New Student Spotlights

Thousands of Bobcats and their families made their way to Athens in June for Bobcat Student Orientation (BSO). At BSO student leaders, faculty and staff welcomed incoming students and their families and guests and connected them to campus resources. Incoming students left orientation with new connections and a schedule of classes for their fall semester. 

Read through these student spotlights and get to know some of your incoming first-year peers.

Emaline Bing 

Emaline Bing

Emaline Bing, from Wadsworth, Ohio, is excited to join the Patton College of Education as an Integrated Language Arts major this fall.

Why did you choose OHIO?

I chose OHIO for numerous reasons, one of the most prominent being the atmosphere on and off campus. I visited a couple of other schools, and I can confidently say that OHIO was by far the most welcoming. The opportunities that have already been presented to me from day one truly show that OHIO is more than just a university. They care about the success of their students and are willing to make individualized plans that fit each one.

What accomplishments are you are most proud of from the past year?

Some of my accomplishments within the past year include graduating with over a 4.0 GPA; completing twenty-two credit hours while in high school; getting accepted into every college that I applied to; getting a two dollar per hour raise at my job; traveling to Disney to sing with my high school show choir; and creating stronger bonds with my family and friends.

How are you spending your summer?

This is one of the busiest summers for me, but I would not trade it for anything. I just returned from a senior trip to Myrtle Beach with some of my friends, two of whom will also be attending OHIO. I will be going to Tennessee with my family in a couple of weeks. Additionally, I work forty-hour weeks at my job at a local botanical nursery. In my free time, I have been preparing for the move to campus and spending quality time with loved ones.

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?

My favorite parts of BSO included the evening activities because that was where I made my strongest connections with fellow Bobcats. I really enjoyed it when we broke out into the color groups along with the major groups because it gave me the opportunity to reach out to a lot of different people. BSO was an excellent mix of time spent with parents/guardians and time spent with incoming first-year students.

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you?

What surprised me the most during BSO was the class size. The number of freshmen that were there just during my orientation was crazy, and it is still hard to wrap my head around the idea that there are going to be thousands of new students that I have not even met yet. I come from a small, suburban town where everyone knows everyone, and it is just insane to me that I am about to become a part of a much larger community.

What are you most looking forward to this fall?

If I had to pick one thing that I was the most excited about for this fall, it would have to be the friendships and relationships that I hope to form. I am a very extroverted individual, so meeting new people and having a fresh start is like a dream come true for me.

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home?

If there is one thing that I will absolutely need to bring with me to make OHIO feel like home, it is my stuffed bear named Beary. I have had that thing for as long as I can remember. He is basically my little therapist at this point (LOL), so I am going to need to bring him down for when I just need a reminder of home.

What’s on your college bucket list?

This is such a hard question to answer because I have so many things on my bucket list for college. First off, I want to graduate in three years rather than four because I have enough college credit hours already done to do so if I work hard and stay focused. I also really want to create lots of long-lasting friendships during my time at OHIO because I want to have a wide array of friends while I am here. I also want to find a workout buddy because I absolutely love working out. There are so many other goals that I have set for myself!

Andrew Clabaugh 

Andrew Clabaugh

Andrew Clabaugh, from Wooster, Ohio, plans to enter the Russ College of Engineering this fall as an electrical engineering major. His dad and grandfather both graduated from OHIO with degrees in electrical engineering so he is a third-generation Russ College Bobcat!

Why did you choose OHIO?  


What accomplishments are you most proud of from the past year? 


How are you spending your summer? 


What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?  

The food!

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you? 


What are you most looking forward to this fall?  


What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home? 


Skye Cole 

Skye Cole

Skye Cole, from Columbus, Ohio, plans to enter the College of Health Sciences and Professions this fall as an exercise physiology/pre-physical therapy major

Why did you choose OHIO?  

When I first stepped onto campus, it felt like home. The campus is so beautiful, and everyone I encountered that day was so warm and welcoming. After doing research on my desired major and different student experiences at OHIO, I knew this would be the best place to spend my next couple of years! 

What accomplishments are you most proud of from the past year? 

Outside of fulfilling photography and character accomplishments, I’m very proud of the athletic training internship I’ve had this summer. Through this internship, I was able to gain hands-on experience with sports teams at a local high school, along with having a taste of what I will be studying for the next five years. 

How are you spending your summer? 

I’ve been spending a lot of time with my family and friends, along with working to contribute to the cost of school.

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?  

