas, GSS has complete control over the operating budget allocated to the senate and may allocate funds as determined by the body within the bounds of the R&P; and,
  2. Whereas, it is the responsibility of GSS to use these funds to better the graduate and professional student experience at Ohio University; and,
  3. Whereas, successful and efficient functioning of GSS depends on how well the new incoming members are trained about the R&P and working of GSS, and,
  4. Whereas, GSS currently is planning the orientation for the new incoming members which requires purchase of some supplies and food for the event, and,
  5. Whereas, GSS has $8286.58 in total currently, therefore, be it,
  6. Resolved, GSS use its funds to purchase supplies and food for the orientation program on 14th and 15th of September, 2023 for $408.33, (see appendix A for breakdown of total cost).

Sponsors –

Nisha Singh Treasurer

Amrit .B. Thapa President

Kelsey Kayton Vice President


Breakdown of total cost of funds for GSS Orientation program

Serial NoExpenseQuantityCost ($)
1Starbucks for Coffee - Travelers box (Day 1)240.00
2Avalanche Pizza (Day 1)7


3Ice for drinks2


4Avalanche Pizza (Day 2)7


5Starbucks for Coffee - Travelers box (Day 2)3


6Supplies for event and office-


7Gift Bags3


8Total 408.33


Breakdown of total cost of for Supplies (Number 6 in Appendix A)

Serial NoExpenseQuantityCost ($)





Disposable Cups




Paper Plates


Chocolate Boxes













10Plastic cutlery1



Copy paper




Erasable markers



13Paper towels2


14Thick copier sheets1




Resolution 2324-01: Appointment of New Members and Appointed Staff

1. Whereas, per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures and the Graduate Student Senate 2023-2024 Executive Council, endorses the appointment of the listed position; and

2. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate is tasked with appointing members to form the general body; and

3. Whereas, elections, applications, and appointments have been undertaken; and the following members responded and were found to be in good academic standing; therefore, be it,

4. Resolved, that the following individuals be appointed to the positions as listed beside their names as voting members and appointed staff of the Graduate Student Senate.

Senators (Voting Members)

College of Arts and Sciences

Abigail Bartlett

College of Business

Hannah Bachert

Graduate College

Nicholas Whitticar

Scripps College of Communication

Eirene Binabiba

Department Representatives (Voting Members)

College of Health and Science Professions

Bryan Soth

Communication Studies

Shatakshi Semwall

Counseling and Higher Education

Sahaj Vohra

Higher Education and Student Affairs

Raghad Al-Khazraji

Industrial and Systems Engineering

Felix Asare

Information and Telecommunication Systems

Adeola Adewa

Law, Justice, and Culture

Abbey Cicero


Nutifafa Akpeleasi

Physical Therapy

Kalia Schlenker


Kayla Boaz

Teacher Education

Krishna Prasad Khanal Jaishy

Commissioners (Voting Members)

Black Affairs

Antonia Sarpong

First Generation Student Affairs

Kristodea Boadum

Governmental Affairs

Emmanuel Awunkori

Health and Safety Affairs

FNU Palwasha

International Student Affairs

Frank Oppong

Women's Affairs

Grace Karis Chundama

Appointed Positions

Chief of Staff

Brian Lee Everett

Chief of Staff

Rose Williamson

Graphic Designer/ Multimedia Content Creator

Peter Owusu


Emmanuel Gbede


Sharique Siddique


Kelsey Kayton

Vice President

Amrit Bahadur Thapa


Nisha Singh


2022-2023 Resolutions 

Resolution 2223-15: Use of GSS funds for purchasing flyers for Grad Con

1. Whereas, GSS has complete control over the operating budget allocated to the senate and may

allocate funds as determined by the body within the bounds of the R&P; and,

2. Whereas, it is the responsibility of GSS to use these funds to better the graduate and

professional student experience at Ohio University; and,

3. Whereas, GSS is currently in the need of non-social media and/or digital based advertisements for the upcoming GSS Grad Con event.

5. Whereas, GSS has $11,079.30 in total currently,
6. Resolved, GSS will use its funds to purchase Grad Con flyers for $95.00, as a onetime payment.

7. Resolved, these flyers will be distributed across the Ohio University Campus by Graduate Student Senate members

Courtney Silver-Peavey
Commissioner for Academic Life and Research Kübra Civan

Resolution 2223-14: Use of GSS Funds to Throw a Trivia Night

  1. Whereas, GSS has complete control over the operating budget allocated to the senate and may allocate funds as determined by the body within the bounds of the R&P; and,
  2. Whereas, casual events can build camaraderie and mutual respect between members; and,
  3. Whereas, the semester is reaching its midpoint, and the GSS is reaching a time of high activity; therefore, be it,
  4. Resolved, GSS will use $306.31 of its funds to host a Trivia Night for the purposes of camaraderie and stress relief.


