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Proposal Review and Approval Routing - B14.06


This procedure outlines the requirements for internal routing and approval of a research and sponsored project proposal submission.


This procedure applies to all sponsored projects subject to OU Policy 19.045 (opens in a new window) Administering External Grants and Contracts set up as separate accounts in the OHIO Financial Management System (FMS).


The review and approval of a proposal generally involves consideration of its quality, fiscal requirements, and compliance with university and sponsor policies and regulations. ORSP reviews for adherence to these requirements. Quality review is limited to basic quality control, i.e., assurance that the proposal meets the basic requirements of the sponsor guidelines.

The commitment of resources in a sponsored project is a serious matter.  Once a proposal has been signed and submitted, Ohio University has essentially made a commitment to complete the project as proposed.  For this reason, it is imperative that all persons with vested responsibilities review and agree to the terms and conditions of the proposal, including the commitment of effort, cost share, space, travel, etc., by signing the Leo Electronic Transmittal Form prior to submission. This will ensure that there is no misunderstanding that could hold up the award process or even prevent us from accepting the award.

Prior to proposal submission, the PI will initiate and complete an Electronic Transmittal Form (eTF) in LEO.

To create an eTF, log into the LEO Transmittal System (opens in a new window) and click "Create a new transmittal". You can also create a new eTF using a previously approved eTF by clicking the template icon on the approved forms list.

Tips for completion:

  • The "direct sponsor" is the agency/entity funding your project.
  • The "originating sponsor" is the agency/entity providing the original funding in the case where OU is a subrecipient. For example: NIH → University → Ohio University. NIH is the originating sponsor and University is the direct sponsor.
  • Only add individuals assigned as key personnel in the proposal – this will help you avoid any unnecessary delays due to the removal of personnel from future transmittals for the same project.
  • If the indirect cost rate in your proposal deviates from the Ohio University published indirect cost rates, answer yes and complete the Facilities and Administration Costs section by uploading the sponsor’s published indirect cost rate policy or an approved waiver of indirect costs.
  • Be sure to indicate if your proposal will be processed through a Center or Institute.
  • Be sure to upload the budget spreadsheet before routing for approval. The budget needs to be carefully reviewed before signing off on the transmittal.
  • An unrestricted account number must be provided when cost share is indicated in the budget.

The eTF routes to all the designated signatories for review. This includes the Department Chair, Center Director, and Dean, or their delegates for each faculty and staff listed on the transmittal form. The proposal will only be submitted to the sponsor when all designated signatories have approved the eTF. It is highly recommended that each unit have a delegate signatory. Having a delegate will ensure that the proposal is submitted by the deadline.

Delegates have the same responsibility for the review and commitment of resources as the person they are representing. It is the responsibility of the designated signatory to ensure their delegates understand this obligation prior to assignment.

Return to the LEO Transmittal System at any time to monitor the progress of the eTF.


Questions regarding this procedure can be sent to


LEO Transmittal System (opens in a new window)

Roles and Responsibilities 



APPROVER: Department Chair, Center Director, Dean