Funding Resources for Research

The Office of the Vice President for Research and Creative Activity oversees several Internal Award program to support the research, scholarship and creative activity of faculty, staff and students.
Internal Research Awards Guidance on the use of Generative AI:
Generative AI Guidance (opens in a new window)
Internal Sources Include:
Ohio University Research Committee (OURC)/Baker Fund
Competitive awards of up to $15,000 provide seed money for faculty and staff to pursue research and creative activity projects that range in scope from initial stages to those that are near completion.
Note: All proposals will no longer be subject to external review, unless deemed necessary by the Research Division.
Two review cycles in fall and spring.
Thursday, Oct. 10, 2024, 4:00 pm and Thursday, Feb. 13, 2025, 4:00 pm
Virtual, Tues., Sept. 10, 2:00-3:00 pm, Join the Sept. 10 meeting (opens in a new window)and Wed., Sept. 11, 10:00-11:00 am (repeat), Join the Sept. 11 meeting (opens in a new window)
Virtual, Wed., Nov. 13, 11:00 am-12:00 noon, Join the Nov. 13 meeting (opens in a new window)
[Word or PDF ] | cover page [Word] | checklist [Word]
Example proposals: Arts and Humanities 1, Arts and Humanities 2, Life and Biomedical Sciences 1, Life and Biomedical Sciences 2
NOTE: These are examples only. Applicants must ensure that their proposals are compliant with current guidelines.
Carma West, westc@ohio.edu
OURC/Baker Discretionary Fund
Small awards of up to $500 for research, scholarship, and creative activity are available upon application and approval by the current OURC Chair.
Carma West, westc@ohio.edu
Ohio University Mock Review Program
Funds are provided to an external expert to provide a review of a pending submission to an external agency.
Marta Gomez, gomezm@ohio.edu
Presidential Research Scholars
Competitive awards of $6,000 (previously $3,000) to recognize faculty excellence in research, scholarship, and creative activity. This program is targeted to scholars who have garnered national and international reputations within their respective fields and who demonstrate clear promise for continued, significant productivity in their research/creative activity.
For FY 2025-26, applications will be solicited for (1) Social and Behavioral Sciences and (2) Physical Sciences and Engineering.
For FY 2026-27, applications will be solicited for (1) Arts and Humanities and (2) Life and Biomedical Sciences.
View a list of previous recipients.
Thursday, April 17, 2025, 4:00 pm (nominations); Thursday, June 19, 2025, 4:00 pm (applications)
Roxanne Male'-Brune, male-bru@ohio.edu
Emerging Presidential Research Scholar
Competitive award of $6,000 to recognize faculty excellence in research, scholarship, and creative activity. This program is targeted to emerging scholars who are (1) within 3-8 years of being hired into any tenure-track position (OHIO or elsewhere), (2) are no more than two years post receiving tenure, and (3) have made significant contributions to their field through research/creative works and have clear promise for continued, significant productivity in their research/creative activity. Applications must be submitted by the College.
FY25; Thursday, March 20, 2025
Roxanne Male'-Brune, male-bru@ohio.edu
Student Enhancement Awards
Competitive awards to support undergraduate, graduate, and medical student research, scholarship, and creative activities. Awards of up to $6,000 to support research and travel to attend a professional meeting to present results. One review cycle in spring.
New! Requirements for mentor letters have been updated. Dept Chair signature required on cover page.
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025, 4:00 pm
View the Nov. 4 2024 workshop here
[Word or PDF]
cover page [PDF]
checklist [Word or PDF]
Example Proposals:
Arts and Humanities
Life and Biomedical Sciences UG
Life and Biomedical Sciences G
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Roxanne Male'-Brune, male-bru@ohio.edu
Provost Undergraduate Research Fund
Small awards of up to $1,500 to fund research and creative activity conducted by undergraduates.
Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024, 4:00 pm
View the Sept 9, 2024 workshop
[Word or PDF ] guidelines updated 9/18 to include additional on abstract and cover page. Email proposals to male-bru@ohio.edu . [InfoReady system not available.]
cover page [PDF]
Example Proposals:
Example proposals: Arts and Humanities Life and Biomedical Sciences Physical Sciences and Engineering Social and Behavioral Sciences
Roxanne Male'-Brune, male-bru@ohio.edu
CRSCA Discretionary Fund
Small awards of up to $500 to fund unique opportunities or emergencies for undergraduate, graduate and medical student research, scholarship, and creative activity. We anticipate funding 3-4 proposals on a first-come, first serve basis.
Out of Funds till July 2025
Roxanne Male'-Brune, male-bru@ohio.edu
Ohio University Undergraduate Travel Fund
Small awards of up to $500 for travel assistance for undergraduate students presenting their research or creative work at conference or other venue for presentation.
Carma West, westc@ohio.edu
John J. Kopchick Awards
Three funds were established by a generous gift provided by John J. Kopchick, PhD, Goll-Ohio Eminent Scholar and Distinguished Professor of Molecular Biology and Char Kopchick, Assistant Dean of Students.
Roxanne Male'-Brune, male-bru@ohio.edu
John J. Kopchick Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB)/Translational Biomedical Sciences (TBS) Faculty Support Fund
Funding up to $10,000 for MCB/TBS faculty for research activities and conference travel.
4:00 pm, Thursday, Aug. 08, 2024
John J. Kopchick Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB)/Translational Biomedical Sciences (TBS) Research Fellowship Award
Funding of up to $10,000 for PhD and DO/PhD students in the MCB or TBS programs to support translational biomedical research, with an additional $5,000 for an off-campus internship (min. 4 weeks, up to one semester).
4:00 pm, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024
Example proposals: Proposal 1 Proposal 2
John J. Kopchick Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB)/Translational Biomedical Sciences (TBS) Undergraduate Student Support Fund
Funding up to $1,500 for undergraduate students working MCB/TBS faculty and conducting translational medical research and scholarly activities.
4:00 pm, Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024
Example proposals: Proposal 1 Proposal 2
1804 Fund
The Fund was established by the Ohio University Foundation to support the University's core mission of maintaining, strengthening, and enhancing a learning-centered community. The Fund promotes collaboration among units. The Fund focuses its support through two fund categories:
- Undergraduate Learning- Curricular innovations, programs and activities that enhance the undergraduate educational experience.
- Faculty Research and Graduate Studies -Research, scholarly activities, and innovations in graduate education.
Feb 15: Deadline for preliminary discussion with Dean University College of Vice President for Research & Creative Activity
4:00 pm, Mar. 15: Proposal submission due
In-person and Virtual, Dec. 4, 2024, 10:00-11:00 am, 209 Grosvenor or Teams, Join the meeting now (opens in a new window)
In-person and Virtual, Jan. 22, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm, 209 Grosvenor or Teams [repeat], Join the meeting now (opens in a new window)
Note: attending these workshops is optional and is not a substitute for meeting with the VP Research and Creative Activity or Dean of University College.
David Nguyen, Dean of University College, nguyend4@ohio.edu for Undergraduate Learning 1804 proposals.
Roxanne Male'-Brune, male-bru@ohio.edu for Faculty Research and Graduate Studies 1804 proposals.
Konneker Fund
This fund supports innovative, high-impact initiatives designed to advance undergraduate learning and research and graduate education. Applicants may request $50,000 for two years or $100,000 overall. Faculty and staff are eligible to submit proposals; collaborative projects are strongly encouraged.
Feb 15: Deadline for preliminary discussion with Dean University College or Vice President for Research & Creative Activity
4:00 pm, Mar. 15: Proposal submission due
In-person and Virtual, Dec. 4, 2024, 10:00-11:00 am, 209 Grosvenor or Teams, Join the meeting now (opens in a new window)
In-person and Virtual, Jan. 22, 2025, 2:00-3:00 pm, 209 Grosvenor or Teams [repeat], Join the meeting now (opens in a new window)
Note: attending these workshops is optional and is not a substitute for meeting with the Dean of University College.