Jaxon Adams

Physics and Astronomy Department Representative

Remington Burwell
Plant Biology Department Representative

Resolution 2223-13: Appointment of New Body Members

  1. Whereas, per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures and the Graduate Student Senate 2022-23 Executive Council, endorses the appointment of the listed position; and
  2. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate is tasked with appointing members to form the general body; and
  3. Whereas, elections, applications, and appointments have been undertaken; and the following members responded and were found to be in good academic standing; therefore, be it,
  4. Resolved, that the following individuals (See Table-1 and Table-2) be appointed to the positions as listed beside their names as voting members of the Graduate Student Senate.

Table-1. Department Representatives


Civil Engineering

Saurav Prasai



Michael Nicholson Pierce



Mitchell Tijerina



Will Mullen


Table-2. Commissioners


Equity and Inclusion Affairs

Bridhika Senchury



Amrit B. Thapa

Vice President

Abigail N. Otchill


Date: Feb 14, 2023

Resolution 2223-12: Appointment of New Body Members

  1. Whereas, per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures and the Graduate Student Senate 2022-23 Executive Council, endorses the appointment of the listed position; and
  2. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate is tasked with appointing members to form the general body; and
  3. Whereas, applications, and appointments have been undertaken; and the following members (See Table-1) responded and were found to be in good academic standing; therefore, be it,
  4. Whereas, the following members (See Table -2) have had more than three unexcused absences and have been dismissed based on R&P article 9.05 (e) on unexcused absence policy, therefore, be it,
  5. Whereas, the following members (See Table-3) have resigned from their positions stating the personal reasons, therefore, be it,
  6. Resolved, that the following individuals (See Table-1) be appointed to the positions as listed beside their names as voting members of the Graduate Student Senate.
  7. Resolved, that the following individuals (See Table -2) are dismissed from their positions, and the positions be open for new applications,
  8. Resolved, that the resignations from the following individuals (See Table-3) are accepted and the positions be open for new applications,

Table-1. Appointment


College/Department /Commission

NameAppointment DatePronouns


Mental Health Affairs

Emmanuel Agyei-Poku

Jan 31, 2023


Dep Representative

Business Administration Department

Allen Casto

Jan 31, 2023


Dep Representative


Richmond Owusu

Jan 31, 2023


Table-2. Dismissal


College/Department /Commission

NameAppointment DatePronouns

Dep Representative

Social Work

Katelyn Enderle

Nov 19, 2022


Table-3. Resignation


College/Department /Commission

NameResignation DatePronouns


Equity and Inclusion Affairs

Faustina Mensah

Jan 24, 2023



Mental Health Affairs

Divya Warrier

Nov 19, 2022



Women's Affairs

Judith Offeibea Offei

Jan 18, 2023

Dep Representative

Communication Studies

Maria Hannah

Nov 22, 2022


Dep Representative

Scripps College of Communication

Narges Ghafary

Jan 18, 2022



Amrit B. Thapa

Vice President

Kübra Civan


Abigail N. Otchill


Date: Jan 31, 2023

Resolution 2023-11: Update Rules and Procedures’ excused absence language

  1. Whereas, the Rules and Procedures document provides policy guidance for Graduate Student Senate, and,
  2. Whereas, Articles 9.01 and 9.05 of the R&P each define excused absences and attendance policies differently, and,
  3. Whereas, definitions within the R&P should be internally consistent; therefore, be it
  4. Resolved, that R&P Article 9.01 be revised to read:

    “Excusable absences shall follow the University-excused absence policy. Excused absences include: illness, death in the immediate family, religious observance, jury duty, and involvement in University-sponsored activities. The President shall be responsible for determining whether the VP’s absences are excusable.”

  5. And, Resolved, that R&P Article 9.05, section i. and ii. be revised to read:
    1. (i.)  Absences that do not follow the University-excused absence policy will be unexcused.
    2. (ii.)  All other absences will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Council.

Sponsors, Tara Griffitts

College of Health Sciences and Professions

Amrit Thapa


Resolution 2223-09: Use of GSS funds for purchasing graphics design software Canva

1. Whereas, GSS has complete control over the operating budget allocated to the senate and may allocate funds as determined by the body within the bounds of the R&P; and,
2. Whereas, it is the responsibility of GSS to use these funds to better the graduate and professional student experience at Ohio University; and,

3. Whereas, GSS currently has no licenses or software to readily create professional and high- quality social media posts, communications, or graphic designs.
4. Whereas, GSS is currently planning a convention and other professional activities that require professional social media posts and advertisements,

5. Whereas, GSS has $10,520.30 in total currently,
6. Resolved, GSS will use its funds to purchase a subscription to Canva Pro at a rate of $12.99 per month (plus taxes and fees) until the end of April (~$38.97) and be it further,
7. Resolved, this software will be made accessible to all GSS members for use in sharing information with constituents; and be it further,
8. Resolved, this software will be maintained under a GSS account, and executives will keep all necessary log-in information,


