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Online IT Security Training

START/RESUME Employee Training (opens in a new window)

START/RESUME Student Training (opens in a new window)

Online, self-paced, information security training course.


  • Short interactive videos with accompanying quizzes.
  • Training is self-paced. You can stop the training and pick back up where you left off later.
  • Topics covered include data protection best practices, social engineering, phishing, privacy, and introductions to data regulations such as FERPA, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.
  • Takes approximately one hour to complete.
  • Once finished, you'll receive a certificate of completion you should download and save for your records.

How to Request

Training is available for students, faculty, and staff. In order to sign up, click the start/resume training button above. Navigate to "Extra Training" and select the course you want to take. Alternatively, email with the names and email addresses of the individuals who should be enrolled in training.

For Faculty and Staff:

  • To select Data Security Training, select Extra Training > Cybersecurity > Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees at Educational Institutions: Security Awareness Essentials
  • To select HIPAA Training, select Extra Training > Campus Prevention Network > Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

For Students:

  • To select Data Security Training, select Extra Training > Cybersecurity > Cybersecurity Awareness
  • To select HIPAA Training, select Extra Training > Campus Prevention Network > Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I take the training?

Vector Solutions is the vendor providing the course content to the university. Select "Start/Resume Training" at the top of this page and login in with your OHIO credentials to start training. If you have not used the training before, navigate to "Extra Training" and select the course you want to take.

How long will the training take?

The training takes approximately thirty minutes to complete, depending on the individual learner’s pace. The program is self-paced, and if interrupted the program returns to where you left off when you resume.

Is this IT security training mandatory?

If your supervisor requests you take the training, it is mandatory. If you work remote in any capacity, it is mandatory as well.  This is part of Ohio University's ongoing efforts to address the increasing threats to the security of our information systems and data. Every member of the University community has a responsibility to safeguard the information assets entrusted to us. The only way this training is not mandatory is if you request it yourself.

Why do I need this training?

This training program will better prepare you to fulfill the responsibility of safeguarding University information assets and will strengthen our defenses against future attacks. Adopting information security best practices will not only benefit the University, but your personal life as well.

What does this training cover?

This training consists of a series of short videos with interactive sections to test your knowledge of basic IT security topics like data protection best practices, social engineering/phishing, regulatory requirements (FERPA/HIPAA/PCI), and privacy.

How do I access my certificate of completion?
  • Select START/RESUME Training at the top of this page
  • Sign in using OHIO Credentials
  • Select Training History from the left menu
  • Select View Certificate beside your completed training
My training is very slow. How do I fix it?

1. Close all other browser tabs when completing this course.
2. Completely log out of the course, clear browser cache, log back into the course.
3. Complete the Data Security course in its own browser session

Still having trouble? Check out our additional troubleshooting page. (opens in a new window)