David Nguyen, Dean of University College, nguyend4@ohio.edu
Faculty Research Support Program
Funds publication fees ($600 for journal articles and $1,000 for books), travel to a sponsor to secure research funding ($1,500), emergency equipment repair/replacement ($1,000), and on-campus conferences ($1,000).
Roxanne Male'-Brune, male-bru@ohio.edu
Research Incentive
A portion of the recovered Facilities & Administrative Costs (indirect costs) is allocated to the investigator(s), department/school chair(s), dean(s) and/or affiliated center or institute to support research. Distribution is made monthly based on expenditure of eligible restricted account funds.
For more information, visit:
Research Incentive Distribution - B07 | Ohio University
ORSP Service Center, (740)597-6777, orsp@ohio.edu
Sources Managed by the Research Division for the Ohio Space Grant Consortium
UG STEM Scholarships
Scholarship funding ($3,500) for undergraduate students working with faculty mentor on research in direct alignment with one of four NASA Mission directorates: Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD); Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD); Science Mission Directorate (SMD); Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD). Ohio University can make up to 3 awards.
Student must be US Citizen; full-time junior or senior students, during the year following the application. Women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
March 1: submit Scholarship application package to male-bru@ohio.edu; awards are made by Ohio University
OSGC Fellowship
Fellowship funding for Master's students working with faculty mentor on research in direct alignment with one of four NASA Mission directorates: Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD); Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD); Science Mission Directorate (SMD); Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD).
Student must be US Citizen; full-time Master's* students, during the year following the application. Women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Feb 1: submit Scholarship application package to male-bru@ohio.edu. Proposals are sent to OSGC for selection.
Education Scholarships (UG and Grad)
Scholarship funding ($2,000) for undergraduate or graduate students willing to plan and conduct an educational project or activity under the guidance and approval of a campus advisor/mentor incorporating NASA educational materials into a K-12 lesson, series of lessons, or activity highlighting the significant collections of available NASA educational materials
Student must be US Citizen; full-time undergraduate and post-Baccalaureate students pursuing certification and licensure in Science, Mathematics, or Early Childhood Education, during the year following the application. Women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
March 1: submit Scholarship application package to male-bru@ohio.edu; awards are made by Ohio University.
OSGC Student Innovative-Creative-Hands-on Project
Funding ($10,000) for hands-on undergraduate projects conducted under the guidance of a faculty member broadly in alignment with one of four NASA Mission directorates: Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD); Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD); Science Mission Directorate (SMD); Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD).
Faculty member must be US Citizen; students must be US citizens if receiving OSGC funds; full-time undergraduate and post-Baccalaureate students pursuing certification and licensure in Science, Mathematics, or Early Childhood Education, during the year following the application. Women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Open: submit Scholarship application package to OSGC and male-bru@ohio.edu; awards are made by OSGC
Faculty Research Initiation Grant Proposal
Funding ($10,000) for untenured faculty to support new, innovative research to provide pilot data for future grants, which is in alignment with one of four NASA Mission directorates: Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD); Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD); Science Mission Directorate (SMD); Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD).
Faculty member must be US Citizen. Women, underrepresented minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Open: submit Scholarship application package to OSGC and male-bru@ohio.edu; awards are made by OSGC
Sources Managed by Graduate College and Graduate Student Senate
Graduate College-Graduate Student Senate Original Work Grant
Competitive awards to graduate students to conduct original research, scholarship or creative work. Semester deadlines. Maximum award $750.
Additional information
Graduate College-Graduate Student Senate Travel Program
Will support travel to present original work, as well as travel for professional development workshops and seminars. Proposal selected by lottery. Semester deadlines. The maximum award is $750.
