The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs provides a guide to procedures for research administration. This area is currently under construction.
A | Identification of Funding Opportunities |
A01 (opens in a new window) | How to Use PIVOT |
A02 (opens in a new window) | Internal Funding |
A03 | Distribute Funding Opportunity Information |
A04 (opens in a new window) | Sponsored Project Activity Types |
A05 (opens in a new window) | Eligibility - Institutional and Principal Investigator |
A06 | Gift vs. Sponsored Award |
A07 | Limited Submissions |
A08 | Confirm That Proposal Is In-Line with Departmental and Institutional Mission |
A09 | Proposal Writing Schedule Checklist |
A10 | Reserved |
A11 | Departmental Research |
B | Proposal Preparation and Submission |
B01 (opens in a new window) | Intent to Submit |
B02 (opens in a new window) | Pre-proposals |
B03 (opens in a new window) | Guideline Interpretation |
B04 | Technology Transfer |
B05 (opens in a new window) | Budget Preparation |
B05.01 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Salaries and Wages |
B05.02 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Compensation - Fringe Benefits |
B05.03 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Equipment and Other Capital Expenditures |
B05.04 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Indirect Costs |
B05.05 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Maintenance and Repair Costs |
B05.06 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Materials and Supplies Costs, Including Costs of Computing Devices |
B05.07 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Memberships, Subscriptions, and Professional Activity Costs |
B05.08 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Participant Support Costs |
B05.09 | Budget - Pre-award costs |
B05.10 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Subrecipient Costs |
B05.11 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Professional Service Costs |
B05.12 | Budget - Scholarships and student aid costs |
B05.13 | Budget - Specialized service facilities |
B05.14 | Budget - Training and education costs |
B05.15 | Budget - Transportation costs |
B05.16 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Travel costs |
B05.17 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Direct Charge Administrative and Clerical Costs |
B05.18 | Budget - Human Subjects Payments |
B05.19 (opens in a new window) | Budget - Student Compensation |
B06 (opens in a new window) | Cost Sharing or Matching |
B07 (opens in a new window) | Research Incentive (RI) Distribution |
B08 | Space - Coordinate, assign and approve requests |
B09 | Identify Research Compliance Issues (IRB, IACUC, COI, etc.) |
B10 | Verify Research Compliance adherence |
B11 | Fixed Price Agreements |
B12 | Reserved |
B13 | Reserved |
B14 (opens in a new window) | Proposal Preparation |
B14.01 | Proposal - Prepare technical proposal |
B14.02 | Proposal - Secure Provost and/or VPFA signature on other attachments as specified in the proposal guidelines |
B14.03 | Proposal - Proposal Submission Deadlines |
B14.04 | Proposal - Technology Transfer |
B14.05 | Proposal - Review proposal packet for completeness and accuracy prior to routing for internal approvals |
B14.06 (opens in a new window) | Proposal - Proposal Review and Approval Routing |
B14.07 (opens in a new window) | Proposal - Signature Authority |
B15 | Reporting Other Support |
C | Pre-Award/Post-Submission |
C01 (opens in a new window) | Review and Negotiate Sponsored Agreements |
C02 | Maintain proposal pending files and database |
C03 (opens in a new window) | Departmental Guarantee Memorandum (DGM) |
C04 (opens in a new window) | Prepare sponsor required just-in-time documents |
D | Regulatory Environment |
D01 (opens in a new window) | Human Subjects Research/IRB |
D02 (opens in a new window) | Animal Subjects Research/IACUC |
D03 (opens in a new window) | Conflict of Interest (COI) |
D04 (opens in a new window) | Representations and Certifications |
D05 (opens in a new window) | Biannual Compliance Notifications |
D06 (opens in a new window) | Responsible Conduct of Research |
D07 (opens in a new window) | CITI Training |
D08 | Facility Security |
D09 (opens in a new window) | |
D10 | Research Data Management, Sharing, and Security |
D10.01 (opens in a new window) | Export Control |
D10.02 (opens in a new window) | Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) |
D10.03 | Research Data Management Plan |
D10.04 | Research Data Sharing Plans |
D11 (opens in a new window) | Subaward Monitoring and Management |
D12 | Suspension and Debarment |
E | Award Negotiation, Acceptance, and Account Establishment |
E01 (opens in a new window) | Award - Acceptance and Negotiation |
E02 | Award - Special Terms and Conditions |
E03 | Award - Agree to terms and conditions regarding performance clauses |
E04 | Request PTA Account Setup |
E05 | Establish PTA account in oracle |
E06 | Award - Send copy of Award Letter (i.e. Notice of Award) to PI and appropriate unit support (e.g. Business Unit Manager or CFAO) from Leo |
E07 | Research Incentive (RI) Distribution - New Account |
E08 | Provide documentation of certifications of approvals to sponsors |
E09 (opens in a new window) | Sponsored Project Agreement Types |
E10 | Reserved |
E11 | Approve and or negotiate exceptional contract terms and conditions outside of standard practice |
E12 | Award - Budget revision and change of scope due to funding reduction from proposal to Award (document for cost share implications) |
F | Audits |
F01 | Internal Audit |
F02 | External Audit |
G | Managing the Award - Financial |
G01 (opens in a new window) | Award Management |
G02 (opens in a new window) | Service Agreements |
G03 | Clinical & Translational Research Unit (CTRU) |
H | Managing the Award - Non-Financial |
H01 | Conduct the sponsored project and provide overall oversight on all research activities |
H02 | Reconcile expenditures to budget/revenue monthly |
H03 | Personnel - Assign research personnel for the project |
H04 | Personnel - Hire research personnel |
H05 (opens in a new window) | Progress/Technical Reports |
H06 | Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) |
H07 | Provide oversight on the implementation of University, state and federal policies and regulations |
H08 (opens in a new window) | Project changes requiring prior approval and expanded authority from the sponsor |
I | Financial Reporting |
I01 | Provide information for and prepare financial reports |
I02 | Review and analyze financial reports to external sponsors |
I03 | Provide interim financial reports to the sponsor |
J | Closing Out the Award |
J01 | Cost Share - Document costs sharing funds as required |
J02 (opens in a new window) | Investigator Separation |
J03 | Equipment disposition and/or transfer |
J04 | Transfer residuals from fixed-price agreements |
J05 | Closeout Checklist |
J06 | Reports - Notify PI of the need for completion of final technical report |
J07 | Reports - Prepare and submit final technical report to sponsor |
J08 | Reports - Prepare and submit financial report and final invoice as required to sponsor |
J09 | Inactivate grant account |
J10 | File appropriate closeout documentation |
K | Administrative Transactions |
K01 (opens in a new window) | Budget Revision |
K02 | Key Personnel Changes |
K03 | Research Incentive (RI) Distribution - Distribution Change |
K04 (opens in a new window) | Organizational Code Change |
K05 (opens in a new window) | No Cost Extension |
K06 (opens in a new window) | Stop Work Order |