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Programming Support Request


Faculty, staff, and students involved in organizing/creating programming related to members of underrepresented communities are eligible. Applicants are strongly encouraged to seek additional sources of funding.

Availability of Funds

The maximum amount awarded for programming support is $1000. The Diversity Committee may, at its discretion, adjust the maximum amount awarded based on availability of funds and the number of other applicants.

Use of Funds

Funds can be used in support of honorariums, food, lodging, and transportation related to the program.

Submission Deadlines

Applications rolling basis up until Oct. 15 for programs during the fall semester and up until March 1 for programs in the spring semester.


Questions should be directed to

Request for Programming Support

This form must be submitted as part of the application process. Please attach additional sheets as needed.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf doc docx ppt pptx zip.