Kübra Civan


Courtney Silver-Peavey

Commissioner for Academic Life and Research

Resolution 2223-6: Use of Graduate Student Senate Funds for Printing of Shirts for Ohio University Homecoming Parade on October 8, 2022

  1. Whereas, The Ohio University Homecoming Parade is a grand parade observed through the principal streets of Ohio University’s main campus, and is characterized by the participation of past students, current students, teaching and non-teaching staff, and well- wishers from the Athens County and different parts of the world; and,
  2. Whereas, This program allows for the participation of all student organizations including the Graduate Student Senate. It was necessary for the Graduate Student Senate to be well represented to emphasize the contributions, impact, and value of the Graduate Student Senate in Ohio University; and,
  3. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate (GSS) has been an active participant in the Ohio University Homecoming Parade over the past years and therefore had to be duly represented and easily identified by parade participants and onlookers, it was necessary for GSS members to appear in branded shirts; and,
  4. Whereas, GSS has a remaining account balance of $10,447.80 to spend prudently throughout the academic year; and,
  5. Whereas, GSS Budget Committee has discussed the budget request for the printing of shirts for the Homecoming Parade, and is recommending supporting the budget request of $726 (see appendix for details); therefore, be it,
  6. Resolved, That GSS will provide $726 for the printing of shirts for the Homecoming Parade.


Abigail Nanayaa Otchill


Wisdom Yao Nudze

Commissioner, National Graduate Student Affairs

Judith Offeibea Offei

Commissioner, Women Affairs


Budget for Homecoming Apparel

ItemQuantityUnit CostTotal

Resolution 2223-05: Appointment of New Body Members

  1. Whereas, per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures and the Graduate Student Senate 2022-23 Executive Council, endorses the appointment of the listed position; and
  2. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate is tasked with appointing members to form the general body; and
  3. Whereas, elections, applications, and appointments have been undertaken; and the following members responded and were found to be in good academic standing; therefore, be it,
  4. Resolved, that the following individuals be appointed to the positions as listed beside their names as voting members of the Graduate Student Senate.

Table-1. Senator


College of Business

Deborah Esi Okai


Table-2. Department Representative


Molecular and Cellular Biology

Mahima Rana Sanyal


Table-3. Commissioner


Accessibility Services

Catherine Nikoi



Amrit B. Thapa

Vice President

Abigail N. Otchill


Date: Oct 04, 2022

Resolution 2223-04: Resolution to Create a GSS Stipend Committee

  1. Whereas, according to data collected by MIT, graduate students at Ohio University do not receive sufficient funding to meet basic needs in the Athens area;
  2. Whereas, this fact is reflected in the lived experiences of graduate students, 63% of whom stated that their stipends were insufficient to live on in the Athens area in a 2021 survey conducted by the Ohio University Graduate Employee Organization (GEO);
  3. Whereas, it is generally accepted that vast disparities exist in stipends across departments, but comprehensive information on stipends is not readily accessible to students;
  4. Whereas, President Hugh Sherman has indicated before this body his leadership in investigating the current landscape of Ohio University stipends across departments and subsequently identifying policy changes to address shortcomings;
  5. Whereas, the Ohio University Graduate Council is launching a stipend committee to investigate the issue of graduate stipends at Ohio University; and
  6. Whereas, graduate students are definitionally the most affected by decisions on stipends and, therefore, should have a voice in determining them; let it be
  7. Resolved, that GSS will create a stipend committee of its own charged with continuing ongoing efforts to gather data on graduate student stipends and advocate for equitable solutions to the appropriate Ohio University bodies including but not limited to the Office of the President, Graduate Council and its stipend committee, Faculty Senate, program directors, and the Graduate Employee Organization.


Sam Smith

Senator, College of Arts and Sciences

Courtney Silver-Peavey

Commissioner, Academic Life and Research

Tara Griffitts

Senator, College of Health Sciences and Professions

Faustina Mensah

Commissioner, Equity and Inclusion Affairs

Resolution 2223-03: Appointment of New Body Members

  1. Whereas, per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures and the Graduate Student Senate 2022-23 Executive Council, endorses the appointment of the listed position; and
  2. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate is tasked with appointing members to form the general body; and
  3. Whereas, elections, applications, and appointments have been undertaken; and the following members responded and were found to be in good academic standing; therefore, be it,
  4. Whereas, the following appointed members have resigned (See Table-1) from their positions stating the conflict of GBM times with class time; therefore, be it,
  5. Resolved, that the following resignations have been accepted and the positions are open for new applications,

4. Resolved, that the following individuals (See Table-2) be appointed to the positions as listed beside their names as voting members of the Graduate Student Senate.

