College Credit Plus Orientation (Athens)

College Credit Plus (CC+) Orientation is a half-day orientation program designed to help secondary students learn more about CC+, the student experience, and register for classes. Attending CC+ Orientation is required for students to register for classes. This orientation program is only for Athens campus students. If you are taking CC+ courses through an OHIO regional campus, please reach out to your specific campus contact. 

Important CC+ Dates

Students Entering in Spring 2025

  • November 1, 2024 - Spring Application Deadline
  • December 2, 2024 - CC+ Pre-Modules Due
  • December 3, 2024 - Last Day to Sign-Up for Orientation
  • December 6, 2024 - CC+ Orientation Program

Prepare for College Credit Plus Orientation 

Step 1: Complete the College Credit Plus Pre-Modules

Newly admitted College Credit Plus students will receive an email with information on completing an online orientation pre-module and uploading required documentation before attending an in-person orientation.

The CC+ Pre-Modules must be completed no later than Monday, December 2nd, 2024.

Step 2: Sign-Up for College Credit Plus Orientation (Athens)

When signing up for CC+, you will pick an available date and indicate any guests attending with you. Please note: A parent or legal guardian must attend the session. You'll need to enroll in Multi-Factor Authentication and use your OHIO email address and password to access the form below. 

Sign Up for College Credit Plus Orientation (opens in a new window)

Step 3: Request Transcripts and AP Results

Prior to attending CC+, request that official transcripts and test scores be sent to Ohio University. Eligible college credits from another institution, exam credit or other transferable credit will only be applied once official documents have been received from the institution or testing agency. As a reminder, your high school will not send college-level transcripts or test score reports on your behalf; you must request these directly from the institution or testing agency. 

Official transcripts, exam credits or other credits should be sent electronically as a secure PDF to or by postal mail to: Undergraduate Admissions, Chubb Hall 120, 1 Ohio University Dr., Athens, OH 45701.

Have additional questions about transfer credit? Check out the Undergraduate Admissions website for transferring your credit (opens in a new window) or contact Heather Martin (

Step 4: Determine if You Need to Take a Placement Test

Consider completing a Placement Exam if you will be enrolling in Chemistry, Computer Science (opens in a new window), or a Foreign Language. Placement Exams should be completed at least three days prior to your CC+ orientation date to ensure appropriate courses are scheduled! This page is updated each year as we approach summer orientation programs, so students are encouraged to check back after May 1 for final placement test information.

Step 5: Enroll in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) protects you against lost or stolen passwords by adding a verification step to your OHIO login. New students are required to enroll in MFA before participating in their CC+ program. This step is important to ensure students can access their MyOHIO Student Center during course registration. Failure to enroll in MFA may result in delays in course registration.

Enroll in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)  (opens in a new window)

CC+ Orientation Parking 

The parking location will be shared closer to the start of the event. When students and their guests arrive to the parking lot, they will be greeted by orientation leaders and given a parking permit. Students and their guests will then be directed to Walter Hall for check-in. This parking permit is only for CC+ orientation and is not a permit to park on-campus past the orientation date. 

Sample Schedule for CC+ Students Admitted for Spring 2025

8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Program Check-In & Resource FairLiving Learning Center (LLC)
8:30 - 9:10 a.m.Welcome to CC+ Orientation & University College Advising OverviewLiving Learning Center (LLC)
9:10 - 10:25 a.m. Family & Guest SessionsLiving Learning Center (LLC)
9:10 - 9:45 a.m. Student SessionsLiving Learning Center (LLC)
9:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Advising and Course RegistrationLiving Learning Center (LLC)

More Resources & Contact

Email with any questions related to CC+ Orientation. For questions about College Credit Plus, contact Heather Martin at For more information and additional resources, visit the College Credit Plus resources page.