Two of my favorite parts of BSO were the escape room and the night activities. During this time, we were able to get a break from the sessions and socialize with others, along with finally meeting people I’ve spent months chatting with on social media. 

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you? 

The thing that surprised me the most at BSO was the process of selecting classes. I imagined it would be very confusing and hard to navigate but it was the complete opposite for me. The advisors helped us every step of the way and gave up simple instructions to register for our classes. 

What are you most looking forward to this fall?  

I’m looking forward to joining some OHIO clubs and organizations that I’ve been following closely. I'm excited to be a part of a community outside of my major. 

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home? 

I plan on keeping the same color scheme as the one I have in my room at home. I also would love to have some pictures displayed on my desk of family and friends along with happy memories I have. 

What’s on your college bucket list? 

The biggest thing I have on my college bucket list is that I want to be involved in as many clubs, organizations and projects that I am comfortable with so I can meet new people and learn new skills. I also would love to learn how to swim! 

Hadley Fain 

Hadley Fain

Hadley Fain, from Wellston, Ohio, plans to enter the College of Fine Arts this fall as a graphic design major.  

Why did you choose OHIO?  

I chose OHIO because it felt like home. My dad graduated from OU 20 years ago and went with me to the Fine Arts Day back in November. After that one day, I knew that this was where I was meant to end up. 

What accomplishments are you most proud of from the past year? 

I've had many accomplishments in the past year that I'm super proud of! I was drum major of my marching band, I got cast as one of the leads in my school musical, I was a finalist in the Congressional Art Competition, and I graduated high school at the top of my class!

How are you spending your summer? 

I have been spending my summer traveling and preparing for college! I went to Costa Rica at the beginning of the summer and by the time classes start, I'll have gone to the Outer Banks twice! 

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?  

The highlight of my BSO was definitely the people I met. I met my roommate for the first time in person and we were able to be roommates for the stay! 

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you? 

I think something that surprised me the most at BSO was just how many people I would be going to school with. My high school was not big, so the change didn't hit me until then.

What are you most looking forward to this fall?  

I’m most looking forward to meeting people and making new friends this fall! I'm also excited to take classes that interest me. 

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home? 

I'm bringing my favorite stuffed animals because I have zero shame about them, lol. 

What’s on your college bucket list? 

I wouldn't really say I have much of a college bucket list, but I do want to join a singing group at some point!

Moira Fudge 

Moira Fudge

Moira Fudge, from Beavercreek, Ohio, plans to enter the Scripps College of Communication as a communication studies major in the fall. 

Why did you choose Ohio University? 

I chose OHIO for two main reasons: the campus is beautiful and there is always something to do. On top of that, I love how much OHIO truly cares for its students and works to include students from all backgrounds and walks of life. 

What accomplishments are you most proud of from the past year? 

A major accomplishment from this past year was being accepted as a member of the 2022-2013 cohort of the Scripps College of Communication Innovation Scholars program!

How are you spending your summer? 

This summer I am working at a local country club. In addition, I have had an opportunity to intern with corporate counsel at LION, a company that manufactures protective gear for first responders. I am also spending lots of time with friends and family before moving away. Not to mention a few beach vacations!

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?  

A big highlight from my Bobcat Student Orientation was scheduling my classes. It was really exciting to be able to get a good idea of what my first semester at OHIO will be like! Another highlight of my BSO experience was definitely getting to interact with new people (fellow students, BSO leaders, advisors, etc.). It was also so much fun to explore the campus and get a feel for where things are. 

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you? 

During BSO, I was surprised to discover the number of clubs, programs, and activities for students to participate in while on campus! It was also neat to see how the OHIO staff works to help you get involved in groups that are right for you!

What are you most looking forward to this fall? 

This fall, I am most looking forward to making lots of new friends in Athens! 

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home?  

To transform my residence hall room into my new home I am going to bring pictures with my friends and family to have a little reminder of them every day. I am also going to bring some of my favorite things from my room to have a piece of my other home with me!

What’s on your college bucket list?

My college bucket list includes a variety of things from trying new local food, to going hiking at Hocking Hills, to partaking in OHIO's traditions, sporting games, and clubs!


Mackenzie Hedges 

Mackenzie Hedges

Mackenzie Hedges, from Athens, Ohio, will be joining Ohio University this fall and plans to enter the Scripps College of Communication as a journalism strategic communication major
Why did you choose OHIO?  

I chose OU for the Scripps College and the Innovation Scholars Program.

What accomplishments are you are most proud of from the past year?  

I’m most proud of completing my freshman year credits, here at OU, through College Credit Plus.

