What is the process for creating a communication plan?
- Identify your project's purpose and audience
- Determine a concept
- Identify dependencies
- Choose your media
- Set up your plan
Identifying your project's purpose and audience
- Why is this project necessary?
- What is the most important message for you to communicate?
- Who are your primary and secondary audiences?
- What, ultimately, do you want to accomplish? How can this be measured to ensure you were successful?
Determining a concept
- What is the primary goal of the communication plan?
- What can your office commit to doing?
- What can UCM commit to?
Identifying dependencies
- What outside entities or extenuating circumstances could have an effect on the prompt and timely execution of this communication plan?
- How will you communicate these dependencies with everyone?
- Will you have a backup plan if these circumstances threaten your timeline?
Choosing your media
- OHIO News article and/or news email
- Press releases for local, state, regional, and/or national media
- Event on the Calendar of University Events (CUE)
- Social media post
- Video
- Posters, fliers, or other designed and printed materials
- Designed digital displays (Baker University Center)
- Other materials from UCM
Setting up your plan
Putting your plan in writing helps you organize your tasks, assign deadlines and responsible parties, and include any notes or reminders. This can be a simple table (set up in Excel or Word) or a more detailed, written document that describes responsibilities, expectations, and methods of execution. Draft your communication plan in a way so that anyone new to the project, or joining the project mid-stream, can easily understand and participate in executing the communication campaign.
It is important to remember as you construct your plan that a communication plan can be considered a living document. Changes and updates can and should be made to the document as they are necessary during the course of the project. Make sure to share any changes with all involved parties and mark each revision to the document with the date.