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Schoonover Green Roof Air Quality Research

Written by Phoebe Giordano, HTC Environmental Studies 

Green roofs have been shown to provide numerous environmental and community benefits such as regulation of urban heat islands (Bevilacqua et al., 2017), aesthetic and restorative value to building patrons (Lee et al., 2015; Mesimaki et al., 2019), carbon sequestration (Getter et al., 2009), and even reduction of noise pollution in large cities (Van Renterghem and Botteldooren, 2008). Additionally, green infrastructure has been studied for its potential ability to improve air quality through the absorption of toxins (Chang et al., 2023; Kostandovic et al., 2017; Rowe, 2011), including on the Schoonover Green Roof.

One such pollutant often studied in conjunction with green roofs is particulate matter (PM), categorized by size in micrometers, with PM10 and PM2.5. Not only does PM impact air quality, but human exposure to these particles can also lead to many adverse health effects such as those related to respiratory and cardiovascular health (EPA, 2024). Thus, the ability of plants on a green roof to absorb and retain such particles is an important realm of study for professionals in a wide array of fields such as plant biology, urban planning, and public health. For the sake of my research this semester, I engaged with pieces published from these above listed perspectives – and beyond – to generate a more holistic understanding of how green infrastructure may impact air quality, and therefore human, community, and environmental health. 

Over the course of the Fall 2024 semester, I worked with Dr. Kim Thompson in a tutorial setting to analyze how the Schoonover Green Roof project studies air quality, focusing on PM2.5, in the uptown Athens area. We utilized two PurpleAir sensors on the green roof at two different locations, one capturing air entering the Green Roof and the other capturing on the Green Roof. These sensors are labeled “Schoonover Center West” and “Schoonover Center Wall”, with data reported on this website and the PurpleAir map (opens in a new window). Each sensor measures the PM in the air every two minutes using dual laser counters and uploads the data to the interactive PurpleAir map (opens in a new window). We used data on the microSD cards in each sensor to assess whether the Green Roof improved air quality. Data from 2019-July 2020 was collected prior to the planting of vegetation and data collected from August 2020 through September 2023 followed the roof’s establishment. Using Microsoft Excel, we ran a two-tailed T-test to compare the data between the two sensor locations from before the Green Roof was planted (2019-2020). This served as a control to determine whether location itself was a factor. This was not significantly different. We ran a two-tailed T-test to compare data between the two sensors locations from after the Green Roof was planted (2020-2023). The difference in air quality between incoming air and air interacting with the Green Roof was significantly different (p < 0.005). 

Not only is the study of green infrastructure’s impact on air quality important for improving public health on a global scale, but it also helps us better understand the role of community science and environmental innovations at a local level. Even with a small-scale, extensive green roof, the significant difference in PM2.5 levels following the establishment of vegetation may suggest that, if implemented at a larger scale or in a bigger, denser city setting, green infrastructure is a valuable and interesting way to improve a building’s quality, character, and environmental impact. 



Bevilacqua P., D. Mazzeo, R. Bruno, N. Arcuri. 2017. Surface temperature analysis of an extensive green roof for the mitigation of urban heat island in southern mediterranean climate. Energy & Buildings 150: 318 - 327. (opens in a new window)

Chang Y. H., T. -H. Chen, H.-Y. Chung, H.-Y. Hsiao, P.-C. Tseng, Y.-C. Wang, S.-C. C. Lung, H.-J. Su, and Y.-S. Tsay. 2023. The health risk reduction of PM2.5 via a green curtain system in Taiwan. Building and Environment 255. (opens in a new window)

Getter, K. L., Rowe, D. B., Robertson, G. P., Cregg, B. M., & Andresen, J. A. (2009). Carbon sequestration potential of extensive green roofs. Environmental Science & Technology, 43(19), 7564–7570. (opens in a new window)

Kostandović D., M. Jovanović, V. Bakić, and N. Stepanić. 2023. Mitigation of urban particulate pollution using lightweight green roof system. Energy & Buildings 293: 1-13. (opens in a new window).

Lee K. E., K.J.H. Williams, L. D. Sargent, N. S. G. Williams, and K. A. Johnson. 2015. 40-second green roof views sustain attention: The role of micro-breaks in attention restoration. Journal of Environmental Psychology 42. 182 – 189. (opens in a new window)

Mesimaki M., K. Hauru, and S. Lehvavirta. 2019. Do small green roofs have the possibility to offer recreational and experiential benefits in a dense urban area? A case study in Helsinki, Finland. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 40. 114 – 124. (opens in a new window)

Rowe D. B. 2011. Green roofs as a means of pollution abatement. Environmental pollution 159: 2100 - 2110. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2010.10.029.

US EPA. (2014, September 15). Particle pollution exposure. US EPA. (opens in a new window)

Van Renterghem T., D. Botteldooren. 2008. Reducing the acoustical facade load from road traffic with green roofs. Building and Environment 44: 1081 - 1087. doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2008.07.01