Additional information
Sources Managed by Other University Units
Arts and Humanities Junior Faculty Endowment Fund
Funding to purchase critical, highly specialized, and/or expensive library resources needed for the research of Arts and Humanities tenure-track faculty during their early years of employment.
Typically mid March, 2023 deadline not announced yet.
1804 Special Library Endowment Fund
Funding to purchase materials outside the scope and limits of regular acquisitions. Funds are applied toward the purchase of specialized collections and individual items of rare or otherwise extraordinary value that support faculty and student research and learning.
Typically mid-March, 2023 deadline not announced yet.
Arts for Ohio Arts Partnership Projects
Funds to develop and foster programs, projects and events that encourage intensive interdisciplinary practice and partnerships in the arts to reach new audiences and better integrate the arts into the social ans cultural fabric of the university.
May 30 (projects beginning Aug-Oct.); Sept. 30 (projects beginning Nov - Feb); Nov. 30 (projects beginning Mar - May); Mar 30 (projects beginning the following year).
Global Travel Fund
The Global Travel Fund (GTF) supports international research, paper presentation and other international scholarly or creative activities of Tenure-track and Instructional faculty that are approved by the applicant's department or school and college. Up to $750 may be requested to support travel-related expenses for an international trip. Only one award can be received over a two-year period.
For additional information, please visit Global Travel Fund | Ohio University.
Six (6) application Cycles annually, corresponding to dates of travel. See Global Travel Fund for specifics.
Deadlines: Cycle I: May 1, Cycle II: July 1, Cycle III: September 1, Cycle IV: November 1, Cycle V: January 10, Cycle VI: March 1
Office of Global Affairs, globalaffairs@ohio.edu
Sugar Bush Foundation
The Sugar Bush Foundation works with Ohio University and local communities to improve the quality of life in Appalachia Ohio by encouraging civic engagement and by fostering sustainable environmental and socioeconomic development. All projects must (1) involve sustainable development in the areas of environmental and socioeconomic development through education, implementation or practice; (2) involve an Ohio University unit that directly benefits from the project; (3)involve a registered tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) community partner; (4) be for start-up, research and/or program development (no capital projects); (5) be long-term (>12 month) and provide a high potential for self-sustaining in the future; and (6) benefit at least one of Ohio's 32 Appalachian counties.
Undergraduate Experiential Learning Student Awards
These awards are available to individual students on the Athens and Regional campuses to offset costs associated with participation in experiential learning opportunities. Students may apply for $100-1,000.
Undergraduate Experiential Learning Stewardship Grant
Faculty and staff can apply for up to $5,000 to support new and expanded experiential learning opportunities for undergraduate students on the Athens and Regional campuses. Funds will be available to recipients for 365 days from the date of approval (April 14, 2023). Funding may be spent over a period of up to two years if a specific project calls for an extended timeline and approval is sought and given in advance.
External Sources
Sources Managed by ORAU
ORAU Events Sponsorship Program:
Up to $4,000 to support an external speaker, conference or workshop with a focused theme or technology transfer/business plan competition. Criteria include: potential engagement of others, especially students; probability of long-term collaboration between ORAU partner institutions; new or enhanced collaborations (proposed partners have no strong ties); and well-defined outcomes.
Ohio University can submit 1 application per cycle and receive 1 grant per fiscal year. Ohio University is eligible to submit an application Sept. 1, 2019.
Pre-application: submit 1 page to male-bru@ohio.edu 45 days in advance of the external application deadline.
If selected: application is due to ORAU Sept. 1 or March 1.
Roxanne Male'-Brune, male-bru@ohio.edu
Pivot is a comprehensive database for identifying funding opportunities, finding potential collaborators, and promoting your research and creative activities. https://pivot.proquest.com (opens in a new window). To create an account, access Pivot from Ohio University's IP range and use your "@ohio.edu" email address. You can then access Pivot from anywhere.
Questions about the use of these subscription resources may be addressed to gomezm@ohio.edu.