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Emeriti Nominations

Overview Regarding Administrator and Faculty Nominations (from Ohio University Policy)

Emeritus or Emerita status is conferred upon a faculty member or presidential contract administrator at the time of his or her retirement or posthumously, if the individual is deemed worthy of this special recognition in the judgment of the appropriate academic department, regional campus, or administrative department, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, the executive vice president and provost, and the president. Posthumous awards are to be made only when persons would have been eligible had they lived, and only within three years of the person's death.

This judgment should be based on many or all of the following factors:

  • length of service (except in special circumstances, a minimum of ten years);
  • quality of teaching and research or performance in the administrative position(s);
  • overall contribution to the University; and
  • service to society beyond the University community

Recommendations for conferment of Emeritus or Emerita status begin in the department of current service by a process established by that department. Following approval at the departmental level, the names are forwarded for concurrence through the administrative levels to the President, who may recommend Emeritus or Emerita status to the Board of Trustees for approval at the next meeting.

An Emeritus or Emerita member is granted the following privileges as if he or she were an active faculty member, or administrative presidential appointee:

  • full library privileges
  • E-mail and related services
  • ID card
  • opportunity to secure parking consistent with current university policy
  • same educational benefits that one had at time of retirement
  • opportunity to purchase reserved seats to athletic contests and performing arts series
  • opportunity to use some recreational facilities, wellness, and health services
  • opportunity to attend certain alumni and University events, e.g. Homecoming Luncheon, Christmas Open house, class reunions, Commencement, and Honors Convocation.
  • opportunity to join the OHIO Emeriti Association which sponsors monthly luncheon meetings, publishes monthly newsletters and an Emeriti Handbook, and maintains close association with the University through several active committees. (Widows and widowers of deceased Emeritus or Emerita members may belong to the Emeriti Association.)

In addition to these privileges, when an Emeritus or Emerita member is on active duty, he or she may be offered the use of other facilities such as office space and other facilities when they are available.

Regarding Faculty Specifically (from Faculty Handbook)

Except in very unusual circumstances, emeritus status is conferred only upon retiring or retired members of the faculty. Emeritus status is conferred upon a faculty member if, in the judgment of his/her department or regional campus, and with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, some special recognition has been earned. This judgment should be based on many or all of the following factors: (1) length of service, (2) quality of teaching, (3) quality of research, (4) contribution to the University in administrative and committee work, and (5) services to society beyond the University. Except in unusual circumstances, emeritus status shall be conferred only on someone who has taught at Ohio University ten or more years.

An emeritus faculty member is granted library privileges as if he/she were an active faculty member, and during any academic term when he/she is on duty will have appropriate office space, parking privileges, and similar perquisites. During periods when he/she is not on duty, parking privileges and the use of other facilities such as office space and laboratory space may be offered when and where they are available.

Nomination Process

Recommendations for emeritus/emerita status must begin in the department of current service by a process established by that department. In most areas, it is similar to the promotion process.

As the nomination form (see below) moves through the appropriate channels, short (one-page) letters of support from the chair/director, dean, and/or other appropriate administrators are to be attached to the form. Letters should address the factors above, as well as any others deemed pertinent to the nomination including recognition and honors.

Nomination Form [Excel] 
(Updated August 2024)

Posthumous Nomination Form [Excel] 
(Updated August 2024)

Submit completed nominations electronically to the Vice Provost for Faculty Development Katie Hartman (

  • For faculty or administrators retiring January through June, please submit nominations before May 1.
  • For faculty or administrators retiring July through December, please submit nominations before November 4.

Approved nominations are presented to the Board of Trustees at the next available meeting.

After presented to the trustees, the Office of the President sends letters of congratulation to those receiving emeritus/emerita status or, in the cases of status being granted posthumously, a designated family member or other person.

For more information: