Placement Testing

Some of the most common questions new students have are about placement tests. At Ohio University there are a few placement requirements of which you should be made aware. All placement tests must be complete before attending BSO. Placements are not exemptions. Each placement test is designed to identify the course in which a student should begin. A placement does not exempt a student from a required course.

Below you will find a list of which majors need to take which placement tests. There are tests for Chemistry (opens in a new window), Language (opens in a new window), Computer Science (opens in a new window), and Music Theory (opens in a new window)

Honors Tutorial College

Honors Tutorial College tutorial degree students can find their placement test information on the HTC website. However, students in the OHIO Honors Program should follow the guidelines below and not those on the HTC website.


Placement in math is based on your ACT/SAT scores and/or high school GPA. Your assigned placement level is based on data about how Ohio University students succeed in our math courses. Your advisor will help you select an appropriate course during your BSO program based on this placement level. More information about the placement levels and frequently asked questions can be found at the link below.

Math Placement (opens in a new window)


Students at Ohio University have many opportunities to study languages and placement options exist for those languages. Students who would like to begin with a new language do not need to take a placement test but should register for the beginning course (E.g.: 1110) during their orientation program. 

Students who have prior experience or speaking ability must take a Language Placement Exam prior to registering for language courses.

Language Placement (opens in a new window)

By Program/Major

This list assumes you are not transferring credit to Ohio University for a course in that subject area. If you are transferring in credit, or if you have any questions, please check with an academic advisor about placement. Majors are identified as follows:

  • Required - Students must take the test before BSO.
  • Encouraged - Your advisors strongly encourage you to take this placement before BSO.
  • Optional - If you are planning to take a course in this subject area, then you may want to take the placement test before participating in BSO.
  • Not on the List - You do not need to take this placement test.