Tanaka Hall

Building Type:
Residence Hall
Campus Green:
South Green
Grid Map Square:
Current Use
Tanaka Hall is located in the East Green, coordinates I-6 on the campus map. It is marked as #80 on the map.
Tanaka Hall is a residence hall.
Residence Services provides more detailed information online.
Tomoyasu and Sumiko Tanaka
Tanaka Hall was named for Tomoyasu and Sumiko Tanaka. Tomoyasu was a member of the Ohio University physics and astronomy faculty from 1971 to 1989, was appointed as an emeritus faculty member, and was widely considered the father of the OHIO-Chubu relationship. He mentored Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, who earned his Ph.D. from Ohio University in 1976 and received the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Sumiko Susuki co-founded the Exchange Program for Developmentally Disabled and Elderly Citizens, while also frequently opening her home to exchange students.
121 South Green Dr., Athens, OH 45701 (Directions (opens in a new window))
The South Green

South Green is composed of residence halls and a dining hall. Notable buildings on this green include Nelson Commons, Carr Hall, Sowle Hall and Brown Hall.
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