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Cantigny 1st Division Oral Histories II

Soldiers with rifles and machine guns in a market in Vietnam, 1965-66

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The Cantigny 1st Division Oral History Project phase II features 22 videotaped oral histories of soldiers and guardsmen who served with the 1st Division of the U.S. Army between 1944 and 2009 and who live in Ohio and West Virginia.

These 22 interviews were conducted in 2009 during phase II of the project. Phase I of the Cantigny Oral History Project was led by Ball State University and can be viewed in the Digital Media Repository of Ball State University Libraries.

The project received generous financial and administrative support from the McCormick Foundation and the Cantigny First Division Foundation which "promotes public learning about America's military heritage and affairs, as well as honors and remembers the Big Red One--the famed 1st Infantry Division of the U.S. Army."

The interviews were conducted and transcribed by Ohio University history students Gerald Goodwin, Seth Givens, Joseph DeRubertis, and Daniel Balmert, under the supervision of then Curator of Manuscripts Doug McCabe and Visiting Assistant Professor of History David Ulbrich. WOUB-TV videotaped the interviews, and Ohio University Libraries made the videos available online.  

Professor Michael Doyle of Ball State University’s History Department helped train the student interviewers, and John Straw and Maren Read of Ball State University Libraries Archives and Special Collections provided advice and assistance throughout the project.