Chapman Clapp Outstanding Advisor Award recipients recognized

October 18, 2019 University College recognized Eddith Dashiell and Ann LaComb with the Chapman Clapp Outstanding Advisor Award for the 2018-19 academic year at the University Academic Advising Council meeting.

University Accessibility offers centralized, expanded support for accessibility

October 18, 2019 Under the leadership of Dr. Carey Busch, University Accessibility works to achieve access and inclusion through multiple approaches, including disability and accessibility planning and partnerships.

Notable Alumni | Timothy Coleman Tackles Health Issues from Allergies to Oncology

October 18, 2019 Timothy Coleman’s scientific expertise in the life sciences market combined with an innate business acumen has propelled him through many new product development efforts.

Accessible OHIO: How to create a more accessible document

October 18, 2019 Creating accessible documents can be easy with a few basics changes to how we create documents. Find out what they are.

Ohio University Police Department creates Poker Chip Challenge to encourage more positive interactions between police and the community

October 18, 2019 OUPD has created the Poker Chip Challenge, a community engagement initiative to encourage more positive interactions between the police and the community.

In residence

October 18, 2019 As hundreds of students settled into Jeff Hall this fall, they discovered they’d be sharing the space with an unlikely resident—Kay-Anne Darlington, MA '10, PHD '15, a global health instructor and a member of OHIO’s Faculty-in-Residence program.

Funny is good

October 17, 2019 Mark Shatz uses humor to build community in his classroom, thanks to mentor Mel Helitzer. 

2019 Global Coil Initiative Symposium to take place Oct. 21-24

October 17, 2019 The symposium will bring together Ohio University faculty and teaching staff, as well as faculty and staff from its 12 partner institutions, in 11 different countries.

OHIO celebrates Homecoming 2019: 1804 and So Much More

October 17, 2019 Ohio University alumni and the Bobcats following in their footsteps united for Homecoming 2019 – a week dedicated to reveling in their shared and unique experiences and celebrating all things OHIO....

OHIO’s Voinovich School project to re-purpose brewery waste receives USDA grant

October 17, 2019 The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture recently awarded $50,000 to OHIO's associate professor Dr. Sarah Davis to continue her research into using brewery waste in organic agriculture.

Patton College of Education to host second EdTalks Oct. 30

October 17, 2019 The second biennial EdTalks will feature dynamic presentations by four Patton College faculty members, followed by a brief question-and-answer session.

Authors @ Alden to Host David Wanczyk to Discuss Baseball for the Blind

October 16, 2019 Authors @ Alden will host David Wanczyk on Oct. 24 from 5:30-7 p.m. to talk about his book “Beep: Inside the Unseen World of Baseball for the Blind” on the fourth floor of Alden Library.


October 16, 2019 College of Fine Arts faculty C. David Russell and Mateo Galvano premiered Lacuna, a multimedia art installation, in June at the Currents New Media Festival in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The work reveals myriad forms of contrasting relationships: stillness with movement; traditional with digital; silk with plaster.

Sustainable Infrastructure Hub Seminar led by Dr. David Bayless is Nov. 6

October 16, 2019 On Oct. 3, Dr. Theresa Moran discussed Hub initiatives and provided an overview of the Hub’s work to improve the sustainability of food, grounds, transportation and student life.

Last word: Jana Houser

October 16, 2019 Assistant Professor of Geography Jana Houser joined the OHIO faculty in 2013. Houser researches severe weather and has been chasing extreme events like tornadoes for more than 15 years.

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