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Statement on Hate-Motivated Crimes

Ohio University defines hate-motivated offenses as conduct (harassment or physical acts) directed at an individual(s) on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability with intention to intimidate or injure an individual(s), physically, mentally, or emotionally.  Hate-motivated offenses compromise the integrity of the Ohio University community and may constitute violations of the Ohio University Student Code of Conduct.

Students found responsible for such violations are subject to a range of disciplinary sanctions including disciplinary expulsion from Ohio University.  The Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility may impose harsher sanctions when behavior is proven to be motivated by hate.  As in all cases of misconduct, including hate-motivated offenses, both the accused student and the complainant have rights that are observed throughout the university student conduct process. These rights are contained in their entirety in the Ohio University Student Code of Conduct.

Ohio University seeks to foster a safe environment conducive to learning and the free exchange of ideas.  As such, Ohio University does not limit constitutionally protected speech. Ohio University, however, is steadfast in its intolerance for hateful behavior that is directed at an individual(s) with the motivation of causing harm.  This position is a constitutionally permitted exercise of the university's authority to educate and discipline its students.

Members of the Ohio University community affected by hate-motivated offenses are strongly encouraged to report the incident.  Such offenses can be reported to a variety of offices on campus including: The Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility, Housing and Residence Life, Ohio University Police, Athens, Ohio Police, Counseling and Psychological Services, Campus Involvement Center, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Office, Multicultural Programs Office, the Dean of Students Office, Equity and Civil Rights Compliance, and International Student and Scholar Services.  Reporting hate-motivated offenses does not in itself constitute a formal complaint nor compel one to file a formal complaint of misconduct.