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Sustainability Hubs


Structure of Sustainability Hubs at Ohio University


Sustainability Hubs details

The Hubs are engagement ecosystems. These engagement ecosystems are not a physical space or an academic department, but an approach to strategic initiatives. Each Hub will be led by a faculty coordinator who recognizes the advantage to approaching challenges collaboratively with input from diverse perspectives. The coordinator will foster connections between faculty, staff, students and community members who are working on sustainability initiatives that have been identified as priorities in the Ohio University Sustainability and Climate Action Plan.  The Ohio University Sustainability Committee provides oversight to the Sustainability Hubs, in accordance with the charter of the Sustainability Committee (opens in a new window).

Hub participants will be able to connect with each other and with initiatives through:

The Sustainable Infrastructure Hub (opens in a new window) will focus on the sustainability themes of buildings, energy, water and waste and the Sustainability Project Laboratory (opens in a new window). Example initiatives are the Eco-Challenge program (opens in a new window), LEED Lab (opens in a new window) courses, Race to Zero Waste or GameDay Recycling Challenge (opens in a new window), residence hall energy and water challenges, reuse and repair fairs, ENERGY STAR Building Treasure Hunts (opens in a new window), or any other types of energy efficiency, smart growth, building improvement, water savings, waste reduction, or renewable energy projects.

The Sustainable Living Hub (opens in a new window) will focus on the sustainability themes of food, transportation, grounds and student life and the Farm to OHIO Working Group. Example initiatives are edible gardens (opens in a new window), the OHIO Student Farm (opens in a new window), Culinary Services sustainability programs (opens in a new window), Bobcat Pass (opens in a new window) and other alternative transportation programs, food composting systems, the Ohio Ecohouse (opens in a new window), student sustainability organizations, or any other projects relating to local foods, active transportation, organic landscaping or sustainable student experiences.

The Sustainable Administration Hub (opens in a new window) will focus on the sustainability themes of procurement, investments, human resources and climate and the Climate & Sustainability Ambassadors (opens in a new window). Example initiatives are flexible work arrangements (opens in a new window), sustainable investing (opens in a new window), wellness programs (opens in a new window), sustainable procurement policies, Second Nature's Carbon Commitment (opens in a new window), We Are Still In commitment (opens in a new window), and any other projects relating to employee well-being, local purchasing, investment strategies, diversity and inclusion, or carbon neutrality.

2019 Annual Report for the Sustainability Hubs (opens in a new window)

2020 Annual Report for the Sustainability Hubs (opens in a new window)

2021 Annual Report for the Sustainability Hubs

Hub Coordinators

Position Summary 

The Sustainability Hub Coordinators (Sustainable Administration, Sustainable Infrastructure and Sustainable Living Hub Coordinators) will oversee and coordinate core collaborative academic sustainability efforts at Ohio University. Each of the three leaders will launch or advance one or two initiatives in themes of the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (SCAP), potentially by creating or using Sustainability Project Laboratory (SPL) academic projects.  Fostering connections for other initiatives within and between Sustainability Hubs is also encouraged.  Leaders will organize or give one seminar on a sustainability initiative each semester and will report annual progress to the University Sustainability Committee.  


All faculty, though preference will be given to faculty members with existing sustainability efforts in research, engagement or teaching. 

Action Goals 

  • Support Sustainability Hub (Infrastructure, Administration or Living) components  
  • Support Sustainability and Climate Action Plan core components (curriculum, research, engagement and administration) 
  • Increase awareness of sustainability  
  • Report sustainability progress 
  • Collaborate within the Office of Sustainability 

Terms of Contract 

  • $10,000 in salary will be provided annually for each Hub Coordinator. 
  • Office of Sustainability staff, graduate assistants, and student staff will provide support for these positions 
  • Coordinator positions are for either 2- or 3-year terms, and are potentially renewable, based on progress toward goals.   

2018 restructuring announcement (opens in a new window) from former President Nellis.