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Expressing Concerns About a Student

Expressing Concerns About a Student

Ohio University seeks to provide a safe and secure environment in which students can pursue their academic and personal goals. The purpose of the CARE Team is to ensure a timely and coordinated university response to students whose behavior is disruptive to others or reflects a credible potential for harm to self or others.

The CARE Team is overseen by The Dean of Students. The makeup of the Committee includes University professionals specializing in mental health, law enforcement, community standards, residence life, and academic affairs. This team supplements, but does not replace, these existing University processes:

Concerned About a Student?

Ohio University’s CARE Team can help support students in crisis who may be at elevated risk of harming themselves or others.

Express a Concern - Complete the Form (opens in a new window)

Once submitted, the completed form will be sent electronically to the Office of the Dean of Students, 345 Baker University Center, 740.593.1800.

Concerning Student Behavior

  • Struggling with feelings of helplessness
  • Expressing challenges with depression and/or anxiety that impact their daily living
  • Student who is not attending class
  • Student who is struggling with basic hygiene
  • Making threats of harm to self or others

Our Guiding Principles

The CARE Team operates with these regulations and principles in mind: 

  • Students’ privacy rights are protected by law and University policy and will be maintained throughout in accordance with FERPA and HIPAA. 
    • Every effort will be made to protect the identity of the reporter, if that is the reporter’s wish.
  • Students with mental health issues or illnesses can succeed at Ohio University and every attempt will be made to support this outcome. However, in some cases students may be unable to pursue studies because of their condition.
  • Recognizing that the behavior of individuals can have a profound impact on the community, a balance must be maintained between a desire to support individual students and the safety and well-being of the community.

Review Process

  • Anyone may submit an expression of concern regarding individual students (opens in a new window) to the Office of the Dean of Students (DOS); including students, parents, faculty, staff, and other community members.
  • Staff in the Office of the Dean of Students or another member of the CARE Team will reach out to students to determine what resources, support, or next steps should be taken for the well-being of the student and/or campus community.  
    • That outreach can take different forms depending on the situation.  We may reach out through email with helpful resources or through a phone call to check in.  Other times, we may invite you to speak with us one-on-one about the concern.
  • Depending on the situation, staff may provide reporting faculty, staff, parents, or students with support and intervention resources.
  • Forms submitted, along with any information related to an expression of concern, are considered educational records of the individual students, are maintained at DOS, and will not be disclosed outside the requirements of federal privacy law (FERPA (opens in a new window)).