OHIO Testing Services announces online proctoring fee update
With the return of face-to-face instruction for most courses in fall semester (opens in a new window), beginning Aug. 23, 2021, online proctoring fees will apply at $5 per student, per test for automated proctoring, and $8 per student, per test for live proctoring services through Proctortrack. Students will be able to leverage a credit card to process payment directly with Proctortrack, or departments may choose to cover the cost.
Due to the move to online and hybrid instruction because of the pandemic, OHIO Testing Services (opens in a new window) provided remote proctoring for free as a necessary way to support faculty and student success. Now that more students will be returning to campus and attending classes in person, it is expected that they will be able to access testing and proctoring services provided by faculty, the OHIO Testing Services (Testing Center), or other methods previously available before the pandemic.
OHIO Testing Services’ goal is to support the OHIO community with technology tools and services to promote academic integrity. OHIO’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) has partnered with the Office of Instructional Innovation to provide faculty resources to explore alternatives to high stakes assessment in courses when possible and further reduce the need for proctoring.
To discuss alternative assessment options for a course or courses with an instructional designer, faculty can schedule a consultation with the Office of Instructional Innovation (opens in a new window).
Editor's note: A previous version of this story had an inaccurate live proctoring cost. This story has been updated to reflect the correct price.