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Journals & Scholarly Articles

We have thousands of journals in our collections.  Below are tips to find what you are looking for. 

Find Journals by Title

To find a specific journal in our collection:

Find Scholarly Articles by Topic

If you are looking for articles on a particular topic and don't know where to look:

Find A Specific Article by Citation

If you have a citation for a specific article:

  • Search for the article title in the ArticlesPlus search box on the library website home page.
  • If that doesn't work, you can also find the journal title in Alice with a Periodical Title Search, then navigate to the article from the journal's site.

Find Scholarly Articles by Discipline

Many academic disciplines have their own article databases that you can use to search for articles within a specific field.  These databases are also indexed in ArticlesPlus, but searching subject databases separately can yield more-focused search results.