OID Workshops

Workshops and Professional Development

OID provides a diverse range of workshops around teaching and learning. 

Office of Instructional Design Micro Workshop Series
Course Quality in a Click: Elevate your courses in just 15-20 minutes! "Course Quality in a Click" is a micro workshop series designed to give you practical, actionable strategies to improve your course design, engagement, and accessibility. Each bite-sized session focuses on a key aspect of quality online learning—whether you're learning about the OSCQR rubric, creating an accessible syllabus, or fostering meaningful student interactions. Perfect for busy faculty, these quick sessions deliver impactful insights you can apply immediately to enhance your students’ learning experience. Join us to discover simple changes that make a big difference!   
April 2, 2025 12:10-12:30Online Course Quality Review: Meet OSCQR

Whether you're creating a new course or refreshing an existing one, join us to explore the collaborative OSCQR review process. This session will introduce you to OSCQR, a non-evaluative rubric designed to foster continuous improvement and enhance the student learning experience in online courses.

  • Identify the key categories and standards within the OSCQR rubric for evaluating online course quality. 

  • Navigate the OID OSCQR review process. 

Registration Link (opens in a new window)
April 7, 2025 12:10-12:30 Course Navigation Made Easy 

Faculty will learn how to apply OSCQR standards to create a well-structured, easy-to-navigate course that enhances the student experience. 

  • Identifying key OSCQR standards for organization and navigation. 

  • Implementing simple strategies for improved course structure. 

Registration Link (opens in a new window)
April 15, 2025 12:10-12:30 What is RSI? Regular and Substantive Interaction Explained

Discover the essentials of Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in online courses, a federal requirement designed to support student success. Explore RSI's key components and practical strategies for effective implementation. 

  • Define Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI)

  • Identify at least three key components of the federal RSI guidelines. 

  • Differentiate between RSI and other forms of online engagement. 

Registration Link (opens in a new window)
April 24, 2025 12:10-12:30Design an Accessible Syllabus in Canvas

Learn how to design an accessible syllabus in Canvas using the Ohio Custom Templates.

  • Apply digital accessibility principles to syllabus in Canvas 

  • Create a syllabus with an easy-to-navigate structure 

Registration Link (opens in a new window)

Additionally, we collaborate with partners CTLA and OIT to offer joint workshops. Explore our partner workshops below:
•    CTLA Workshops (opens in a new window)
•    OIT Workshops (opens in a new window)
If there is a workshop topic you would like to recommend, please email OID at oid@ohio.edu (opens in a new window).