Curricular Resources for Sustainability
Looking to add a sustainability unit or curricular component to your course? Check out the resources below and in the other Services (opens in a new window) sections of our website.
Frameworks for Sustainability
- Ohio University Sustainability & Climate Action Plan (OU SCAP) (opens in a new window)
- Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating Systems (opens in a new window) (AASHE STARS)
- Second Nature Presidents Climate Commitments (opens in a new window) - Ohio University is a signatory
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) (opens in a new window)
Sustainability Educational Resources:
- Sustainability Project Laboratory
- Ohio University Libraries Sustainability Guide
- Sustainability Hub Seminar Series (opens in a new window)
- Sustainability Podcasts (opens in a new window)
- Basic Sustainability Introductory Power Point Presentation - coming soon!
- Guest Lecture Request Form (opens in a new window) (request a guest lecture from a Sustainability staff member)
- Ohio University Sustainability-Related Publications (opens in a new window)
- Sustainability Tours
- SDG Academy (opens in a new window)
- Climate Change Education Exchange (opens in a new window)
- Ideas Worth Teaching (opens in a new window)
- Project Drawdown: Climate Solutions 101 (opens in a new window)
- #MakeClimateAClass
- Additional external resources for sustainability lesson plan (opens in a new window)ning (download; compiled by former MSES student, TJ Vanek)
Carbon Footprint Tools:
- EPA Household Carbon Footprint Tool (opens in a new window)
- Carbon Footprint Carbon Calculator for Individuals and Households (opens in a new window)
- Ohio University Carbon Footprint through Second Nature (opens in a new window)
Sustainability Literacy Survey Tools:
- Ohio University Sustainability and Carbon Neutrality Literacy Survey (opens in a new window)
- Sulitest (opens in a new window) (3rd party survey)