Memberships Thawed and Operational Changes Begin July 1

June 15, 2021

All WellWorks memberships that have remained frozen throughout our operational adjustments due to COVID will be reactivated on July 1, 2021. All individuals with an active Facility Membership are invited back to the WellWorks facility in person and will be given full access to all WellWorks’ virtual content until December 31, 2021.  



  • ALL accounts will be reactivated at this time. We cannot accommodate requests for memberships to remain frozen.
  • Appointments will no longer be necessary for a workout time - just arrive at our Grover Center facility and check in. 
  • The WellWorks locker rooms, showers and restrooms reopened on June 14 and are available for use by anyone with an active Facility Membership.
  • Payments at the Front Desk will resume on July 1.
    • Direct Debit membership payments can resume on July 1.
    • Those individuals who were on Direct Debit payments can complete a form at WellWorks to have their Direct Debit resume.
  • Massage will resume in July. Sessions can be purchased online. Upon receipt of payment, you will receive the link to book your appointment online.  
    • Those who had session(​s) on their account as of March 2020 will have them reinstated. You will have one year to use these sessions.
  • In-Person Personal Training will resume in July (virtual training will continue to be offered).
    • Purchase your packages online so you don't forget, or so you don't have to bring in your payment.
    • Those who had session(​s) on their account as of March 2020 will have them reinstated. You will have one year to use these sessions. 
  • In-Person Nutrition Counseling will resume in July, though we will also continue to offer this as a virtual service for anyone who prefers that method. Sessions can be purchased online. Upon receipt of payment, you will receive the link to book your appointment online.
  • Group Fitness classes will continue to be offered as a virtual service. Those individuals with a Facility Membership can also opt to participate in in-person, outdoor classes beginning July 6. Registration is required for these classes. 
    • When we resume in-person classes at our Grover Center facility, members will need to REGISTER on the Member Portal to be able to attend a class.
  • Beginning July 1, only those individuals who are unvaccinated will be required to wear a mask.
  • The 100 Day Challenge will resume for Fiscal Year 22, under the same parameters as previous years, but with the addition of off-site and virtual check-in options.
  • Hours of Operation for July  (subject to change):
    • Monday through Friday: 6am-9:15am, 11am-2pm, 4pm-7:15pm
    • Saturday: 9am-1:30pm
    • Sunday: 1pm-5:30pm
  • The issuance of parking passes will resume in mid-August. Members who are not eligible for University employee parking passes should park in the WellWorks designated spaces in the Walter Hall parking lot (NOT handicapped/metered spaces). Faculty and Staff 2019-2020 parking passes will be honored in their assigned lots.


Additional Details:

  • Only the SOUTH ENTRANCE (near Walter Hall) to the Grover Center will be open. Other entrances will be locked. 
  • Signage in our facility encourages members to exit the building on the north side of Grover Center. Member can then walk around Bird Arena to return to Walter Parking Lot– great for ensuring proper cool down after your workout! 
  • For a quick walk-through of what to expect when in our space, check out our Virtual Tour.  (opens in a new window)  
  • WellWorks will continue to comply with institutional safety requirements and, therefore, masks are required while utilizing our indoor services.

100 Day Challenge to Begin July 1, 2021: 

Ohio University Human Resources will again partner with WellWorks to offer benefits-eligible employees and their spouses/partners this wellbeing benefit beginning July  1.  

What you need to know about the 100 Day Challenge: 

  • Eligible members who check in at WellWorks 100 Days in Fiscal Year 2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) will receive a free* one-year membership. 
  • Not yet a member? Facility Memberships can be purchased online through the WellWorks Member Portal
    • Employees can use their OHIO Single Sign On to log in and select “Ohio University Employee.”
  • WellWorks continues to adjust their operational offerings to accommodate members’ use of the facility while also following University safety requirements. Beginning July 1, masks are only required for unvaccinated members and appointments for facility use will no longer be required. Additionally, outdoor classes will begin on  July 6. 

New in FY22!

In an effort to support members/employees on all campuses and with varying levels of comfort about returning to indoor exercise, the following new features will be available this fiscal year: 

  • WellWorks is working to establish off-site check-in locations for those who choose to exercise outdoors on the Athens campus. Details TBA.
  • Through Calendar Year 2021, those with an active Facility Membership will have unlimited access to WellWorks virtual content through the Member Portal (includes live and on demand wellness classes, recipes, tutorials, trainings and more!)

*Paid for by Human Resources. A taxable benefit.

Additional details about the 100 Day Challenge can be found online or by emailing

Employees who do not wish to participate in the 100 Day Challenge are invited to explore the WellWorks Virtual Membership option, instead. Ohio University employees will continue to receive the 30% discount on this wellbeing offering through calendar year 2021.