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Exhibit: 60 Years of International Studies at Ohio University event date Monday, March 24 event time All Day event location Alden Library
Out and Proud: The Origin and Evolution of Ohio University's Pride Movement event date Monday, March 24 event time All Day event location Alden Library
Wrapped in Culture: Beyond the Aesthetics of African and Southeast Asian Textiles event date Monday, March 24 event time All Day event location Alden Library


  • About

    Ohio University Libraries host exhibits highlighting materials from across our collection of millions of items, including books, periodicals, multimedia, rare books, manuscripts, photographs, art and anthropological objects, and more. We host traveling exhibits and items on loan from other cultural institutions, exhibit student artwork, and accept proposals to curate exhibits from Ohio University staff, students, faculty, and the external community. Physical exhibit space is located on the first, third, fourth, and fifth floors of Alden Library (though special installations of non-secured works can be arranged in many other library spaces), as well as the Music and Dance Library in Glidden Hall. 
    Our exhibits program includes digital exhibits curated from our ever-growing digital collections. These exhibits are hosted using Springshare software integrating third-party widgets.