Research and Impact

Ohio University Research Committee/Baker Fund process eliminates external review process

After combining two faculty grant programs into one streamlined process last year, the Research Division is further streamlining the Ohio University Research Committee/Baker Fund (opens in a new window) program that supports research and creative activity at Ohio University.

This year the program is eliminating external reviews.

"Faculty and full-time administrators from any discipline, at any point in their career, and for projects at any stage are encouraged to apply. Since the new process has suspended external reviews, it also allows us to expedite the review process," said Carma West, program administrator.

The Ohio University Research Committee/Baker Fund now offers up to $15,000 in support for faculty and staff to pursue research and creative activity projects that range in scope from initial stages to those that are near completion. All proposals will have an expedited process. This program replaces the separate OURC and Baker Fund programs but maintains overall funding available for projects.

The program has two cycles per year with deadlines of Oct. 5, 2023, and Feb. 8, 2024.

Guidelines and times for workshops can be found at (opens in a new window).

August 30, 2023
Staff reports