University Community

Science Café features Thompson and Rosenthal on 'Planting Rooftops around Town – Benefits and Challenges of Green Roofs' on Dec. 7

Ohio University's Science Café presents Kim Thompson (opens in a new window) and David Rosenthal (opens in a new window) discussing "Planting Rooftops around Town – Benefits and Challenges of Green Roofs" on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at 5 p.m. at the Baker Center Theater on the second floor of Baker University Center and via YouTube. (opens in a new window)

Ohio University is known for its beautiful campuses and focus on sustainability. In 2020, Thompson and Rosenthal helped lead an interdisciplinary team to install the University’s newest green roof on Schoonover Center. And while green roofs provide many advantages — slowing storm water runoff, providing a habitat for other living organisms, and cooling and extending the life of roofs — they can be a challenge.

Join Thompson and Rosenthal, faculty in the Environmental and Plant Biology Department (opens in a new window) in the College of Arts and Sciences, as they discuss the benefits, challenges and educational and research opportunities of green roofs.


For more information, contact Roxanne Malé-Brune at

The series is supported by the Ohio University Research Division and Ohio University Chapter of Sigma Xi.

Free coffee is available for the first 50 in-person attendees.

Science cafes will return in the Spring. For more information, visit the Science Café website (opens in a new window).

Fall 2022 Science Café Schedule

  • Wednesday, Sept. 7, Nate Szewczyk, Biomedical Sciences, "Worms in Space: Improving Astronaut Muscle Health," video (opens in a new window)
  • Wednesday, Oct. 5, Viorel Popescu, Biological Sciences, "The Secret Lives of the #RealBobcatsOfOhio," video (opens in a new window)
  • Wednesday, Nov. 2, Lynn Harter, Communication Studies, "The Poetics and Politics of Storytelling," video (opens in a new window)
  • Wednesday, Dec. 7, Kim Thompson and David Rosenthal, Environmental and Plant Biology, "Planting Rooftops around Town – Benefits and Challenges of Green Roofs," video (opens in a new window)
November 29, 2022
Staff reports