Membership and Society Services
  • Scholarship Rewards
While the scholarship requirement for membership provides encouragement for underclassmen and graduate students, many of the chapters offer yearly prizes for freshmen and sophomores who show great promise. An Outstanding Senior award is also presented by a number of the chapters.
  • Employment
A number of companies who employ engineers give added consideration to honor society members, for they have already demonstrated that they have "something extra". Employers often look for signs of potential leadership characteristics among the engineers they interview - an ability to get things done with the cooperation of others. The worthwhile projects carried out by the chapters provide excellent opportunities for the acquisition of leadership experience and the satisfaction of accomplishment.
  • Industrial Engineering Department Activities
Chapters carry on numerous activities designed to help their departments. Activities include the following:
1. Counseling new students
2. Tutoring freshmen and sophomores
3.Advising students on course electives
4.Conducting curriculum, test, and faculty evaluation for continuous improvement
5.Sponsoring career day for high schools and junior colleges
6.Conducting social events for faculty and students
7.Encouraging joint meetings with other engineering groups
8.Sponsoring speakers, projects, and exhibits
  • Professional Activities
Progress of the industrial engineering profession is closely linked to the growth and development of the Institute of Industrial Engineers; hence Alpha Pi Mu has long had close ties with and has cooperated fully with that organization. The societies contain a number of officers and members who are actives in both groups, affording close liaison and mutual help.
  • National Organization
General government of the organization is conducted by the National Convention and a National Executive Council. Council elections are conducted at each of the national conventions. Ultimate authority for society affairs rests with the various active chapters. In addition, an executive director handles business and maintains coordination between chapters.