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Thomas Rosol, DVM, PhD, MBA

Rosol, Thomas 11-21
Professor in Biomedical Sciences
Irvine Hall
Biomedical Sciences
Ohio Musculoskeletal and Neurological Institute


  • MBA, Ohio State University 
  • PhD, Experimental Pathology, Ohio State University 
  • DVM, University of Illinois 



  • ACVP, Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists 
  • FIATP, Fellow, International Society of Toxicologic Pathologists 


  • Endocrine and Bone Pathology 
  • Toxicologic Pathology 
  • Animal Models of Cancer 
  • Bone Metastasis 
  • Drug Discovery and Safety 
  • Drug Development and Preclinical Toxicity 
  • Safety and Risk of Environmental Chemicals  
  • Food Safety; GRAS (generally recognized as safe) evaluation 
  • Technology Commercialization 
  • Calcium regulation 
  • Prostate Cancer  
  • Breast Cancer 
  • Myeloma 
  • Paraneoplastic Syndromes 
  • Research Regulations 

Summary of Work: 

Rosol has served as dean and vice president for research at Ohio State University and on advisory boards to the NIH, USDA, National Academies, EPA, and FDA. Rosol serves as a consultant in preclinical safety and toxicology. 


View My LinkedIn: Linked In (CV Available) 

View My Work in ResearchGate: ResearchGate (download papers) 

View My Work in Google Scholar: Google Scholar (citations) 

View My Work in Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID): ORCID ID (profile) 

View My Work in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI): NCBI (publications)