National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is administered annually to participating universities’ current first-year and senior students. OHIO participates in the NSSE every three years. According to NSSE, student engagement represents the time and effort that students invest in their studies and other educational activities. Additionally, engagement represents how institutional resources, courses, and other learning opportunities are leveraged to enable student participation that leads to student learning.
OHIO's next administration of the NSSE is planned for spring semester 2026.
OHIO National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Interactive Dashboard
The OHIO NSSE Interactive Dashboard compares OHIO students’ responses to national and State of Ohio 4-year public institutions over time, and offers levels of detail that enables users to filter by a variety of dimensions e.g., survey items, college, field of study, major, administration year, etc.
NSSE Survey Data by Year:
2023 - Frequencies & Statistical Comparisons Report (opens in a new window)
2023 - High Impact Practices (opens in a new window)
2023 - Engagement Indicators (opens in a new window)
2023 - Topical Module - Academic Advising (opens in a new window)
2023 - Topical Module - Development of Transferable Skills (opens in a new window)
2023 - Respondent Profile (opens in a new window)
2023 - Selected Comparison Groups (opens in a new window)
2020 - Frequencies & Statistical Comparisons Report (opens in a new window)
2020 - High Impact Practices (opens in a new window)
2020 - Engagement Indicators (opens in a new window)
2020 - Topical Module - Academic Advising (opens in a new window)
2020 - Topical Module - Experiences with Information Literacy (opens in a new window)
2020 - Respondent Characteristics (opens in a new window)
2020- Selected Comparison Groups (opens in a new window)
2017 - Frequencies & Statistical Comparisons Report (opens in a new window)
2017 - High Impact Practices (opens in a new window)
2017 - Engagement Indicators (opens in a new window)
2017 - Topical Module - Academic Advising (opens in a new window)
2017 - Topical Module - First-Year Experiences and Senior Transitions (opens in a new window)
2017 - Respondent Characteristics (opens in a new window)
2017 - Selected Comparison Groups (opens in a new window)
2017 - Multi-Year Report (opens in a new window)
2017 - National Study of Learning, Voting, & Engagement (NSLVE) Report (opens in a new window)
2014 - Frequencies & Statistical Comparisons Report (opens in a new window)
2014 - High Impact Practices (opens in a new window)
2014 - Engagement Indicators (opens in a new window)
2014 - Topical Module - Academic Advising (opens in a new window)
2014 - Topical Module - Experiences with Information Literacy (opens in a new window)
2011 - Frequencies & Statistical Comparisons Report (opens in a new window)
2011 - Conversion from Benchmarks to Indicators (opens in a new window)
2011 - Respondent Characteristics (opens in a new window)
2011 - Selected Comparison Groups (opens in a new window)
2011 - Benchmark Comparisons Report (opens in a new window)
2011 - Benchmark Report (opens in a new window)
2011 - Executive Summary (opens in a new window)
2011 - Response Means 2000 to 2011 (opens in a new window)
2011 - Response Frequencies 2000 to 2011 (opens in a new window)
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