Chessa Field-Soccer Facility
Current Use
Chessa Field is located in the Athletic Mall, coordinates B-3 on the campus map, West of Shafer Street. It is marked as #131 on the map.
Chessa Field is the playing field for Ohio University Women's Soccer games. Some of the field events for Track and Field competitions are conducted on land adjacent to Chessa Field.
The field was previously used as a practice field for Field Hockey, Lacrosse, and Soccer.
Renovations to the field, including increasing the size of the playing surface to the NCAA maximum, were completed in 2002. Funding for the work was provided by a gift from Scott Blower and his wife, Crista Beegle Blower. The field is named in honor of the Blowers' then 8-year-old daughter, Chessa Blower. For more information, see the "It was a field day" box on the right side of
121 S. Shafer St., Athens, OH 45701 (Directions (opens in a new window))
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