How are you spending your summer? 

I’m hanging around town, working, and spending time with my mom and dog Maddie before going “off” to college.

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience? 

The late-night activities were my favorite part of BSO. Getting to spend that time with new friends I’d made that the first day of BSO was a great bonding experience.

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you? 

I discovered that the dining hall’s food is a lot better than what tv prepares you for. Haha!

What are you most looking forward to this fall? 

Taking classes that I love and getting to experience A-town (Athens) in a whole new way.

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home?  

I plan on bringing some artwork I’ve made over the past couple of years, and photos of Maddie. I may or may not plan on missing her a lot.

What’s on your college bucket list? 

To attend as many home football and hockey games as possible!

Veronica Jennings 

Veronica Jennings

Veronica Jennings, from Madeira, Ohio, will soon be joining Ohio University as a computer science major in the Russ College of Engineering and Technology

Why did you choose OHIO?

I chose Ohio University for several factors: its beautiful campus, hiking spots, and close distance to home. It also sparked my interest during the Ohio Up Close tour where they showed different clubs in the Russ College of Engineering and Technology building rockets, cars, and boats.

What accomplishments are you most proud of from the past year?

I am proud of becoming a Joyce Ivy Summer Scholar, an Ohio University Cutler Scholar, and getting through a Physics course.

How are you spending your summer?

I’m visiting a friend in Spain; she was a foreign exchange student last year and taught me the importance of travel. I will also be visiting my sister in Alabama and my grandma in North Carolina. This summer I won’t be in one place for long.  

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?

I enjoyed the late-night activities such as Giant Jenga and card games because they allowed me to make friends and talk about personal things instead of school. For most of BSO you are with the same group since it is by major, but during late-night activities and food breaks you can branch out more. Another highlight was visiting uptown. I recommend people at BSO visit uptown to get some ice cream and see the different shops.

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you?

I was surprised by how kind the faculty were and how willing people were to make friends. Everyone at BSO is in the same position (not knowing people and wanting to learn more) so making friends and talking to people was easier than I had made it out to be. Don’t be scared to talk to others.

What are you most looking forward to this fall?

I’m looking forward to major life changes such as living in a dorm and making new friends!

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home?

I’m bringing my childhood friend Isabelle Schaffner as a roommate and a bunch of small trinkets.

What’s on your college bucket list?

I want to go on a Study Abroad in China or Japan, and I'm very interested in going to the Halloween Festival in Athens.

Sixto Manrique 

Sixto Manrique

Sixto Manrique, is originally from Venezuela, but comes to Ohio University from Dublin, Ohio, and plans to enter University College as an intending pre-engineering major this fall. He chose OHIO because of its proximity to home, affordability, scholarship availability, and the recommendation of one of his favorite teachers.  

What accomplishments are you most proud of from the past year? 

One of the things that I am most proud of is my learning and improvement in English, in addition to all the activities I did last year, and how I established new connections with people.

How are you spending your summer? 

I am going to spend my time with my family and friends. I will also work to save money for college.

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?  

It was a good orientation. I meet new people and friends, explored a large part of the campus, and always received very good help from everyone there.

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you? 

I learned about many things and found many things that surprised me, but most importantly, I learned about the Learning Communities, double majoring, clubs, and all the growth options.

What are you most looking forward to this fall? 

In addition to joining some clubs like volleyball and probably helping the teacher with Spanish, I would like to keep my grades up and improve myself, meet new people, and create new connections.

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home? 

A corkboard and photos.

What’s on your college bucket list? 

  • Do new things
  • Get new experiences
  • Meet new people
  • Maybe do a double major
  • Get more scholarships
  • Maybe get into the volleyball club
  • Graduate

Marcos Maria 

Marcos Maria

Marcos Maria comes from Staten Island, New York. He was selected as a Cutler Scholar and plans to enter the Russ College of Engineering as a mechanical engineering major this fall.

Why did you choose OHIO?

I chose OHIO because of the support that the school has offered me. Whether I was visiting the school or speaking with professors and staff, I always felt as though they genuinely cared about the students, and wanted to look out for them, guiding them through the years to come.

What accomplishments are you are most proud of from the past year?

I am most proud of making it into the Cutler Scholars program. It’s such an exclusive group, one that I never thought I had a shot of making it into, but I’m going to work to show that I earned it. The most obvious benefit is the scholarship, but really, being able to create a community from day one and working together throughout our years is simply priceless.

How are you spending your summer?

