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Animal Oversight (IACUC)

Cayuse logo with horse

Cayuse ‘Animal Oversight’ will replace the LEO ‘IACUC Application’ module.  This module will be used by faculty, staff and students who conduct research with animal subjects.  This is how a submission will be routed to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) for review. 

Questions about the system, email Project specific questions, email


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Transition Plan

All active approved IACUC protocols will be transferred from LEO to Cayuse using a “protocol shell” approach.  The protocol shell will only contain (1) study title, (2) Principal Investigator’s name, and (3) PDF attachments of submissions approved in LEO during the current approval period. All protocols will keep their current approval and expiration dates as indicated in LEO.  

Principal Investigators (PIs) will be able to submit annual reports/continuing reviews without backfilling the application form.  PIs must backfill the application form in order to submit an amendment, deviation/event report or to renew the study.  

We encourage PIs to backfill the application form at their earliest convenience so that this process does not slow down an urgent amendment request.  The Cayuse form asks questions that were not in the LEO form so the backfill may take additional time.  The new questions in the Cayuse form will assist the IACUC in maintaining compliance with federal regulations. Submissions where the only purpose is to backfill the application will be reviewed by designated member review. 

2025 Transition Timeline

Feb. 21: Last day to submit for review at the March 7 IACUC convened meeting using LEO.
Mar. 3: Last day to submit amendments in LEO that can be reviewed via DMR (e.g., personnel amendments).
Mar. 3: Last day to submit annual reports in LEO.
Mar. 7: Last IACUC convened meeting using LEO.
Mar. 12: Any outstanding LEO submissions (e.g., submissions from the March 7 convened meeting) must be approved by the IACUC.
Mar. 13: LEO is “read only.” 
Mar. 13-14: ORC staff finalize protocol shells in Cayuse.
Mar. 17: IACUC users (faculty and staff) are granted access to Cayuse. Students must request access to the Cayuse Animal Oversight module using the Cayuse Individual Account Request Form (opens in a new window)
Mar. 21: Last day to submit in Cayuse for review at the April 4 IACUC convened meeting using Cayuse.
Apr. 4: First IACUC meeting using Cayuse.
  • Virtual Training Sessions

    IACUC staff will host virtual drop-in sessions via Microsoft Teams. We will provide a general overview of the Cayuse Animal Oversight system and answer questions about Cayuse. These sessions are intended to be interactive, so please come prepared to ask questions! 

    You can find links to the sessions, along with more information about the virtual training sessions on the IACUC website.

Transition & Timeline FAQs

What is backfilling the application form and how do I do it?

“Backfilling the application form” means that the PI completes all questions in the protocol shell.  This is done by creating an amendment in Cayuse so that the form is editable and then completing all sections of the application form.  

I have a submission in progress in LEO. How does this impact me?

The submission must be approved by the IACUC no later than March 12, 2025 or it will need to be recreated in Cayuse.

I have a deferral in LEO. How does the transition to Cayuse impact me?

Deferrals will not be migrated to Cayuse.  If you want to continue working on the project after the expiration date in LEO, you will need to resubmit in Cayuse. 

What is a ‘PI Group’ and how do I request this?

A ‘Principal Investigator Group’ is one or more study team members that can assist the PI by creating and submitting submissions to the IACUC.  NOTE: The PI must still sign off (i.e., certify) before the submission will be routed to the IACUC for review.  

To request a PI Group, please email with the study number and names of research team members to add to the group.

If your study exists as a protocol shell, you must first backfill the application form. This is because only the PI's name has been included in the protocol shell.  

What's Different?

Terminology Changes

Annual ReportContinuing Reviews- is an annual review process report that is required for ongoing research protocols. This review ensures that the research is being conducted in compliance with all applicable regulations and standards. Note, this report does not renew the protocol, it is simply a progress report for the IACUC that is due on the first and second anniversary of the protocol’s approval date. 
Renewal De Novo Review- occurs every three years and is a more comprehensive review compared to the annual continuing review. This review is required for renewing the protocol.  

Process Flow Changes

Protocol Submission- Study team members (other than the PI) will no longer need to sign-off on the protocol in order for the protocol to move to the IACUC Office. 

Protocol Closure- There are two mechanisms for the PI (or delegate) to request protocol closure in Cayuse:  

  1. Via Continuing Review
  2. Via De Novo Review
Progress Reports- Continuing Reviews are due at the same time each year (based on the protocol’s approval date). It is impossible for the due date to drift from year to year like the annual reporting system in LEO
Deviations and Adverse Events- Deviations and Adverse Event Reports are no longer standalone forms. The PI or delegate will report deviations and adverse events using an Amendment form. 
Submission Deadlines- The submission deadline for inclusion on a meeting agenda will now be two business weeks prior to the meeting date. 
Students- Students will not automatically appear in the Cayuse database; students who will be listed as study personnel for the first time must request access by filling out the Cayuse Individual Account Request form (opens in a new window).  If you can access Cayuse via a staff account, you do not need a student account. You can submit to the IACUC using your staff account (opens in a new window)

New Features

Transfer of Protocol Ownership- In Cayuse protocol can be transferred to a new PI. A protocol amendment is used to request the change.
Providing Proof of Training- Cayuse is integrated with CITI Program, proof of training will automatically pull into Cayse for those affiliated with OHIO. You will no longer need to upload proof of training for OHIO affiliates.
Editing Privileges- Cayuse has a feature called PI Groups. PIs can grant protocol editing access to lab members. Note, PI review and sign-off (certification) is still needed before the form can be submitted. The system will prompt the PI to do so. 
Data Dictionaries- Cayuse data dictionaries are pre-filled lists of data variables that can be selected and automatically populated into your protocol. Several sections of the Cayuse Animal Oversight form are supported by these data dictionaries. Examples of data dictionary information include lists of species, strains, medications, and procedures. 

Guides & Tutorials

Animal Oversight Module Video Tutorials

IACUC Policies & Procedures

The Continuing Review process is one mechanism the IACUC uses to conduct post-approval monitoring. This process will replace the Annual Reporting process in the LEO electronic system.

The Office of Research Compliance would like you to be aware of  IACUC Policies & Procedures (opens in a new window), specifically the new policy on continuing review.