Sponsored Projects Approver Instructions
Approver Instructions
All proposal approvers will first get notified that a proposal record requires their approval via an email from donotreply@cayuse.com. The email will contain a direct link that will take the proposal reviewer directly into the Cayuse SP proposal record. Approvals are required prior to submission of the proposal.
To Approve a Proposal Record
- Open the link provided in the email.
- Review the proposal record.
- Click “Complete Review” in the My Actions section.
- Select “Approve” from the dropdown.
- Enter any optional comments.
- Click “Save”.
The proposal record will now be approved by your routing level.

To Disapprove a Proposal Record
- Open the link provided in the email.
- Review the Proposal record.
- Click “Complete Review” in the My Actions section.
- Select “Return to In Development” from the dropdown.
- Enter the required comments (Ex. the reason for disapproval).
- Click “Save”.

The proposal record will now be returned to an “In Development” status and open to any form corrections. Once all corrections have been made, the proposal will need to be re-routed from the beginning again.