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State of the Region Conference Travel

Conference Lodging

Ohio University Inn

Ohio University Inn and Conference Center

331 Richland Ave, Athens, Ohio 45701

For detailed information about the Inn, please visit their website:

Ohio University Inn 


Contact the Inn at (740) 593–6661 and make sure to ask for “State of the Region" to get the group discount of $124.00 per room, per night + taxes, or reserve online using the group code 6341532

Book your stay



Conference Parking

The designated parking location for all State of the Region guests will be lot #132 at the intersection of Richland Ave. and South Green Dr., adjacent to Ohio University’s Peden Stadium. ADA approved parking spaces are available in lot #122.

When entering campus from the round-about on Richland Ave., turn right at the first light onto South Green Dr. and then enter lot #132 on your right. Baker University Center is a short walk from the parking lot. You will turn right out of the parking lot, then make a left on Oxbow Trail. Directional signage will be along the path. 

Campus Parking Map



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