Table-1. Resignations

PositionCollege/department/commissionNameAppointment Date


College of Health Sciences and Professions

Laura Layman Crawford

Sep 1, 2022

Department Representative

Counseling and Higher Education

Ibrahim Akmese

Sep 1, 2022

Table-2. Department Representatives


Geological Sciences

Emmanuel Osei Acheampong


International Development Studies

Aisha Mohammed Salisu


Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Chiderah Jessica Chukwuka


Kelsey Kayton

Translational biomedical sciences

Nida Ajmal


Gideon Oduro

African Studies

John Akoeda



Amrit B. Thapa

Vice President

Abigail N. Otchill


Date: Sep 20, 2022

Resolution 2223-02: Resolution to Support a University Policy that Excuses Absences on Election Day

Whereas, Ohio University operates according to Enlightenment democratic principles of liberty, citizen participation, and progressive societal improvements;

Whereas, the Graduate Student Senate is committed to advocating for the rights of graduate students to engage in civic participation and shared governance;

Whereas, often graduate students must choose between participating in civic duties or attending to educational responsibilities on Election Day;

Whereas, voting is a crucial component of participatory democracy;
Whereas, Ohio University lacks an official policy addressing excused absences on Election Day,

and relies on individual faculty members to make that determination;

Whereas, there is a need to ensure that obstacles to voter participation created by university- related obligations on Election Day are minimized; let it be

Resolved, that GSS recommends the creation, implementation, and enforcement of a university- wide policy excusing student absences on Election Day.


Tara Griffitts

Senator, College of Health Sciences and Professions

Sam Smith

Senator, College of Arts and Sciences

Resolution 2223-01: OHIO Graduate Student Senate General Body Meeting Agenda

Resolution 2223-01: OHIO Graduate Student Senate General Body Meeting Agenda

September 6, 2022
7:00 PM, Irvine 199


  1. Call to Order
  2. Presentation: Dr. David Koonce & Dr. Greg Newton
  3. Roll Call at 7:30
  4. Amendments to the Agenda
  5. Speak out
  6. New Business

    a. Resolution 2223-01: Appointment of New Body Members

    b. Oaths for Senators, Department Representatives, and Commissioner

  7. Reports

    a. Executives, Senators, Department Representatives, Commissioners

  8. Announcements

    a. Advisors

b. As needed

IX. Adjournment

1. Whereas, per 2.07b of the Rules & Procedures and the Graduate Student Senate 2022-23 Executive Council, endorses the appointment of the listed position; and

2. Whereas, Graduate Student Senate is tasked with appointing members to form the general body; and

3. Whereas, elections, applications, and appointments have been undertaken; and the following members responded and were found to be in good academic standing; therefore, be it,

4. Resolved, that the following individuals be appointed to the positions as listed beside their names as voting members of the Graduate Student Senate.


Center for International Studies

Victor Kojo Dei

College of Arts and SciencesSam Smith
Health Sciences and ProfessionsTara Griffitts
Patton College of EducationOumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
College of Fine ArtsBrooke Ripley
Graduate CollegeWeston Marume
Health Sciences and ProfessionsTara Griffitts
Heritage College of Osteopathic MedicineAbigail Morton
Patton College of EducationOumarou Abdoulaye Balarabe
Russ College of Engineering and TechnologyLawrence Oluwafunbi
Scripps College of CommunicationNarges Ghafary
Voinovich School of Leadership and Public ServiceSamuel Wainaina


Biological Sciences

Tauqir Zia

College Student Personnel  Ben Kudus Yussif
Communication StudiesMaria Hannah
Educational StudiesJustice Kwabena Bentil

Environmental and Plant Biology

Remington N. Burwell
Exercise Physiology

Ayoola Awosika

E.W. Scripps School of JournalismNolan Cramer
Industrial and Systems EngineeringEdward Asante
Information and Telecommunication SystemsXornam Deh
Latin American StudiesMabel Christina Bustamante
Physics and AstronomyJaxon Adams
Political ScienceFelix Boadi Nanor
PsychologyQi Deng

Social Work

Katelyn Enderle


First Generation Student Affairs

Charles Kofi Ahiaklo

Environmental Affairs

Chukwuma Smart Amaefula

Academic Life and Research

Courtney Silver-Peavey

LGBTQ+ Affairs

Hetman Cole

National Graduate Student Affairs

Wisdom Nudze

Mental Health Affairs

Divya Warrier

Health and Safety Affairs

Nisha Singh

Equity and Inclusion Affairs

Faustina Mensah

Graduate Affairs: Housing

Joseph Gbandi (Ban-di)

International Student Affairs

Ibi Max-Harry

Women's Affairs

Judith Offeibea Offei


Kübra Civan


Amrit B. Thapa

Vice President

Abigail N. Otchill