I’ll be spending the summer working out with my friends, visiting New York, and daydreaming about OHIO.

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?

The highlight of my experience was being able to see more of Athens County, taking in the sights and finding out more about what to do in the area. Getting all that is definitely going to help in making me feel more at home during these four years.

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you?

I was very surprised by the involvement of advisors and professors; a part of me was pessimistic that some faculty were there only to do their job, and not necessarily make meaningful connections with students. However, the involvement of faculty and staff to create a welcoming community has me excited.

What are you most looking forward to this fall?

I’m looking forward to exploring the entire campus; there’s only so much you can see on a visit, so having the freedom to seek out whatever, wherever, has got to be a very exciting experience.

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home?

I’ll be bringing along my vinyl collection. I got crates full of records to spin and display, and it’s only going to get bigger from here on out.

What’s on your college bucket list?

I definitely have to check out all the shops uptown, try all sorts of food and drink, make a lot of friends, and catch a few sports games.

Tom Martino 

Tom Martino

Tom Martino is coming to Athens from his hometown of Bel Air, Maryland, intending to major in biological sciences in the Honors Tutorial College.
Why did you choose OHIO?

I have friends and family who attended Ohio University. Each of them shared many stories with me about how amazing their time was at OHIO. Also, the Honors Tutorial College community provided me with a great introduction to OHIO by being very warm, helpful, and positive as I pursued attending OHIO. 

What accomplishments are you are most proud of from the past year? 

Receiving my admission into OHIO's Honors Tutorial College , volunteering at my local hospital in the oncology department, and completing my capstone project.  

How are you spending your summer?

I spent a week with my senior class at Ocean City, MD, and a week with my family fishing in the Finger Lakes in upstate New York. I am also volunteering this summer for the township I live in.   

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?  

Meeting my new roommate, outdoor activities, mealtime, and the escape room.

 What did you discover during BSO that surprised you? 

All the people that we met were extremely nice and friendly. The process was surprisingly entertaining and more relaxed than expected.

What are you most looking forward to this fall? 

Making new friends and being independent. 

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home? 

Game console, office chair, bedding, lacrosse sticks, rug & other décor.

What’s on your college bucket list? 

Participate in clubs, meet people, learn to be Independent, work toward my career path, enjoy the college experience.

Miranda Schock 

Miranda Schock

Miranda Schock, from Dayton, Ohio, plans to enter the College of Health Sciences and Professions this fall as a pre-social work major.  

Why did you choose OHIO?  

All the people I met here were really nice, and I love all of the nature in the area.

What accomplishments are you most proud of from the past year? 

I’m proud of being a part of a musical and graduating from high school this year.

How are you spending your summer? 

I am working as a camp counselor and running a lot. 

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?  

I enjoyed meeting other people with a similar major and painting during the late-night activities. 

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you? 

I discovered that there were lots of groundhogs on campus after I saw 2 different ones on the same walk. 

What are you most looking forward to this fall?  

I’m looking forward to seeing how I can grow in a new environment and to exploring new things.

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home? 

My comfort books.

What’s on your college bucket list? 

Joining a club on campus.

Celeste Sloma 

Celeste Sloma

Celeste Sloma, from Columbus, Ohio, plans to enter the College of Business this fall as a sports management major.

Why did you choose OHIO?  

I chose Ohio because I love the campus and it offered a great program for the major I wish to pursue. I also chose Ohio because I am going to be playing on the soccer team and they really seem like a family, and it feels like a home away from home.

What accomplishments are you most proud of from the past year? 

The accomplishments I am most proud of are having the chance to play division one soccer, finishing high school with a cumulative GPA over 4.0 GPA, and getting all-state honors for high school soccer.

How are you spending your summer? 

Training and getting ready for soccer, spending time with family before I move in (at OHIO), and enjoying the summer weather.

What were some highlights from your Bobcat Student Orientation experience?  

I really enjoyed learning about the business school and what classes we must take. Also, I had so much fun at the late-night event and had such a blast getting to hang out with new friends!

What did you discover during BSO that surprised you? 

What surprised me was the diverse selection of courses we got to choose from. When I was browsing classes and saw they offered a scuba diving class it really surprised me and intrigued me about all that OHIO has to offer.

What are you most looking forward to this fall?  

I am most looking forward to soccer season and getting to know my team. I am also super excited to get into a productive routine and see what my courses have to offer.

What are you bringing to transform your residence hall room into your new home? 

I plan to bring pictures of my family, loads of pillows, cute greenery, and cozy blankets.